InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I belong to you ❯ You have lost her ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Ch 3

You have lost her
The next morning Kagome awoke from her sleep and she looked around the room.

“Where am I?” Kagome said as she sat up in bed. She looked around the room. To see black curtains over the windows, she looked at the bed she was laying in which had black satin sheet with purple and black pillows.. She looked to see that she still wore her uniform.

At that moment, Cho walked into the room.

Kagome looked up. “W-who are you?” Kagome asked as she scooted away from her.

“Please, calm down, my Lord has asked me to watch you until you awoke.” Cho said to her.

“Who is your Lord?” Kagome asked her as she looked around the room.

Cho didn’t answer her but instead went and got Naraku, while she did that, Kagome wondered where Inuyasha was. After a few minutes Cho came back into the bedroom with Naraku.

Cho moved aside so that Kagome could see Naraku. When Kagome saw him, she remembered the deal that she had made with him.
“Cho, you may leave us.” Naraku told her.
Cho bowed her head and left her master and Kagome alone.
Naraku locked the door behind him and smirked as he looked at Kagome.

“What are you going to do to me?” She asked him as he approached her.
“Now, now Kagome I promise not to harm you as long as you answer my questions.” He told her.
“What do you want to know?” she asked as he walked over to her and sat down in the chair beside her bed.
“First, I want you to tell me how old you are?” He asked her in that deep silky voice of his.

“I’m 17 going on 18.” She said as she pulled the covers up over her body.
Naraku took in what she said. She was at the right age to have children, his offsprings.

“Hmm, I know that you’re not from around here, you travel back and forth through that old well in Inuyasha’s forest, where do you go?” he asked her
Kagome looked at him, but didn’t answer him, if she told him, would he somehow get through the well and hurt her family, and the people that lived there?
“Answer me little one.” He said to her.

“Please, don’t make me tell you.” She cried.

Naraku looked at her.
She had tears in her eyes he took his claws and caught her tears.

“Very well, you will tell me later, no?, since you will be staying here for the rest of your life.” He told her. At the news, Kagome’s eyes widened.

“F-Forever.” she squeaked out.

“Yes, or did you forget about the deal you made?” he asked her.

Naraku got up from the chair and looked around the room, “Is this room to your liking?” he asked her.
Kagome didn’t answer him at first; she remembered that she told him she would come with him if he left her friends alone.

“Kagome.” He called her name getting her attention.
“She looked up at him. “The room is beautiful.” She simply said.

“Good, I will send Cho back in here to take you to the hot springs to get that mutt’s smell off of you.” Naraku told her and left the room.

Kagome sighed, so far, Naraku hadn’t tried to take the jewel shard that was around her neck.

As promised, Cho came back into the room and took Kagome to Naraku’s private hot springs. Cho left Kagome to bathe.

“Ah, this feels so good. I can’t believe how relaxing this is.” Kagome said aloud not noticing a pair of red eyes watching her.

Naraku was in his room knowing that Kagura was watching Kagome.

Kagome finished with her bath, she looked around for her school uniform but it was gone. In its place was a black kimono with a spider on the back of it, seeing it was the only one there for her to wear, Kagome put it on. Just as she did, Kagura made her appearance known.

“Well, it seems that Inuyasha’s little shard detector has found someone else to play with.” Kagura said with a half smile.

The wind demoness walked over to Kagome, her red eyes were very much like her creators except her eyes were bigger, her ink black hair was tied in the fashion it always was, and she wore her red and white kimono.

“Kagura.” Kagome said with hate.

“Glad to see you remember me, you’re looking more like yourself than the last time I saw you.” She said to Kagome.

Kagome remembered some of what had happened to her when Kagura had kidnapped her. How she was under a trance. Kagura smirked; she could smell Kagome’s fear.

“Is that fear that I smell on you?” Kagura said as Kagome backed away wanting get as far from her as she could.

“What’s the matter, no Inuyasha around to-?” Kagura never finished her question; she looked and saw Naraku standing behind Kagome.
Kagome turned to see Naraku looking at Kagura.

“Kagura, do I need to punish you?” Naraku asked her.

“No master, I’m sorry, I was just having a chat with the young Miko.” She said quickly, knowing Naraku would most likely punish her anyway.

He looked down at Kagome, she had tears in her eyes, the scent of fear and sorrow was mixed with her lavender scent.

He growled low in his throat, if anyone was going to frighten her, it would be him.

“Kagura, leave, I will deal with you later.” Naraku told her. Kagura quickly left.

“Are you hurt?” Naraku asked Kagome.

Kagome wiped her tears away.

This was not the Miko he remembered; she wasn’t her usual fiery, cheerful self.

Naraku went to go back into the castle when she spoke.

“Thank you for the kimono.” She said to him.

Naraku nodded his head and went back into the castle; he would let her stay outside a while longer, it was still morning.

Once back inside the castle Naraku went into the kitchen to see Cho and Keiko laughing together as they prepared breakfast.

He looked at the two who had failed to notice he was in the room, if he had wanted to he could have killed them, he mostly had female servants with the exception of Kohaku.

Keiko turned around to see her Lord looking at her.

Naraku-sama breakfast is almost ready, will the young girl be eating?" she asked him

"I will consider this." Was his answer as he walked away
"That means yes in Naraku." Cho laughed.
Kagome came inside the castle, not really knowing where she was going, she wondered if Inuyasha had come back yet, and if Sango and Miroku had even noticed that she was gone, and poor Shippo, he was still so young, she knew they would look after him, but not like she would. Kagome turned a corner and smelled the aroma of delicious food.
She walked into the kitchen to see two women putting the food onto plates. She recognized Cho, but not the other girl. Cho looked up from what she was doing to see Kagome. "Hi, are you hungry?" Cho asked her.

Kagome nodded her head as her stomach chose that moment to growl.
Cho laughed and led Kagome into the main dinning hall.

The room was large, that was to be expected. The walls were painted a blood red; in the middle of the room was a long coal black table with chairs on both sides of it.
Kagome looked around the room; there were paintings on the walls, of different warriors, probably from the previous owner. There was no sign of Naraku anywhere for the moment, Kagome was glad, she didn’t know what she was going to say to him the next time that she saw him.

“Sit anywhere you like, breakfast will begin in a few minutes.” Cho told Kagome and left her.

Kagome pulled out a chair and sat down.

Naraku came out not to long after she was seated. He was dressed in a dark blue kimono with specks of gold in it. Kagome sensed him in the room, she watched as he sat down across from her. She looked at him, he was handsome, more than Inuyasha, she had never really noticed before. Every time she had seen him, they were always fighting him.

Cho brought out the food. She bought out a bowl of rice and a plate of roasted fish, along with a fresh hot pot of tea. Naraku dismissed Cho.

“Eat, his voice was low but you could hear the command in his voice. “Can’t have you starving now, can I?”

Kagome looked at him. “Am I to serve you?” Kagome asked him.

Not in the way you’re thinking. He thought to himself.

“I don’t eat human food.” He told her.

“Eat Kagome, I wish to show you around your new home. He said with a slight smile as he poured himself some tea.
Kagome picked up her chopsticks and ate some of the rice and fish; there was plenty of fish and rice. Kagome wasn’t use to complete silence when she was eating. She was use to a lot of talking and eating without closing the mouth, courtesy of Inuyasha.

The silence was killing her. She looked at Naraku out the corner of her eye.

“Naraku, what do you have planned for me?” she asked him. Naraku placed his empty cup down on the table.

“You will find out in time.” Naraku told her as he met her gaze.
After Kagome ate her rice, Naraku showed her around the castle.

“You can go anywhere you wish, but the door that has a lock on it.” Naraku told her.
“What about Kagura?” Kagome asked him.

“You mean will she bother you? No, not after I punish her, this is your home now and she will respect you.” Naraku said as his hand went to the middle of her back. Kagome could feel his claws making circles on her back, which sent waves of pleasure all through her body.

Naraku could smell her scent heighten just by his touch. Kagome had to calm herself, Naraku was turning her on just by touching her.

“Na-Naraku I...I need to go.” She said hoping he was listening to her.

“Hmm.” He said as he sniffed her hair, it smelled like wildflower with a hint of jasmine.

“Where are you off to?” he asked her as he stepped away from her.

She didn’t answer at first, she didn’t know herself. Naraku spoke first.
“I have some things to attend to, so you’re on your own.” He told her and walked away.

Kagome let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding, she quickly went back to her room. Kagome sat on her new bed. She took the time to take in what was now her bedroom. Naraku had truly gone all out for her.

Even her room back home didn’t have satin sheets; she meant to ask Naraku what he had done with her uniform. Kagome was bored in all honesty, she missed the brief company of Naraku and there was no way she was going to talk to Kagura.

Naraku went out to his private hot springs, as he bathed, his mind kept going back to the young delectable little Miko that was inside his castle. Naraku’s body burned for her more than any other woman he had ever come across, human or demon. No longer having Onigumo’s human heart, he was now free to do and feel as he pleased.

He knew he wanted Kagome for himself when she was in Mt. Hakurei, her defiant nature; she would never back down, always willing to put herself on the line to help her fellow comrades.

The more Naraku thought about it, the more he wanted her, he would have to ask her later on what she remembered from her time alone with Kagura.

Kagome walked out of her room, still in her black kimono, she walked outside the castle. She walked down the halls of the castle. She decided to go outside to the gardens.
Naraku had just finished washing his long midnight black hair when he heard someone coming. He caught the scent of the delicious miko. Kagome came into view to see Naraku’s naked form, Kagome sucked in a breath.

He had the body of a god, his six pack abs, muscled legs, and his half wet hair cascading down his back.
“Oh Kami.” She whispered.
Naraku smiled, he could tell by her scent she was please with what she saw. He stepped out the hot spring; Kagome turned her head around as Naraku put on his black and purple kimono. Kagome was blushing; she turned 3 shades of red.

Kagome went to go back inside when Naraku called her.
“Kagome, did you like what you saw?” He asked her as he walked over to her.
She wouldn’t look at him. “I-I wasn’t looking at you.” she sputtered. Naraku chuckled.
He walked around to her and lifted her chin. “One as beautiful as you shouldn’t lie.” Naraku whispered in her ear causing Kagome’s skin to tingle at the sound of his voice.

“Tell me, what has made you seek me out? Not to long ago, you wanted to be by yourself.” he said to her as he let her chin go.
“I wanted to know what happened to my clothes, that’s why I came in here.” she told him.

“That, he said as he began to walk away from her and bent down to picked a black rose from his rose bush. “I had it burned. You will not be wearing such indecent clothes in my castle.” he told her.
“If you find my clothes so indecent, why do you want me then?!” she yelled at him.
Naraku smiled at her. “I see your temper has returned.” He said as he raised an eyebrow at her.

Naraku walked over to her with a black rose in his hand, Kagome flinched when he raised his hand.
“My beauty, I would never raise a hand to hurt you.” Naraku told her as he placed the black rose in her hair he kissed her on her cheek and walked away from her. Kagome blushed from his kiss.
“Naraku!” Kagome called as she ran after him, Naraku slowed down long enough for her to catch up to him.
“What is it Kagome?” Naraku asked her.
“I was wondering, will you take me somewhere outside the castle walls?”
“And where would you like to go?” he asked her without looking at her.

“I would like to go and get some fresh herbs and pick some flowers.” she told him.
“There are plenty of flowers here.” Naraku told her as he turned to look at her.
“I know I just don’t want to be in the castle all the time.” she said to him.
He looked at her, he had yet to taste those luscious lips, and he wasn’t listening to what she was saying anymore.
Naraku grabbed her and he kissed her. Kagome opened her mouth to protest.
Naraku took the moment to slide his tongue into her sweet mouth. Kagome at first tried to push against his hard chest but she melted into the kiss placing her hands in his black wavy hair, her hands moved to his kimono gripping onto the sleeves.
Naraku broke the kiss; Kagome was panting and trying to catching her breath.

Naraku was her first kiss, she was a little stunned, she looked up at him, he had a smirk on his face, and there was amusement in his eyes.

“Was that your first kiss?” he asked her.

“Yes.” she said as she began to blush. Naraku walked away from her. Kagome saw him walking back towards the castle. Kagome ran up to him and put her arm through his.
Naraku didn’t say a word but he was a bit surprised to see her warming up to him.
“Kagome, I want you to change your kimono.” Naraku said to her as they walked inside the castle.

“Why?” she asked him.

“I am going to take you out to one of the nearby villages, you said that you wanted to go and get some herbs.” he said to her.

She smiled at him.
“Okay, I’ll change into the blue one.” she told him and went to her room to change.

She took the black one off and changed into the blu one. The blue one had yellow stars on the front of it and on the back was a web, she put her hair up. She laid the black kimono down on her bed and left her bedroom.
Kagome walked outside and looked up at the sky, the sun was shining bright, and Naraku came out and stood beside her.
“Before we go, let’s set some rules.” he said to her.
Kagome turned her head to look at him. “Rules?” she repeated.
“Yes, no running away to go find your friends. If you do this, it will be the last time I do anything that you ask me.” Naraku warned her.
“I promise Naraku, I won’t run away.” Kagome told him.
Naraku picked Kagome up and she buried her face in the crook of his neck as his miasma cloud formed around them.

When they reached the outskirts of the nearby village, Naraku landed and his miasma cloud disappeared. With the cloud gone, he set Kagome down. Much to his surprise he felt a loss with her out of his arms, this feeling was new to him and he didn't want to know what it was or where it was coming from, he turned his head away from Kagome.
Kagome smiled at him and started to walk away from him. Naraku reached out and grabbed her arm in a tight grip. "Don't wander off." Kagome nodded her head. Once they entered the village Kagome was in shock, the village was filled with demons of every kind. "I never knew there was a place like this." she tried to keep the shock out of her voice.
Naraku looked down at the top of her head "Of course you didn't, you are only a human." he said in his icy voice.
After looking around and getting everything she needed, Naraku decided it was time to head back to the castle.

Kagome spotted some small children, small demon children to be more precise playing, it reminded her of Shippo.
Naraku walked over to her, he watched her. Kagome felt Naraku behind her.

“How did you find a village like this?” she asked him.
“I’ve known about it for some time, all demons know about it, they just don’t talk about it.” he told her.
“It’s time to go.” he said.

Kagome nodded her head and walk away with him, Naraku picked her up in his arms as the miasma cloud formed around them, he watched as she looked around as they traveled back to his castle. Her thoughts drifted back to her family, she wondered if Naraku would let her go and visit them. She missed them very much.

When they returned to the castle, Kagome left Naraku and went into the castle. She took the herbs and some flowers that she had found and took them to her room. After she put the flowers in a vase that she had found, she walked out her room to see Kohaku go into a room.

What would Sango think of me if she knew that I saw Kohaku and didn’t do anything to get him away from Naraku? She thought.

“I advise you to not go against Naraku miko; he kills those who betray him.” Kagura said to her.
Kagome turned to her. “Really, than why are you still alive?” Kagome asked her.

“Hmm, Naraku needs me, you on the other hand, he will kill after you complete the jewel for him.” she told Kagome.

Kagome didn’t know if Kagura was telling the truth or not, but Naraku hadn’t said anything to her about the sacred jewel.
Kagome wouldn’t look at her; she instead left Kagura and walked into the kitchen. When she got there, she didn’t see anyone, so she sat down at the table. Kagura was probably right, but Kagome didn’t want to think that, she just wanted some one to want her for her, not just as a jewel detector.

If that was all Naraku wanted her for, than she would find a way out the castle, go home to her era. She would forget about the jewel and everything else connected to it.

She got up from her chair and left the kitchen. She saw Kohaku leave the room he was in and leave the castle, she watched as the barrier came down for him so he could leave and then watched as it went back up.

Naraku held the almost completed sacred jewel in his hand; he would have to convince Kagome to help him get the last of the shards.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

“Inuyasha, you’re finally back.” Shippo said to him.

“Yeah.” he said sadly.

“What’s the matter Inuyasha?” Shippo asked as he hopped onto his shoulder.
“I didn’t find Kikyo.” He told him.
Shippo didn’t say anything, “Where are Kagome, Sango and Miroku?” Inuyasha asked him.

“Sango and Miroku said they’ll be back, Kagome is still at the hot springs.” Shippo told him.
Sango and Miroku came back surprised to see Inuyasha. “Inuyasha, your back.” Sango said.

“Yeah, I’m going to get Kagome so we can go and find Naraku.” he told them.

“Inuyasha, about Kagome, she was hurt that you had left to go after Kikyo, and she went to the hot springs, I went to go and check on her, but she wasn’t there.” Sango told him.

“What do you mean she wasn’t there, where is she?” he asked her.

“I mean she’s gone.” Sango told him.
“Do you think that she left with Koga?” Shippo asked.

“No, she wouldn’t leave me for that wolf.” Inuyasha growled.

“I think I know what happened.” Miroku said.
“Well spit it out!” Inuyasha yelled.

“Do you remember what that offspring of Naraku’s told you?” Inuyasha liked at Miroku.

“Oh no!” Inuyasha said and took off running to the hot springs.
“Kagome! Where are you?! Damn, he took her.” Inuyasha said as he hit the rocks with his fists.
Miroku and Sango finally caught up to Inuyasha with Shippo on Kilala.
“He took her.” Inuyasha said without turning around to his friends.
“What are we going to do?” Shippo asked.
“We know that if Naraku has her, he won’t kill her.” Miroku said.
“No, not yet anyway.” Inuyasha said.
“Naraku is a bastard; he will kill her as soon as he gets what he wants.” Inuyasha told them.
“Then what do we do?” Sango asked.
“What do you think, we start looking for her.” Inuyasha said.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Kanna walked into Naraku’s room with her mirror.
“What is it Kanna?” he asked.
Kanna held up her mirror and showed him Inuyasha and his friends.

“I see, so he’s finally back, maybe I should go and pay him a visit.” Naraku said as he stood up.

“Where is Kagome?” he asked Kanna.
“She is in her room.” she said.

“Good, keep her busy.” He ordered her.
Kanna bowed her head and left her master’s room. He decided that he would indeed pay Inuyasha and his friends a visit. Naraku left his castle; he placed a barrier around it as he left.

Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku, Shippo and Kilala began the search for Kagome.
Naraku sat on a tree branch and waited for Inuyasha and the rest of the group to find him. While he waited, he thought about the young Miko that was in his castle.

He had already kissed her, he now thought about what his next move would be. It seemed that Kagome had enjoyed his kiss. Things were certainly starting to get interesting.