InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I Need You ❯ Time Can Never Change True Love ( Chapter 25 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha, its characters or any quotes I may use.
I also don't own the song “Everyheart”

Outside the Western Lord's castle two women stood on a hilltop.
Adena looked up at her elder, “Are you sure?”
Kora nodded; her face serious. “If Jyrana returns….then we can never send him to hell again.”
Adena felt her heart speed up, “How do we stop that?” she asked softly.
“We can't”
Kora pointed to the castle, “Only he can.”

Sesshomaru paced restlessly around his castle. It'd been weeks since Rin and the others had returned to their world.
He missed Rin terribly.
He stopped and looked at her garden, still dead from lack of care.
Sesshomaru leaned his head against the glass and thought back on their last words.
“Why do you push me away?”
Sesshomaru growled, “I need no one.”
“But I need you.”
“Not any more. You have a family.”
It's not the same! What are you afraid of?”
“I fear nothing!” Sesshomaru snapped.
Rin's eyes filled with tears, “Please let me stay.”
Sesshomaru growled loudly and slammed his fist into the wall.
“No! I need no one! I fear nothing!”
He spun around and his eyes caught sight of something silver on the floor. Bending down he realized it was Rin's charm bracelet. The one she told she cherished above anything else; and the one she gave to him.
“Don't forget me”
Holding it in his hand Sesshomaru breathed deeply and closed his eyes.
“Would it really be so bad to have her here?”
Sesshomaru's eyes flew open and he spun around growling, “Damn it Adena! Don't sneak up on me like that.”
Adena, for once, was not smiling, “Why did you send her away?”
Sesshomaru snarled and walked over to his desk, “I do not have to explain my actions to you!”
Adena appeared in front of his desk and slammed her hands down, “Damn it Sesshomaru! Why do you have to be so stupidly stubborn?”
Sesshomaru blinked. He's never heard of a Whisperer losing her tempter before.
“What's done it done. I will not go back and change it.”
“You do not understand what is at stake here!”
“Why's it so important to you anyways?” he sneered.
Adena breathed deeply, “Don't you try to change this around Dog Demon. Answer my question, why did you send her away?”
Sesshomaru's face sent cold, “She's not safe here.”
“How? Jyrana's destroyed; the Dark Cloud is no longer a threat. What is there here that you can't protect her from?”
Sesshomaru glared before looking down and reading the scroll in front of him.
Adena smirked, “You. You're the one thing she can't be protected from.”
Sesshomaru didn't look up, “You're the all knowing one, why are you asking me?”
“So you can figure it out!” Adena snapped “And stop being such a blockhead.”
Sesshomaru glanced up, “I have nothing to `figure out'. I sent her away, it's done. Do not bring it up again.”
He picked up a pen and started to write.
Adena sighed and sat down in a chair, “You love her.”
Sesshomaru's pen snapped in half and Adena snickered.
Sesshomaru just shook his head and picked up another pen, “Leave Whisperer, I do not want to hear any more of your foolish rants.”
He's voice was cold but Adena could sense it was not so hard. Her work was done.
She stood “Fine. I'll leave. But I have one thing to say first.”
She walked around and stood right next to Sesshomaru, “Look at me.”
“Will you go away?”
“Yes, if you look at me and listen for a minutes.”
Reluctantly Sesshomaru lifted his head; his golden eyes meeting her icy blue ones.
“You, Son of the Great Dog Demon InuTaisho, are a great demon yourself. You have always wished to be the most powerful and most feared demon of all time. Greater then you father could ever be. But you will never achieve your goal in the way you had set out. You may be very powerful and feared, but it will never be enough.”
She paused and Sesshomaru frowned, “And why is that?”
“If one has nothing to lose, he is reckless and does not think clearly. If one has something, or someone to love. He become the greatest force the three worlds have ever seen.”
Sesshomaru scoffed and turned back to his papers.
“You need her Sesshomaru.”
“I need no one.”
“How else do you think Jyrana was defeated?”
Jyrana held Rin close, “You're too late Sesshomaru, the girl is dead and there is nothing you can do about it! Even your sword will not be able to wake her again; for I have taken her soul!”
Sesshomaru felt his blood boil and his eyes turned red, “You will die!” he snarled and lunged at the demon. Jyrana just laughed and held up a hand; a barrier stopped Sesshomaru cold.
“Why are you so angry Sesshomaru?” Jyrana taunted, “Did this girl mean something to you?”
Sesshomaru lunged forward to grab Jyrana but instead caught Rin's arm.
She shivered.
Jyrana, now half way into the orb, looked down at Rin and frowned, “What? How did she move?”
He saw Sesshomaru's hold on her and frowned, “Still trying to save her Sesshomaru? You're too late. Just let her go!”
She was dying.
“Please Rin” Sesshomaru whispered, “I need you.”
His heart skipped a beat; then two beat together.
“It was your love for Rin that spared her life, and finally killed Jyrana.”
Adena stepped back and fade away, “Don't lose her again.”
Sesshomaru went back to his scrolls but couldn't concentrate. All he could see was Rin's face when the orb disappeared and left her alone.
“My lord!” Rin threw her arms around Sesshomaru.
Sesshomaru froze but then very slowly hugged her back.
Love makes you weak. Look what happened to your father” Sesshomaru's mind sneered.
He died, protecting someone he loved. Was he a fool or a great demon?” Sesshomaru questioned.
A fool. You are stronger alone.”
“No” Sesshomaru spoke aloud this time, “I'm not.”

Rin sighed deeply as she looked up at the blackboard. She was back in school again. Linda had helped her cram and now she was just about caught up with everyone else.
She sighed again.
Linda looked over when she heard Rin sigh.
She'd been back for a few weeks and Linda had yet to see her smile a genuine smile. She didn't seem happy anymore. She'd changed in other ways too. She was quieter than before, and now stood up for herself without hesitation. She also had this look in her eye; fearless yet in pain.
Linda frowned when she saw tears brimming in Rin's eyes. “What's going on with her?”
Rin closed her eyes and counted to 10. Whenever she thought back about everything that'd happened, she'd think about Sesshomaru and that brought tears to her eyes.
Why couldn't I stay with him? There's nothing in the Feudal Era that he can't protect me from, or is it because I'm grown up now and he doesn't think I need him anymore?”
Rin bit her lip but a tear still escaped and fell on her book.
Tell me now, how many tears do I shed?
Every Heart would become gentle once again
If everyone can express the things they feel inside.
Every heart can be fully satisfied to its content
Sesshomaru ran swiftly through the forest. He had to find her.
Here he was, calling his father the fool for dying for love. And yet he was the one that refused to live with love.
Using his demon speed he reached the well in no time. Pausing at the side he looked down, wondering how it worked.
Remembering InuYasha just jumped in; the demon lord did just that and landed at the bottom. Looking up he could see he was still in Feudal Japan.
“Damn” he muttered.
“You can't pass through without the Shikon Jewel or Kagome's miko powers” InuYasha said looking at his brother, “She won't be able to come back on her own.”
Sesshomaru nodded stiffly, “Good.”
“Damn!” Sesshomaru snarled.
Rin was gone. Gone for good and he'd never see her again.
Sesshomaru pounded his fist on the walls of the well. “No! You cannot take her! I won't let her go again!”
His heart skipped a beat..
I was frightened by the darkness in the never ending night. So I prayed to the distant million stars
Rin gasped and her head shot up. Linda looked at her curiously but Rin paid her no mind, “What was that? I felta strangelike my heart skipped a beat.”
Rin raised her hand, “May I go to the nurse?”
Her teacher nodded, “Do you need someone to go with you?”
“No” Rin stood, “I'm just not feeling well. I can make it.”
Everyone's eyes followed her as she walked to the front of the classroom and quickly left.
As she walked down the hallway Rin wondered on why she was feeling so strange.
It couldn't be because of Jyrana, he was dead.
She and Sesshomaru killed him.
With our love.”
Rin took a deep breath and closed her eyes.
She would never see Sesshomaru again and she tried to make herself just forget him. But she couldn't.
She loved him; and that thought brought tears to her eyes again.
In the endless time that keeps repeating itself we search for the love that raises our hearts up.
Just because we felt that we needed to be strong we look up at the hearts shining in the dark night sky
Sesshomaru looked up to the sky, “I let her leave once, to save her life. I can't do that again. She's not in danger now! Leave her with me!”
Smiling, we meet here walking hand and hand
Every heart has a way of stepping towards its dreams
Sorrow has no effect on what we feel and think
Every heart now has a chance to shine when it flies
Rin held her chest; her heart jumped again, “Whatwhat is happening to me?”
Rin stopped cold in the middle of the hallway, “Sesshomaru” she breathed.
Someday soon our souls will reach each other over the distance. We will finally show it is the time
Sesshomaru leaned his head against the wood, “Please…” he whispered, “I need her.”
In the endless time that keeps repeating itself
We search for the answers of why we're living here today
We go through the nighttime laughing side by side
Both of us are mourning, yet we find the strength to carry on
Rin turned and flew down the hallway at a dead run. Teachers poked their heads out at the loud noise but she didn't stop. She couldn't stop.
Memories of everything have settled
This is such a warm place to be
The stars separate us from the future
We have always been so brilliant
So shine.
Finally arriving at the shrine, Rin took two steps at a time and raced across the courtyard to the old well house. Kagome and Sango had just gotten home and saw her run by.
“Rin?” Kagome called, “What's wrong?”
Rin didn't answer.
Reaching the doors to the old building Rin ripped them open and stopped short.
There, at the top of the stairs, with a demeanor as cold as ever, stood the great dog demon Sesshomaru.
Rin's breath caught in her throat as she stared at him.
Who moved first didn't register in either of their minds. He reached out at the exact same time as she did, bringing her right to his chest. Holding each other close, no words were spoken but everything was said.
Slightly pulling back Sesshomaru looked down into Rin's eyes; his golden orbs mixing with her chocolate ones.
In the endless time that keeps repeating itself
We search for the love that raises our hearts up
Just because we felt that we needed to be strong
We look up at the hearts shining in the dark night sky
Looking at her face he wanted to kiss her; he needed to; and he did.

“Time can never change true love. What is meant to be; will always find a way to be.”