InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ If You Give InuYasha Ramen ❯ If Your Give InuYasha Ramen ( Chapter 1 )

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If you give Inuyasha ramen…
He'll want dog treats to go with it.
If you give him dog treats,
He'll want to be scratched.
When you scratch him, he'll want to go fight.
When he goes to fight, he'll want Tetsusaiga.
When you give him Tetsusaiga…he'll want some youkai.
When you find youkai, he'll want to kill then.
When he kills them, he'll want to fight some more…and more…and more…and more…and more.
Finally, he'll get hungry…so you give him dog treats.
But if you give him dog treats…he'll want some ramen too.