InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Jailbirds ❯ Day of Nightmares ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yeah, not only has life been shit lately, but I also lost my notes for this story and my other one, so I ended up starting a new one instead, but I found my notes again so it's ok now…
The library entrance was a thick metal door just like all the other doors in this place, that weren't cells.
When the doors opened, we were both knocked back by the pungent must of matured paper that had been left somewhere damp.
Coughing slightly I took in the slight of my new workplace.
Anything in the room that seemed to resemble furniture, mostly chairs and one or two tables, were covered in dust sheets, with a pile of books stacked on top of that again.
Books seemed to be stacked everywhere in fact, on the furniture, in the corners, random places on the floor, everywhere but in the bookshelves they where supposed to be in.
Sigh. What am I letting myself in for?
There where no curtains or blinds on the barred windows. I could see the dust we were kicking up from weaving through the books, floating in the early morning sunshine.
A throat was cleared in the general direction of the door; I was busy flipping through some old fiction books.
Standing there was the gov. and that girl Kagura.
Nazuna ordered Ayame to go with Kagura and fetch the cleaning supplies. After they'd left she came over to me, after stumbling over some books and nearly breaking her neck, she smiled and straightened her suit, and she spoke.
“Ah, good morning Kagome, I see you are well. How do you like it here?”
“Um, it's alright, I guess, it has that unnerving feel you get when entering a library for the first time, ya know?”
She smiled, Sango assured me that it was in fact fake, Sango had peeves about fake or patronising smiles, and she let out a not-so-amused heh.
“Your assistant as you may have guessed was that woman with me, Douyoku Kagura, she will work with you three times a week, until this place is completely organised, then depending on her behaviour she may be allowed to do the full seven days if she wishes.”
I tried not to gawk at her, Kagura didn't exactly come across as the friendliest of people, and I was stuck working with her. Somebody up there really enjoys making me suffer.
I never got the chance to respond as that was the time the two women re-entered the library. Nazuna just nodded, and whispered softly, “remember our secret Kagome” and made her way carefully out of the room, determined not to fall over.
Ayame grabbed a chair near the door, yanked off the dust sheet and placed it in the frame, blocking our escape.
Kagura came over gliding gracefully between the messy stacks and plonked the tray of cleaning stuffs on top of a particularly tall pile of ancient looking books sending up a thick cloud of smelly dust.
Pulling on a pair of rubber gloves, she got straight to work without saying a word, moving the books so as to clear a proper path throughout the room.
I kept glancing at her as I joined in with the labour.
I wasn't sure as to how trustworthy she would be. It's not as if anyone here knows anything about her. What if the rumours are true?
“You don't believe I can be trusted with this task?” her calm deep voice said, as she continued to work.
“Uh…” I was shocked, how'd she… “I didn't say anything…”
“But you admit you thought it?” She smirked at my blank face.
“No!” I spluttered, way too late.
She chuckled.
I just stared. She was good.
“Don't worry kid,” she looked up at me and smiled, the way you smile at a child when you kindly correct them that sheep are born, not grown on mountains… “I've known Naz for a long time, from before my time here; we both… share, a common enemy. I'm no threat to you.”
“I never said you were…” I trailed off bewildered. I just kinda hoped she wouldn't kill me…
Kagura laughed and went back to her duty.
The next four hours were spent in moderate silence, only speaking directions of movement or of incoming dust clouds.
The silence wasn't exactly awkward, but it wasn't all that comfortable either.
We broke our drudgery for lunch, yummy rice balls. Well not so yummy, but it was the best meal so far. At least they weren't stale…
The next three hours of the afternoon were spent continuing our work.
I must admit, Kagura was an extremely efficient worker; she flew through that room with a duster, like she was the wind itself.
By the end of the day, most of the heavy dust had been lifted.
All that was left now was lots and lots and lots and lots of books. Sigh.
Guess what we had for dinner!!!
…my lovely salty ramen.
Lovely salty imitation Ramen…
You couldn't tell whether you were eating the noodles or the spoon.
Both were equally as hard and both tasted like plastic.
Maybe Mama could smuggle me in some real food…
Kagura sat near us again, saying nothing as usual.
My first instinct was to smile at her as she sat down, but I felt a passive glance was more appropriate.
Although, Sango still insists I sent Kagura the dirtiest look ever invented.
Oh well, I wasn't going to be seeing her for another two days anyway.
Back in the cell, I was lying on my bunk. I'd opted out of a crafts class considering my past record with such things. I felt filthy and sweaty and just plain yucky.
Unfortunately the showers where every three days. Quite stingy I thought.
Tomorrow was going to be a good day. Showers and not a Kagura in sight!!
Maybe there will even be some decent food… I can only dream.
Lights out came and I feel asleep quite quickly.
I was aware I was falling. I could feel it. It was pitch black, the darkness consumed everything. I knew I wasn't on anything solid, but I still felt as if I was lying on bones, I could feel them with my hands beneath me, I couldn't see them either, but I still knew, somehow. Now I could feel flesh growing upon them.
I knew I was disgusted, but the feeling never registered.
There was a light, but I couldn't see where it was coming from.
Something grabbed onto my arms, the bones I felt earlier, I don't know how I know, but I do.
Something wet moved from my neck, up my face to just above my eye.
There was a face.
A monster.
It was knarled and ugly.
An overwhelmingly bright light swelled from below and swallowed everything, just as the darkness had before.
My body convulsed up and hit the bed again; I was slightly sweaty and panting. I rubbed at my face, paranoid of the wet feeling.
As I regained my breath and sorted my mind to suit reality, I lay awake, replaying that dream.
Soft moans and whimpers came from the bed above me.
Is Sango having a nightmare as well?
I got up and looked over the side of her bunk.
“Kohaku, stop… no…don't... Kohaku…” she was tossing about on the bed, the covers long thrown from her body, and her nightdress collecting at her waist.
I wondered if I should wake her. I heard once that if you wake someone from a nightmare they lose their mind…
Where did I come up with that?
I hoped it wasn't true…
“Sango!” I shook her hard, so as to wake her the first time.
Her eyes fluttered and then opened, disorientated she looked around, taking everything in.
She flopped back onto her pillow, “don't worry about it Kagome, I'm alright, it's over now… go back to sleep. Thank you.”
Slowly, I lowered myself back onto my mattress, sleep claimed me soon after.
A/N: It's a short chap I know, sorry. I have no other excuse other than, I thought it was the best place to stop.
Douyoku: means greedy/avarice and heartlessness, I know heartlessness is meant in the bad way, ok both ways are bad ways, but the mean evil way, but still, I can twist it another to literally suit her and her, uh, circumstances in the anime / manga.
On to reviews:
Kieri-Chan: thanks and you'll found out about Kagome's crimes later in the story, wait for it to unfold my dear… and I tried to look up your stories but none came up under the name and stuff… maybe if you give me a title or something I can go from there.
Zelix: thanks for your reviews, I hope you keep reading ^__^
Sassy Chan: thanks, and yes I'm kinda sick of them too, but some are very well written. I'm glad it comes off as realistic as well, I always try to go for that in my stories if possible. Couldn't tell you exactly how long you'll have to wait for Inu to come into this. Your not an otaku loser, well maybe, but your not alone in it anyway, thanks for the tips on her friends, I thought it was that, but wasn't sure.
Fluffysbabygirl: I got around to it eventually, I hope you don't hate me or my fic now… really sorry for the slowness!!!!!!
Inuyasha'sLoveLorn: thanks, you confirmed my suspictions!!
Youkaiinulover: you have to be the first person ever to rate my spelling and grammar as ten, was it perhaps a mistake??? Because everyone tells me I can't spell, and I think faster than I write or type so I mess up my sentences sometimes, but thanks for reviewing anyway!!
Reviews make me really happy, so please review, I promise to love you forever!!!