InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Jailbirds ❯ Breaking Down Walls ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I'm alive, well almost, I'd like to use college as a reason for not updating so I will. *shakes fist at college*


I felt refreshed, even as I brushed more smelly dust off another pile of books in the library.

Sango and I had had a breakthrough, a sharing; it was like we formed a bond. I'd never had such a secret confided within me before. Well that was probably because my previous friends, which there weren't very many of, were all as deep as a dried up puddle.

When Sango cried, it was obvious she was in pain, my old friends cried when they couldn't fit all their clothes in their bag when they went home for the weekend from college.

It was ridiculous, they knew they'd never even wear those clothes, but they had to have them…

Me and Kagura were still at odds with each other however, turns out Sango was right about the evil glare thing. The fact was proven when Kagura tried to melt me with her eyes when she arrived at the library.

I didn't know if saying sorry for something I hadn't noticed I'd even done would go down well, so I decided just to ignore it all and spark up conversation.

“So…” I tried to think of something casual, but commenting about the weather would haven been quite stupid…

Kagura looked up at me, and went back to work again when I didn't continue, no doubt sure I was mad in the head.

I sighed to myself and went back to thinking about Sango and her situation.

Before my time here, I'd read a lot of crime and murder mystery novels, which now, looking back, probably were the reason behind me winding up here.

Brainwashed. Brainwashed by Sherlock and the hound of curiosity.

I paused to bash the book I was currently cleaning against my forehead.


I ran the plot of every crime book I'd read through my mind and filtered through them to find any similarities to her case. Nothing helpful.

Something black streaking across my vision caused me to blink and stumble backwards. It was Kagura waving her hand in front of my face.

“You ok?” she asked.

“Umm, yeah, thanks, I was eh, just thinking to myself…”

“Well who else would you be thinking to?” she fired back instantly.

Wow, she's witty…

“heh, heh, heh…ahem” I cleared my throat.

“What did Sango do?”
That sounded so sneaky…

Kagura smiled slightly, “I think that's something she has to tell you herself, and it's her choice if she wants to or not.”

“No, that's not what I meant, I guess I should have phrased it better. I know what she did, she told me, but I want to know what everyone else thinks she did, she says everyone else has it all wrong about her.”

“They probably do kid, people are fascinated by the dark side of life, death, murder, scandal. They eat it up. It is true that the media was unfair to her, they used her brother's crimes against her. Poor Kohaku, he was a nice kid.” She picked up the stack of books she was finished dusting and placed them by the wall with all the other clean ones.

“Oh, did you know him?” That would explain why Kagura and Sango get along, well, talk occasionally, they knew each other before.

“Kinda, he was trying to get out of it all when he got killed, I tried telling Sango but it just makes her upset, and she blames herself even more for not listening to him in the first place, but he was a nice kid, We were both deeply involved in something we never should have been, I spent a lot of time trying to get him to go back to school, get some help, he was a bright kid, he realised his mistakes and he wanted out, but he was over his head.” She paused to throw a dust sheet off a chair and to tell Ayame who was on guard at the door that she was taking a break.

We weren't supposed to have breaks but Kagura seemed to have everyone there wrapped around her little finger.

“Ya see, Kohaku had a shot of being free, and I wanted to help him. He wasn't the fighting type, like me or his sister, he was the type that became a vet and helped puppies or the teacher everyone loved, something nice like that anyway.”

“What you mean fighting type, were you into martial arts too?” She wasn't telling me anything useful!!!

“Uhh, not really, I was in the imperial army's air-force.” She smiled her eyes cast down, probably remembering the good times.

“Oh, wow really… so then, what would you be doing with gang's and stuff?”

She looked directly at me, her even stare was kind of intimidating, “It was the man behind the gang that connected us. He is hated by many, most of all by me.”

Her fists were clenching, and I spoke before my brain registered it.

“Kagura, what did you do?” When I realised I had spoken, I swallowed hard.

She immediately closed herself off, she stood up, said, “That's none of your business Kagome” and returned to dusting, her body tense and rigid.

“I'm sorry” I said and went back to working.

“For what?” she inquired without stopping.

I didn't answer, there was no point really.

After a a while i spoke again, “…So you think she's innocent?” I couldn't help it, talking was my nature, it was my life, I needed it like I needed oxygen.

She sighed, “who?”


“Oh, yeah, but I can't prove it, I know things that she herself doesn't even know, that's why I know she's innocent.”

“Like what things?”

“Things that are none of your business and should stay none of your business because in that type of business nosey people like you get killed.” She finished with a particularly cold glare.

“Army business?” Warnings don't do much to hinder me.


“Show business?” I grinned.

A small giggle escaped her lips, “No. Stop asking me these silly questions, I'm trained not to answer under interrogation, you'll never get it out of me, unless I'm drunk…” she looked at me, almost expecting me to break out a bottle of Vodka.

I laughed, “tough luck Kagura, if I had any alcohol, rest assured I'd drink it all myself!”

“Darn it!” she made a mock shrug gesture.

“So Kagome, what you been banged up for? And please don't tell me how many months you are in pregnancy, because that's happened to me before.”

“Well it's nothing exciting or dangerous like probably everyone else's story, unless of course there's someone in here for not paying their parking fines, because then I'd definitely have a more exciting story.”

“Do you usually waffle this much? because it is possible to say the same thing in fewer words I'm sure…”

My turn to dole out the cold glares, “Ok, I'm in here cause of this asshole, Douyoku Naraku, he had me arrested cause I fell down his well.”

Kagura looked quizzically at me, started to say something and stopped, started again and laughed instead.

“Well there's no point spewing that story around, it's useless, down a well?” she laughed again.

I was indignant, it wasn't that funny!

The bell rang to signal work was over, before I could think of even a stupid comeback.


That evening Sango and me talked some more, I told her my story, she told me some more of hers, and she cried again, but not as heavily, just a few tears.

The next few days passed by uneventful, I got to know the routine better, and dreaded the showers instead of looking forward to them.

Come Sunday, I found out it was visitation for the month, and Mama was here!

Unfortunately she hadn't got any food on her, not even gum!

“But Mama, the food here is terrible!!! I'm wasting away to nothing!!!!” I begged her but she still insisted it was against the rules.

“But Mama, we're in prison, People here don't follow the rules, hell, they don't even use them as guidelines or as suggestions, that's why they're here!!!”

“Yes that's why they are here, and why I'm only a visitor” she gave me her you can't beat me smile and I gave up.

“Good news Kagome, your appeal came through, you have court on the ninteenth of next month, I didn't know if they told you or not so I thought I should mention it.”

“No they didn't, I think they just haul you out of bed the morning your up or something” I scratched my head trying to remember if anyone told me anything.

“So dear, how have you been getting on? I was so worried you wouldn't make any friends, I was scared you'd have a girlfriend by now or a tattoo…” she trailed off laughing nervously.

“No Mama, T.V is all wrong trust me, I have made friends, my roommate Sango, she's really nice, and Kagura, I don't know if I can call her my friend but we work together in the library, they're having set up a library Mama, isn't that nice?! But me and Kagura talk but I don't think she's the type to have friends or that.

I'm up on the third floor, oh look! There they are!” I pointed up at the two girls leaning over the railing looking down on the courtyard thingy we were in.

I waved and Sango waved back and nudged Kagura who just glared at her in response. Obviously, Kagura did not wave.

Everyone who hadn't a visitor was allowed out of their cell to talk to each other, but they had to stay on their floor, Kagura was in a room by herself across the opening from us.

“I guess the scary looking one is Kagura” Mama looking a bit bewildered. “What's she here for, dare I ask?”

“Oh she hasn't told anyone so we don't know, and Sango is here for murder.” I stated non-chalantly.

Mama was taken back a bit, “and they let her sleep in the same room as you?”

“Oh they don't actually care, and she's in the process of appealing, she's innocent ya see.”

“I see… Kagome, I don't mean to be rude or criticise you, but you always have been a bit naïve, I'm sure if you asked everyone in here if they were innocent or guilty, that most of them would say they are innocent. Are you sure she's telling you the truth? She is in prison after all…”

“Mama!!” I was shocked.

“How can you say such a thing, you don't know anything at all about her circumstances, how dare you stereotype her!”

I truly was surprised, Mama usually accepted people unless it was proven to her that she shouldn't associate herself with them.

“I'm sorry dear, but you can't believe everything these girls tell you.” She held my hand across the table almost as if it would transmit her `correct' assumption over to me.

“I don't know what to say, I thought you would have understood…” I was shell shocked, what happened to my mother?

I stayed mostly silent as she rambled on about the neighbours and how Souta was doing in school, and how Grampa was blaming college for leading me astray and setting me wild.

Honestly! I'm about as wild as a cross-stitched cushion cover!

When the hour was up she hugged me good-bye, my heart wasn't in it, as much as I missed her, I was still upset with what she had said about Sango.

It was reasonable I suppose, I had the same misconceptions as her before I arrived here, and that image was still slowly forming itself into something else.

Back in our cell, I told Sango about my appeal.

“That's great Kagome, their hard to get in minor cases, but you told me you were guilty.”

We were both sitting cross legged on her bunk because you could sit up straight on mine.

“Only of trespass, I didn't steal or break anything like he accused me of, I never even got inside the house, and that stuff totally added to my sentence, I want it reduced!”

Sango grimaced and shrugged, “if you can do it, go for it!”

“I'm appealing mine too, but I have to go to the very highest court and it's really hard to get a date, I'm still waiting. My Lawyer keeps encouraging the appeal but I don't see the point anymore, we have no proof that contradicts evidence already given, no witnesses, nothing!”

She placed her head in her hands and sighed loudly.

I put a hand on her shoulder, “I don't know what to say, but you should keep trying, you are innocent, and something will come along eventually that will prove you right, it's Karma, even better, it's physics law of… eh, something or other, I can't remember, it was too math-sey a subject for me to stay awake in…”

She laughed, “I think you have your Karma ideal a bit mixed up, Karma means that the guy who screwed me over, will get screwed over eventually as well…”

Damn! "Oh… well, I don't know then, but everything is gonna be alright, everything is gonna be ok, don't make me sing the rest of this song , just believe me…” I ended with a Michael Jackson like `hee-hee-hee, yeah'…

“You're just like Miroku, blindly believing that justice will prevail, he should know better.”

“Someday, Karma will screw Naraku over royally, and I think we should try to make that day sooner rather than later! You with me?!”

We both vowed to defeat Naraku even if it took us the rest of our lives.

But neither of us knew the first place to start.



I re-read my story last night, and I seriously don't now where I got that last chapter from, I seriously proud of it, I don't remember writing half of it, unfortunately this chapter didn't quite get up to par with the last chap, but it moved the story forward…. I hope…

And I deliberately left Kagome's story out in case you were wondering or going to complain, just for that bit of extra suspense, it'll come along soon no need to fret!

Big squishey Thank-you's too:

Sango: Thanks, and I've very little time for fan-fics lately, but I'll try to get around to it!
fallenangel7583: I love finding money I never knew I had, it's the best! I'm glad you believe Sango, it's a pity no-one else does…
Scorpinac: Kohaku rape her? Hmmm, I was actually trying to keep the guys fairly in character, so I was kinda shocked you came up with that, but on the bright side, it meant I wasn't being too predictable!! Huh-zaa!!!


Yup that's all folks!! Well for a while anyway, I'm going to try to do some more fanfic now that I have less classes this term, but don't hold me to it!!