InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Joining Forces With Who?! ❯ Kikyo's Discovery ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I don't own Inuyasha



*Flash Back*

Thank you belldandy luver and Danae for the reviews/email.

Chapter 2: Kikyo's Discovery

Kagome woke up from her slumber. Her guilt in running away from her friends was starting to catch up to her, but then she remembered what she saw in the clearing.

*Flash Back*

Inuyasha held Kikyo in a loving embrace. Even though Kagome was human she could still hear the words he said to her: "I never stop thinking about you. You're in my thoughts and dreams" he half whispered half spoke. "What of my reincarnation? What is she to you?" asked Kikyo in a somewhat evil voice. That was when Kagome ran. She couldn't hear what Inuyasha had to say. She didn't want to know what he had to say. Her heart couldn't take it if it was bad news.

Nether one of them noticed her presence.

*End of Flash Back*

She didn't feel at all guilty about leaving Inuyasha, but still Sango, and Miroku didn't deserve this. She was at the enemies' castle, the place her friends had been looking for, to destroy the one she made a pact with.

Being here also made her realize that Kagura wasn't the evil one. She was basically a toy of Naraku so he wouldn't have to fight. He was using her to seek his revenge on Inuyasha. Just because Kagura was a part of Naraku didn't mean she was like him. Just like her and Kikyo, but at the moment she was like Kikyo, at least the one who walked the earth now.

Kagome had gotten a lot of time to think while sitting in Naraku's lair. She realized that Kikyo was once pure. Before she died she felt hatred, sadness, betrayal, and loneliness. She had hatred toward Inuyasha for betraying her, sadness for him hurting her, not just physically, but mentally, and she was alone or felt alone along with her death. The Kikyo now was just dirt and bones, walking the earth living off her last thoughts before she died. She now had respect for the Kikyo that lived fifty years ago. Kagome also wished for the miko's peace.

Kagome just sat in the room she was given. Thinking and waiting. She wasn't sure what she was waiting for but knew that she would know soon. She also knew it wouldn't take long until Inuyasha found out where she was.


Kikyo had returned to Naraku's castle the day after her little visit with Inuyasha. She didn't come back right away she basically reflected on her conversation with Inuyasha, about what he said about herself and about her reincarnation. Plus Naraku wasn't the exact person she loved being at.

Kikyo had started to suspect Naraku concocting up a plan. He had been watching Kanna's mirror. Not that he didn't do that but instead of just checking it every few hours he began watching it for hours. She never got a look at what he was watching but knew to try to figure it out.

Kikyo walked into the room, which Naraku was currently present in. "Hello, Naraku."

"Kikyo, what a surprise, I expect your visit with Inuyasha was a pleasant one?"

"Been spying on me now, have you, Naraku."

"No, I have other ways of getting information."

"What do you m…" Kikyo suddenly stopped when she heard a familiar voice coming down the corridor.


Kagura walked into Kagome's room. "Kagome, why don't we see if we can get out of the castle?"

"Great idea."

Both Kagome and Kagura where walking toward the room that Naraku was in not knowing who was in the room with him.

"Do you have any idea… Kikyo." Kagome stopped in the doorway once she saw Kikyo.

Kikyo immediately turned to Naraku after seeing her reincarnation. "What is the meaning of this?" Demanded Kikyo.

"Ku Ku Ku Kikyo I believe you have met Kagome?" Asked Naraku ignoring Kikyo's question.

Kikyo then turned to Kagome, knowing Naraku was playing with her. "What are you doing here?" Kikyo demanded, expecting to get some answers.

"I don't believe it to be any of your business Kikyo, Naraku may Kagura and I leave the castle, I will speak to you about the… arrangements later when we return and you're free," Kagome said indicating Kikyo.

"Yes you two may leave." Kagome and Kagura both exited the room.

"Naraku, I will ask again what is she doing here?"

"Kagome is here as my guest, she is also here at her free will."

Kikyo was in a state of shock. She didn't think that the girl would ever leave Inuyasha, but maybe she could use this to her advantage. Now that the girl was here what could stop her from getting Inuyasha to go with her to hell. `This could work out well, if he asks about her, I could say she joined forces with Naraku' thought Kikyo with an evil smile slowly growing on her face. The only thing bugging Kikyo was why Kagome joined with Naraku but she pushed that thought aside.

`Everything is working according to plan, Kikyo will run to Inuyasha and tell him the news. I will soon get to kill Inuyasha, but the best part of it will be when he realizes that Kagome betrayed him' thought Naraku.

"I will take my leave, Naraku, send a messenger if you are in need of my assistance" said Kikyo before exiting the room. `Inuyasha will definitely hear of this little arrangement' thought Kikyo, her evil smile on her face.

Ok I know the chapter is short but I hope it will do. In the next chapter Kagome meets up with someone on her outing with Kagura. Also pairings will show up soon. I will update as soon as possible. Right now with school finals coming up it may be hard. Please review and tell me if you like the story.
