InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Joining Forces With Who?! ❯ Kagome's training ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I don't own Inuyasha



*Flash backs*

Chapter 5: Kagomes training

Neither one really wanted to go to Naraku's castle. "Kagura do you think Kikyo will still be there when we get back?" asked Kagome a little nervous.

"Kikyo never stays at Naraku's castle for long. She only really goes to see what Naraku's planning."

"How long has Kikyo been apart of Naraku's plans?"

"Well she's the one whom helped create Kanna and myself so I really don't know how long she's been helping him," Kagura told Kagome.

"She must have something planed, most likely to think of a way to drag Inuyasha to hell with her. We must find out what both Naraku and Kikyo are planing."

"I agree, Naraku will most likely tell you his plan" stated Kagura.

They both walked in silence the rest of the way to Naraku's castle. They didn't want Naraku finding out their plan. Kagura and Kagome walked past the gate into Naraku's lair.

Naraku had been awaiting their arrival. He wished to get his plan into action as soon as possible. He wished to see Inuyasha's death and the Shikon no Tama at his disposal. It would take some work but he would see to it that his plain didn't fail. When Naraku saw both Kagome and Kagura coming he went to meet them.

Kagome was lost on thought when they finally saw Naraku. "Kagome I wish to speak to you if that is all right?" Naraku said in a somewhat nice way sending shivers down Kagomes spin.

"When would you like to speak with me Naraku?" asked Kagome.

"After you had a bath in the hot spring changes kimonos and had something to eat. Kagura show Kagome to the Hot Springs" and with that said he left as quickly as he came.

"Follow me," said Kagura walking down the main hall.

Kagura lead Kagome torts the back of the castle. She led Kagome into a room. It had an indoor spring.

"You'll bathe hear and your new kimono is over by the entrance if you need any thing as. I will speak with you after you bathe. I will bring your food to your room" then Kagura left without another word.

Kagome undressed and went in the hot spring. Relaxing in the warm water. All her thoughts were gone and know worries. She didn't take a very long bath she didn't feel comfortable bathing in the enemy's lair. She got out and changed into her new kimono. It was a beautiful dark blue with a white dragon the tail raping around her left arm then winding down to her torso. Kagome was surprised how well the kimono fit it was like it was made just for her.

Kagome then exited the hot spring and went to her room. A few minutes after she entered her room Kagura entered with food. The food was delicious. After she finished her meal Kagura lead her to the room Naraku was in. Kagura disappeared once Kagome entered the room.

"The kimono looks exquisite on you Kagome," said Naraku after she entered the room.

Kagome sat in front of Naraku "Thank you" said Kagome.

Naraku was the last person she ever thought would give her a complement. "I do hope you're enjoy your stay," he said in a mysterious voice.

"I am thankful to you for letting me stay," Kagome said politely.

"Kagome we will be training you so you can defeat Inuyasha and his little friends."

"About that Naraku I really don't want you to hurt Shippo he's like my son agreed Naraku?" asked Kagome not a hint of worry in her voice even though that's not how she felt.

`My plan is all going according to plan, I just can't hurt the kit at least until I have the jewel and Inuyasha died.'

"Agreed, you will start your training tomorrow Kagura will be your opponent. You may leave" Kagome didn't have to be told twice she left the room and went straight to hers.

`I'm sorry Shippo to have to leave you. I hope you're all ok. Lets just hope Sesshomaru gives the note to you Miroku' thought Kagome.

Kagura walked into the room about an hour after Kagome talk with Naraku. "How did you fair with Naraku?" asked Kagura drawing Kagome from her thoughts.

"It went well actually," Kagome said.

"Well your training will start at sunrise. Naraku want you strong as fast as he can so we can kill Inuyasha. He also has something planed but I haven't got a clue on what it is. Did he tell you anything useful?" asked Kagura.

"No he told me everything you know. My guess is it's the Shikon no Tama he's after" stated Kagome.

"That's probably what it is. Remember sunrise your training starts" then Kagura exited the room.


Sesshomaru was still in deep thought bout giving the note to the houshi. Rin interrupted his thoughts. "Sesshomaru are you going to give the note to Kagomes friend cause Rin thinks Sesshomaru should" said Rin in a very cute voice.

Sesshomaru sighed `I'm becoming soft.'

"Yes Rin I will give the note to the miko's friend" Rin satisfied with the answer began skipping happily.

`I guess I will pay my brother a little visit'


(Next Day)

Kagura walked into Kagomes room not surprised at all to see she was still sleeping. Kagura walked over to the sleeping Kagome

"Kagome wake up your training begins today."

"Five more minutes mom it's too early to go to school" Kagome mumbled then rolled over.

"Kagome it's time to get up" Kagura said again.

This time however Kagome opened her eyes and looked up at Kagura. "Good morning, what time is it?" Kagome asked yawning after would.

"It's sunrise you training begins today get ready I will wait for you in the hall" Kagura then left the room.

Kagome got out of bed and went to get ready. By the time Kagome was finished she was in an outfit that looked a lot like Sango's demon exterminator outfit but it was light blue.

Kagome stepped out of her room. Kagura was there waiting like she said. Kagura led Kagome to a small room were there was a small display of food.

"Eat you will need your strength" said Kagura. Kagome ate quickly then Kagura lead Kagome to the dojo.

The doors opened and reveled a huge room about the size of Kagomes house. Over on one wall was a display of katanas. On another was a display of various weapons. "Kagome I will be teaching you some hand to hand and some with various weapons and some techniques, lets begin."

Kagura then attacked Kagome. She wanted to how well she fought and how she defended herself. Kagura started with a punch right after she sprang towards Kagome. Kagome dodged it but Kagura came in with a kick. She hit Kagome on her left side.

`That's quit impressive even for a human' thought Kagura.

Kagura then taught Kagome a few ways of blocking and a few fighting techniques.

Kagura and Kagome worked for several hours Kagome improved each time she tried each technique Kagura taught her. Kagome was getting tired but she kept pushing herself with each technique she learned. Kagura notice Kagome was doing quit well for her first lesson she also notice Kagome pushing herself. She decided it was time for a break. They both took a break, they started a little after sunrise and it was past noon.

"Kagome you are doing better than I expected, you will learn this in no time."

"You have done enough for today go take a break," said Kagura.

Kagura then exited the dojo. Kagome left the dojo a few minutes after Kagura. Kagome then started to wonder the castle seeing if she could find anything useful. Kagome started to open random doors. Most of the rooms were empty. Kagome then opened the next door and in there she saw someone sleeping or it looked like they were sleeping. Kagome crept into the room being as quiet as posible not to wake whom ever it was.

Kagome reached the sleeping form and pulled the covers just enough to see the persons face and she saw….


Ok hears a new chapter, and a cliffy. I may write another new chapter tonight but I have to clean my room if I don't then I won't be updating for a few weeks or months they haven't decided yet. Ether way it will be 6 something so I may I may not k. I do want to know whom to put for paring with Kagome vote and tell me k. I know it's boring at the moment but it will get more exciting as the chapters go on. The final battle has yet to come. I also want some reviews. Reviews = New chapter. Tell me if you like it.
