InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Joining Forces With Who?! ❯ So it Begins ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I don't own Inuyasha so stop accusing me.



* Flash Backs *


I think that's it…

Thanks for the reviews. See bottom for more.

Chapter 8: So it Begins

The dark robed figure reached the barrier of Naraku's castle. She put her hand against it and it was gone instantly she stepped into his domain. When she was about twenty yards away from were the barrier was she flicked her wrist over her shoulder and the barrier was ones again restored. The shadowed figure walked to the steps and was greeted with the site of Naraku.

"I'm glad you could come at short notice," said Naraku.

"My pleasure Naraku, I couldn't resist especially after you mentioned the miko in your possession. The offer was to good to pass up" stated the robed figure.

"Follow me" was all Naraku said before he turned into the castle. The robed woman followed behind. Naraku lead her down a few halls before he stopped and pointed out her room.

"I'll summon you when you have settled" and with that Naraku was gone.

The figure then went and placed her bag down then opened it taking out three small objects. She then took of her robe and reviled a young woman with long raven hair. She placed her robe in her hutch by the bed she was given. She walked over to the mirror placed on one of the walls and looked at her refection. She had green eyes and a medallion on her forehead. She smiled at her reflection. She heard a scratching sound at her door.

The woman walked over to the door and opened it. From the open door walked in a neko. It was almost identical to Kirara except in the color and sex. Kirara's white was replaced on this neko with black and very little white marking on her. The woman bent down and picked up the neko and gently stroked the cat's head.

"I was wondering when you were going to show up," she said to the neko. The neko purred in content while in his master's arms. The woman shut the door and walked over to her bed and set down the neko. She then went to her bag and pulled out a small-raped package in was a fish. The woman set down the fish and the neko gladly when over to the fish and ate it contently.

Again there was a sound at the door this time it was a soft knock. The woman again went over to it and opened it. There stood Kagura. She was leaning against the opposite wall.

"Naraku requests your presence, follow me" Kagura then turned and walked down the corridor. The woman closed the door and followed behind.

"What's your business here?" asked the woman.

"My business her is to serve Naraku."

"You are an incarnation are you not?"

"I am. What's your business here?"

"I'm only here to see the miko."

The continued to walk silently through the corridors the rest of the way to Naraku.

Kagura suddenly stopped and opened a door on the right. She indicated for the woman to walk in. Naraku sat on the left wall of the room. The woman walked towards him and sat down facing him.

"Thank you for coming Hisa."

"Where is the miko?"

"You will meet her soon enough. I just wish to know how long it will take for her to fully become a dark miko."

"That is impossible to say."

Naraku's expression darkened.


"It takes time and it's up to her to have the full affects of being a dark miko and the powers. I will train her as any miko would be trained. The more the more evil deeds she does the more evil she will become."


Kagura whom had been standing out side the door was shocked to hear this. She turned to find Kagome. The last place she had left her was in her room. She had taken her there right after Naraku had summoned her. She walked down the corridor and knocked on the door of Kagome's room.

Kagome opened the door. She was surprised to see Kagura standing there. Kagome had thought that Kagura would take a while to get back.

"Kagome I found out some of Naraku's plan for you."

"Come in Kagura and sit down," said Kagome. She led Kagura over and sat her down. "OK Kagura what is Naraku up to?"

"He has hired some dark miko to train you. I think Naraku had said her name was Hisa. She had also said something about training you as a normal miko would be trained because it's the miko's choice to become dark or not."

"Yeah, Kaede had said something like that to me. I guess that's to our advantage then."

"Yes it is."


Miroku woke up and looked around the camp sight. Not much had changed. Sango still slept with both Shippo and Kirara with her, and Inuyasha was in the tree above the group. Miroku stood up and walked a little ways in the woods and picked up sticks. He planed to make a fire to cook food for everyone yesterday was a trying day for all of them. Miroku also planed to burn the letter Kagome had sent to him. If Naraku or his incarnations ever found it that meant bad news for Kagome.

He just hoped she would be ok. This plain of hers was very risky. Miroku didn't want to lose Kagome to Naraku. It would defiantly destroy Sango and Shippo if it ever happened. He knew they weren't convinced not until they saw. For now all Miroku could do is wait.

He finished gathering the firewood. Miroku went back to camp. Lucky for him Kagome had left her matches. Miroku took one out and started the fire. When the fire was high enough he through the note in the flames and watched as it burned.

Kagome had left food as well and he began to prepare it just as Kagome did in the morning for them. Sango, Shippo, and Kirara woke at the smell of food and from what Miroku could tell Inuyasha had been up for quiet sometime. No one spoke as Miroku passed the food around. The all ate Sango ate the slowest she mostly played with the food on her plate. She managed to finish what was on her plate.

"Miroku, do you think… would it be ok… can I see the letter Kagome gave you?" Asked Sango in a soft voice.

"I'm sorry Sango I can't do that."

"Why not." She said a bit louder.

"I do not have it anymore."

"What do you mean? You put it in your robe after you told us what Kagome said. Let me see it." Sango was a bit angered now.

"Sango please calm down. I can't give it to you it is gone I had burned it this morning in the fire I wished not to have it anymore nor anyone else to have it."

"Did she say why Miroku. I don't understand why she would just join his side like that. She has to be under a spell or something. She would never do this to us… never"

"Will you just shut up and get over it she's gone she betrayed us and she's not coming back." Said Inuyasha.

"How can you be so heartless? Kagome would never do this. You just give up on her so quickly. Why didn't you notice she left? You should have smelt her leave. I thought nothing got past you Inuyasha."

"Sango, Inuyasha please calm down. There is no sense fighting over this. We will find out the cause of this' I still find it strange that she would do this. Yet Sango has a point. Inuyasha why is it that you didn't notice Kagome leave?"

Inuyasha's ears drooped. He had a bit on a guilty look on his face. Sango, Shippo and Miroku looked at him with suspicious eyes.

"Mind explaining the guilt look Inuyasha?" Asked Sango.


"Inuyasha you had better explain now" stated Sango getting angry.

"I don't need to explain. I can do as I wish."

"Then it's your fault Kagome's gone isn't it. Admit it Inuyasha you did this" screamed Sango.

"Now Sango don't jump to concussions, Inuyasha you need to tell us were you were. It may not have been what you did tell us please."

"I went to see Kikyo."

Sango gave a death glare at Inuyasha with tears once again streaming down her face.

`I lost Kohaku and now Kagome.'

"Inuyasha what happened when you when to see Kikyo?" Asked Miroku.

"That's none of your business."

"Inuyasha I don't need to know exactly what happened but was Kagome gone when you came back from your visit with Kikyo?"


"That's what I thought"

Sango had had enough. She walked over to the spot were she had slept and sat down. Shippo joined her along with Kirara.


Well I think that's good for this chapter. Anyway I will try to update faster K. I thank to all who have kept with me. I will have the next chapter up as soon as I can I even stopped my other story for now to work on this one. My only problem is I have finals next week so I will try to work on this some.


akuma_river - What exactly does Naraku want more of? Kagome?

Well your question will soon be answered in a few chapters. It's a few things not just one main thing.

