InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome and Kikyo:Soul Switchers ❯ Day one as another ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 3

Kikyo in Kagome's body was walking towards the village. Before she had a chance
to make her appearance known, Inuyasha jumped in front of her.

"Where you been wench?"

Kikyo gave him a cold glare.

"Never call me wench again! I have been walking through the forest if you must know."

Inuyasha was taken aback by her reaction and cold attitude.

"Kagome what’s wrong?"

Kikyo gave him a smile without the warmth.

"Nothing to worry about, Inuyasha."

"Alright, if that’s what you say." He was still suspicious, but let the subject slide for the time being.

"Come on Kikyo, lets get back."

"Did you just call me Kikyo?"

"Oh yeah, sorry about that."

'How could I have called Kagome Kikyo? I must be really losing it.'
Thought Inuyasha.

"It's quite alright."

"Alright then, lets get back to the village." Before he even took a step, Inuyasha saw
Kikyo's soul shimmers. Without a second thought or word he took off towards the

'This must be how Kagome feels when he leaves her for me."
Thought Kikyo sadly.



"Yes, Inuyasha?"

"Why are you here?"

"Well I-I missed you, is that alright?"

"O-of cour-course." Stammered Inuyasha 'Why am I blushing!?!
This is Kikyo not Kagome!'

'Oh, he's blushing! That’s so cute!'

"I'm going to be staying in the forest for a week to rest."

"Why don't you stay in the village with me?"

"I wouldn't feel right, plus the forest is like my home anyway."

"I'll come stay here with you then!"

"No, no, you have to get back to your friends. You can come visit me once
a day though."

"Alright." His face fell but he was still happy he could see Kikyo.

"Goodbye Inuyasha."Kagome did something she never would have done as herself, she went over to him and pulled him into a loving embrace. For a moment he froze, to shocked to do anything. Gradually, he began to hug her back and stroked her hair softly.

Kagome's breath left her. She was surprised by his show of affections. Then her thoughts came back to her and she knew he was only doing this because he thought she was Kikyo. She tried to bite back her sobs, her heart breaking even more than before. Unfortunately for her, Inuyasha could smell salt drifting from her.

"Kikyo, what’s wrong?"

That did it, her sobs were coming quite loudly now. Inuyasha, the man she loved,
gad called her Kikyo while embracing her.

"–" Sob "-nothing. Just go Inuyasha."

"No! Kikyo tell me what's wrong!"

"You wouldn't understand. Now just go!" Maybe it was the force in her voice that
made him decide to leave or it could've been the pleading in her eyes, no one knows, not even him. He got up, kissed her cheek and jumped into the trees back to the village. Kagome watched his form until ho totally disappeared from view.