InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome and the Wolf ❯ The confrontation ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, but the plot of this story is mine

Kagome and the Wolf

Chapter 2: The confrontation

Within two days, the wolves were within the forest of the Bone Eater’s well. As the pack made camp, Kouga and Kagome made their way to the well. Kagome was slightly nervous because they were both going to try to get through and bring her family back through. Kagome knew that if this worked, the well would have to have a seal placed on it to seal the passage to everyone but her. That would mean no more modern medicines or food unless she went to get them. But her visions were getting clearer and she knew that it was the only way.

“Kouga, are you ready to try this?”

“Hai, my beloved, I would go anywhere as long as I am with you.”

“Okay, hold me very closely and jump into the well.”

Kouga did just that, he slide his arm around her waist and held her close. Then he leapt into the air and fell gracefully into the middle of the well. Suddenly they were surrounded by a blue light and the came up from the ground. There was a roof overhead and Kagome was grinning like mad beside him.

“Welcome to my time Kouga, but I warn you, once we leave this building the air will smell foul.”

“Okay, I will concentrate on your scent to make it easier on me.”

Kouga leapt out of the well with Kagome giggling beside him. She opened the door and Kouga was overwhelmed by the smell of the air, but he smelled Kagome’s hair and that made it easier for him. They raced to the house and Kagome went in instantly.

Back in the Feudal Era, as Kouga and Kagome went into the well, they did not know they had an audience. Two sets of eyes had watched them….one red and with curiosity and one gold with anger. Naraku finally knew how the miko traveled and he was determined to go there to rule. Inuyasha was overwhelmed with anger at the wolf for having his hands on his Kagome and at the fact that he was not the one going to the future with Kagome.

In modern times, Kagome called out for her mother…who answered from the kitchen.

“My dear, you are home and who is this?”

“My lady Umineko, I am Prince Kouga, leader of the demon wolf tribe of the east. As your daughter is a member of my pack, I greet you and the rest of this family into it as well.”

“Thank you for the greeting, Kouga….NANI??!!??” “Kagome, what on earth is he talking about?”

“Okaa-san, please sit, we have much to discuss.”

Kagome, her mom, and Kouga all sat down around the small table and Kagome began to explain everything.

“Mom, please listen and do not interrupt until I am finished, this is a long tale. Kouga and I met not long after my first trip through the well. He had kidnapped me, thinking to use me to help his pack find the shards from a bird that was endangering his pack. He knew from the way Inuyasha was acting that asking for my help would not work, so that is why he kidnapped me. He protected me from the wolves of his pack that thought I was food and from the birds that they were fighting. He was very kind to me and even though we did not meet under the best circumstances, I saw him as a friend. He has added me to his pack because he fell in love with me and even though at first I did not return his feelings, I think I have started to now. I am no longer in love with Inuyasha and have not been for a while, even though I was in denial about that for a good while now. I have been having visions of late, I think it is because my miko powers are growing, and I know that the final battle will be within the next year. In order to win the battle and to keep you, Souta, and Jii-san safe and alive, you MUST come to the Feudal Era with me tomorrow. If you all do not, I will be unable to seal the well and Naraku will be able to come here and lay ruin to both times.”

Both Kouga and Umineko listened to Kagome’s tale transfixed. Both were wondering what her visions of this were and Kagome’s mom was also wondering how they would get through the well and survive in that time.

“Okay Kagome, we will go, but on one condition…we must take as much supplies as possible, so that I will have time to learn in that time how to survive.”

“That’s fine Okaa-san, I have already discussed this with Keade and she told me that we can all stay in the village with them, but I will not be there a lot. Kouga and his pack have also promised their help with protection.”

“Arigato Kouga-sama, that means a lot to all of us.” “Kagome, do u think we will ever be able to return to our time?”

“I do not think so mama, and even with you guys there, I may still die, but my chances are greatly increased of living with you all there with me.”

“Okay dear, I will be back in a few hours; I am going shopping for supplies.”

“Okay mama, but where is Souta?”

“Oh, he is at his friend’s house, I will get him while shopping.”

“Sou ka.”

With that, Kagome’s mom left the house and left Kagome and Kouga alone. They sat there for a few minutes unsure of what to do, but then Kagome motioned for Kouga to follow her up the stairs to her room.

“Kouga, I want to do something totally crazy, but fun with you here in my room.”

“And what is that koi?”

“I want to make love to you.”


“Hai, but do not mark me yet, if I survive this final battle with our enemy, then I will become your pack’s alpha female, until then I will be your lover.”

By this time Kouga was nearly panting with need and disbelief, his love was saying she would be his finally and he was in disbelief.

“Kouga, are you okay?”

“”, Kouga stuttered.

“I must ask you something, what about Ayame?”

“Oh, she has already mated another from her clan, after we both went to the elders and explained our parts in the situation, they decided to agree with me…she is still a little bit mad at me, but mated with her second choice.”

“Well that’s good, now lets get started.”

With that, Kagome jumped on Kouga and started undoing his pelt, while he was stunned at the moment, his hands did go to her clothes and started undoing the buttons of her shirt. Kagome started grinding her hips on his stomach as she slowly slide down his body toward his member. Kouga started moaning slightly at the friction she was creating. He was also becoming very hard very fast. He tried to flip them over to have himself in the dominate position, but Kagome stopped him.

“Kouga, if you want me, it will be in a position of my choosing or you will go without me.”

“Demo, koi, wolf males are usually in the dominate position.”

“Not with me, now choose.”

“Your wish is my command my love. I love you enough to relinquish the dominate role to you in this matter.”

“Kouga, there will be times, like when you mark me that you will be the dominate one, but as you will learn with time, in this era, the male is not always dominate and there are ways to share the powerful role, even when in a submissive position.”

By this time, both were naked, but still looking in each other eyes and not at their bodies. They both knew there would be time enough for that in the coming love making session. Kagome slowly let her eyes slip from kouga’s eyes and let them roam his body. The more she looked, the hungrier her eyes looked for him. When she got to his long hard member, she looked shocked for an instant, she was not sure if her body would allow his length into her completely.

“Kouga, you do realize that I am a virgin?”

“Hai, I can smell that no one has ever released into your body as of yet.”, Kouga smirked at her.

Okay, but even though I am a virgin, that does not mean that I am uneducated in the ways of sex.”

“Really, like what?”

“This.” Kagome took as much of his length into her mouth and began sucking and licking him slowly, getting used to the taste of his skin. When she began, Kouga was shocked and he tensed involuntarily, but as soon as she began humming as she sucked, he relaxed into her ministrations. Within ten minutes, he was moaning and groaning every few seconds as Kagome steadily increased her rhythm. As she came up for air, she looked at his eyes that were glazed over from love and lust.

“Cum for me Kouga, I want to taste your seed in my mouth.”

When she went back down on him, she sped up and began sucking as hard as she could, rubbing the part of his length that would not fit into her mouth with her hand and gently squeezing his balls with her other hand. Within five more minutes, Kouga roared his release to the heavens as Kagome sucked him completely dry and licked him clean. Kagome looked pleased with herself that she had not spit the seed out that had filled her mouth from Kouga. And Kouga looked shocked that his Kagome had actually done that at all. It was a real big turn on that she willingly did that to him. Within a minute he was as hard as he could be again. Kagome saw this and smirked at him slyly.

“Have not had enough of me I see.”

“I will never ever get enough of you, but will I get to taste you as you have me this night?”

“Not this time, because I am ready to get on that hard cock of yours and us ride the waves of passion together.”

Kagome slowly straddled Kouga and began a slow rhythm of grinding her hips and going up and down on Kouga. As she began to pick up speed, Kouga looked on, watching her boobs bounce seductively up and down. He slowly reached up to hold the breasts that bounced in front of his face as if begging to be felt by him. Kagome saw this and leaned down to him and put one of his and on her chest.

“Kouga my love, do not be afraid to touch me, I want you to. Also I want to feel what it would be like ride on you like this at your demon speed.”

“Hai, my koi, you shall have your want come true this night.”

With that, Kouga placed his hands on her shoulders and pulled her downward so that he could suck on those seductive breasts and as he sucked on her left breast, he placed his hands onto her hips gently. He slowly sped up their love making until he was bucking up into her with all of his demon speed and demon strength. She came as he started to speed up, then she kept climaxing again and again as he went faster and faster, screaming his name over and over for all to hear in the heavens. As he switched breasts to give the neglected one the same treatment as the left one, he felt his climax approaching. He kept up the fast pace of bucking into her, and lifting and lowering her onto his member. As he climaxed, she did to and the both roared each others name and rode the waves of passion that overcame them. As they started to come back down to earth, they both passed out and Kagome fell down onto Kouga’s chest with a soft thump. A few hours later, the both awoke to Souta screaming at his mother about how he did not want to live in the feudal era, but would like to visit. Kagome looked into Kouga’s eyes with happiness.

“I am glad I chose you Kouga, but for now, we must be discreet and get ready for the battle with Naraku. Do not fight with Inuyasha and do not get mad when I spend time with him, after all he is still my friend and our ally.”

“Hai, but I will defend myself and you if necessary from his attacks.”

“Okay, but remember, I still have the beads around his neck to subdue him.”

With that, they both got dressed to go talk with Souta and to get ready to make the trip back with everything they could.

Glossary: New Words Only

Sou ka -- I see