InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ kagome higarashi lieutenant private eye ❯ the crime scene ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 3
At the apartment
Inuyasha and Kagome examined the crime scene “so this is where they were seen with the little girl before they left, so sad a girl who intended to run away and wouldn't have a chance to make things right with her parents “ and there was Inuyasha just staring at her `Inuyasha please stop” as she was about to say something else, amber met stormy blue and he just couldn't take it anymore he pulled her close and kissed her very passionately, in the middle of this, her eyes fluttered closed and she returned the kiss full force they are both thinking ^ wow this kiss it's better than I imagined^ but sadly someone had to stop it, Kagome pulled away “we can't do this here were in a place that has to be examined” ^she's right, maybe later^ Inuyasha realized, and just as they thought they found nothing they saw a package and when they opened they saw a tape “Oh we have to go. Miroku's Birthday is today and invited both of us to the house for his party” Kagome said as she grabbed Inuyasha's hand to run out of the apartment
At Miroku's house
“Hi Miroku, Happy Birthday” kagome said with a smile “where is Sango?” Kagome questioned, “She is in the living room,” Miroku answered. As Kagome left the room Miroku said to Inuyasha ”you really like her don't you?” “It shows doesn't it, but she would never give me the time of day believe me” Inuyasha said sadly “Inuyasha I've known Kagome for a long time and I know she doesn't hold hands with just anybody” Miroku said with a smile and he continued “she kissed you didn't she?” Inuyasha looked at him with surprise “how did you know?” “She doesn't hold hand with a guy she only talks to, and she smiled at you” Miroku said, “She did?” Inuyasha said, “I didn't see her smile” he continued “well, Kagome never shows most of her emotions, and the ones that are seen only last a minute, but most importantly the smiles she shows make her face look beautiful” Miroku replied ^I wish I could have seen her smile^ thought “don't worry if she likes you as much as I think she does you will have many more smiles to see” Miroku said “I sure hope so” Inuyasha said with a smile.
At Kagome's Apartment
Kagome wakes up all sweaty and her heart beating fast^ why did I have this kind of dream? ^ Kagome thought**Dream**she walks into a room with a tiny red dress and there she sees Inuyasha in nothing but boxer shorts, and then they start to kiss **end dream**^I've never had a dream like this, and the last time I had dream like this was when I considered it a nightmare^ Kagome thought ^ since it's already 4:30 I guess I might as well get up.
At Inuyasha's apartment
Inuyasha wakes up all sweaty and his heart beating fast ^I can't stop thinking about her but why even in my dreams she's there? ^ **Dream** Inuyasha is in the room waiting he doesn't know who he's waiting for, in nothing but boxer shorts, and then he sees Kagome walk into the room with a tiny red dress on then they start to kiss **end dream** ^ I have to see her and kiss again and she won't be able to make an excuse to get out of saying she enjoyed this kiss as much as I did^
Back At Kagome's apartment
Kagome is in the kitchen making breakfast when she hears a knock at the door +Bang, Bang, Bang+ “I'm coming, I'm coming!” she opens the door and she sees Inuyasha “what are doing here at 4:50 in the morning?” kagome questioned “ I came to see you” InuYasha replied “but why at this hour?” Kagome asked, “ Because I couldn't stop thinking about something” Inuyasha said with a smirk “it was the kiss wasn't it?” Kagome answered, “How did you know?” Inuyasha said surprisingly “ I had a feeling, it's just you probably wondered what would happen if we continued” Kagome said “it's like you were reading my mind, and to tell you the truth I also came to do this” Inuyasha said as he went closer to her to kiss her. As he kissed her, he had put his arms around her waist ^how does he do this to me? I feel like he is taking advantage of me and yet I want to kiss him too^ Kagome thought as she closed her eyes putting her arms around Inuyasha's neck to deepen the kiss but as usual something spoiled the moment, her phone rang. She stopped the kiss to go answer the phone “Higarashi speaking, yeah, okay I'll be there, oh yeah I'll bring Inuyasha too” and then she hung up. “What's going on?” as he went to kiss her again she put her hand between their lips “Miroku found out the new location of where they are hiding”” while we're hear and the mood died we should watch that tape” Inuyasha said ***on the tape**they saw such horrific sights, they saw girls were forced sleep with men who had beaten them up so much they looked like bruises**off tape “if a man would watch this and enjoy it then it's just cruel” Inuyasha said with a grossed out face ^I guess he is sincere even if you never see it, maybe I've met someone special^ Kagome thought with a smile “Inuyasha, I can't disagree with you, and I hope Rin doesn't look like this when we find her” Kagome said with a sad face.