InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's and Inuyasha's Love ❯ By the river ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Once they were outside Inuyasha bent down. "Get on, I'm taking you to a place I found out in the woods." "Ok" replied Kagome.
After she got on he started to run. Being half dog demon he could run faster than most. When they started to see a river he told her they were getting closer. At the river he stopped and told her they were there. "It's beautiful" said Kagome when she walked to the side of the river. "Yeah, almost as beautiful as you" replied Inuyasha slightly red. Kagome blushed and turned to look in the water. She seen the sun's bright reflection. Then she heared Inuyasha moving closer to her. When he was close enough he put one arm around her and then he looked into the water too. They just stood there looking into the water at each other. Then he turned to her a said "You know I will always be here for you" "I know, Inuyasha" said Kagome while Inuyasha bent down and gave her the deepest kiss he could.

On the way back they walked insted of ran because they wanted to be together and alone for a little while longer. "Kagome." "Yeah?" "You do love me too don't you?" "Of, course I do. What did you expect?" asked Kagome. "I don't know. It's just, you never said it and I kind of wanted you to." "Well does this answer your question?" She then leaned over and gave him a great big hug. Inuyasha blushed and then said "I don't even know why I asked." When they came to the house they were staying at Shippo ran out saying in a complaining voice. "Why didn't you tell me you were leaving you promised just yesterday." "Sorry, Shippo. I didn't mean to break my promise. I will try harder to remember to tell you when I leave." "Ok, I trust you to keep your promise." "Well, where did you go?" "She went somewhere. And she's not telling you that somewhere." said Inuyasha. "Oh c'mon you will, tell me won't you Kagome?" "Not this time Shippo. It's a special place that I can't tell anyone." "Oh, ok I won't bug you about it. But now you have to come with me, because you are going to miss a very interesting fight, between Sango and Miroku. Sango caught Miroku with other girls again." "You're right, this will be interesting. Let's go." "They were at the tree in the middle of the village. So let's hurry up and get there, before it's over." When they got there, there was a crowd around the middle of the village. Kagome could hear Sango yelling at Miroku. "I'm getting tired of finding you with other girls!!!" "Well if you would ever tell me how you feel I might not be with other girls!!" With that Sango went quiet and left the crowd. The crowds started to break, and that left Miroku in the middle of the village alone. Kagome walked up to him and asked "What did you do this time?" "Nothing, but the same thing I do all the time."

"Well that seemed to make her madder than usual." "I will try to see what made her so upset this time." Kagome left and caught up with Sango. "What made you so mad this time, I mean what did he do to make you even madder?" "I don't know I just got real mad at him this time." "Well you know Miroku, he didn't mean any of it." "I know." "Why did you go quiet when he said if you would ever tell him how you feel?" "I just did ok." "Well, let's get back to the guys." "Ok, but I'm not saying sorry to anybody." "I never said you had to." said Kagome laughing.

"Where did you run off to?" asked Inuyasha when they came back. "Nowhere. Why?" "Because it is almost dark." "You afraid were going to run off and leave you?" Kagome said in a teasing voice. "No." "Well I guess you have nothing to fear then, do you?" "Ha Ha very funny." "Where did Miroku run off to?"asked Kagome. "Probably ran to those girls again." "Oh he did, did he." said Sango angry. "Well I guess I will give him a piece of my mind then won't I." Then Sango stomped off towords the direction of the place she found Miroku with the girls the last time . "Inuyasha." "What?" "You think Miroku can get out of this one." "He got into it. He can get out of it." "Shippo is probably already back at the house. We had better get going or he will worry." When they had gotten back to the house they went inside and found Shippo playing with Kilala. Kilala looked up, probably hoping it was Sango. When she seen that Sango wasn't with them she got up and went outside to find her. "How are you Shippo?" asked Kagome when she walked in. "Fine I guess." said Shippo. "Why do you ask?" "Just to ask." "Well I'm going to bed I'm tired." "Night everyone." "Night Kagome." said the little fox-demon running up to her and asking if he could sleep with her tonight. "If you want to Shippo." "Yay" "See you in the morning." said the little demon following her into the bedroom.