InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Band ❯ Can I Sleep With You, I Mean Stay With You!?! ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ch. 2 Can I Sleep With You I Mean Stay With You
“It's ok you can tell me I won't tell anyone else” said Kagome. “My apartment payments up and I have no money to pay it and I can't move back in with my brother” said Inuyasha hugging Kagome back now pulling her onto his lap. “You can stay here, I would enjoy the company I get so alone when no ones here in this big house, all I have for comfort when your gone is my singing, that's how I got to be so good when im alone I write new songs or I sing old ones, if I write new songs the lyrics always match my mood” said Kagome hugging Inuyasha.
“Really I just thought that you were gifted” said Inuyasha sniffing in Kagome's scent. “No just alone and afraid” said Kagome. “Oh well im alone and afraid too” said Inuyasha. “Then stay with me I have an extra room besides my guest room for you, you could sleep there, let's go get your stuff tomorrow ok” said Kagome. “Ok” said Inuyasha giving in. “As for tonight you may stay here” said Kagome. “Ok where should I sleep” asked Inuyasha. “Can we talk in a minute well in fact come with me to my room I need to change out of these clothes” said Kagome realizing that she still had on her performing outfit that consisted of black cat ears, a v neck blue strapless top, black pants that had extra material at the end so when she would move the material would spin.
Sango wore brown dog ears, a v neck purple strapless top, and black pants like Kagome's. Kirara wore cream colored cat ears, a v neck cream colored strapless top, and black pants like Kagome's. Rin wore black dog ears, a v neck orange strapless top, and black pants like Kagome's. “Sure” said Inuyasha swooping Kagome up bridal style and walking up the stairs to her room. “Ok im going to get changed you can wait here or go anywhere else when im done I will be waiting downstairs with the stage and the practice instruments” said Kagome walking into the bathroom.
Inuyasha decided to go out on the deck. Soon Kagome came out wearing boxers and a white tank top. She went downstairs to the living room by the stage and found no Inuyasha so she decided to sing some. Pretty soon she was making up a song and it was good too she named it `Bad Boy'. “A work of art” said Kagome as she put away the paper in a folder by her stand. “So Kagome what do you want to do for the rest of the night” asked Inuyasha out of nowhere.
The sound of his voice made Kagome jump “what were you thinking” she asked. “Hmm I don't know, but you never answered my question, where am I going to sleep tonight?” asked Inuyasha. “I was thinking my bed since I never have any company I want to keep them close, don't worry there will be enough room because it is a king” said Kagome blushing. “Oh well in that case…” said Inuyasha walking up to Kagome. “Will you be my girlfriend” asked Inuyasha. “YES” screamed Kagome and launched herself into Inuyasha's arms.
“Wow for a rock star your just like an average girl” said Inuyasha laughing. “You got a problem with that” asked Kagome laughing. “Not at all” said Inuyasha swooping down and kissing her gently on the lips. Though the kiss didn't last long it got there feelings across. “What do you want to do next” asked Kagome. “HOT TUB” said Inuyasha. “Ummm… you don't have a bathing suet do you” asked Kagome. “No but who needs one were both under water, and if im not going to wear one your not either” said Inuyasha with a sly look on his face.
“I knew those birth control pills would be worth my money some day” said Kagome laughing and heading up to the deck. Inuyasha undressed first and got into the water while Kagome was looking the other way and Kagome did the same thing. Soon they were in the water talking like they were just sitting in bed and a married couple. “So what do you want the name of your first child to be” asked Inuyasha. “I like Jade” said Kagome. “What about you” asked Kagome? “Well if it was a boy then Kouga, I don't know how I got that name I just thought of it (there is no Kouga in this story)” said Inuyasha.
“You really want to be with a half demon like me” asked Inuyasha. “Yes forever” said Kagome. “Are you sure” asked Inuyasha. “Yeah why” asked Kagome. “Well if I want to make you my girlfriend I have to pre-mark you” said Inuyasha. “Whats that” asked Kagome. “Well it is a mark on your shoulder that tells other demon or half demon males to back off your mine” said Inuyasha. “Ok so how do you make this mark” asked Kagome. “Well I have to bite you on your right shoulder and don't worry it won't hurt” said Inuyasha.
“You still want to be my girlfriend” asked Inuyasha with sadness in his voice. “Of course” said Kagome. Inuyasha inched closer to Kagome preparing to bite her “you ready” he asked. Kagome nodded her head yes and Inuyasha bit down on her shoulder. As soon as he bit her she had instant pleasure she moaned involuntarily. Inuyasha then licked the wound clean and backed away from Kagome. “Now if you look at it in the mirror today it will be red and soar, but tomorrow when you wake up it will be a smooth silver to the touch, you can use it to call me when you need to, all you have to do is rub the mark and I will come running for whatever you need” said Inuyasha.
“Oh and now that I marked you your all mine, I can now sense you emotions other then just smell them with my nose, I can tell when you need things and when you want them, thought I can't read your mind, to bad though” said Inuyasha smiling. “So you pretty much own me now” asked Kagome. “Well yeah some demons would call it that but in this relationship I will allow you to make decisions, just one thing I ask, while im over here I must be allowed to sleep somewhere in your room” said Inuyasha. “Yeah sure” said Kagome taking in all the new info.
“You will let me be your boyfriend even if im half demon” asked Inuyasha. “Yes I love you just the way you are” said Kagome walking over to Inuyasha and kissing him romantically, soon there tongues were locked in a never ending battle for dominance. “Ok then let's go” said Inuyasha. They both got out and dressed. Kagome got back into the same thing that she was wearing however Inuyasha just put on his red silky boxers and left everything else there.
Kagome turned around and was immediately greeted by her happy boyfriend. By now it was about 6 in the morning and it was getting light outside. “Hey let's celebrate for the rest of the night before we go to bed” said Inuyasha. “Well can we save the partying for tomorrow im really tired” said Kagome with a begging look on her face. “Ok to bed then” said Inuyasha.
They both got to the room turned on the ceiling fan and got into bed, Kagome on the right side and Inuyasha on the left. Kagome yawned and put her head into the pillow. Inuyasha snuggled up close to Kagome and put his arm around her protectively and pulling her close to him. Kagome didn't mind, in fact she actually liked it. They both settled down and fell into a deep long slumber.
10 in the morning
Kagome woke up to the phone ringing, she flipped over to see if Inuyasha had gotten up yet and he sure did. He was also growling at the phone saying something about being woken from a good dream. Kagome looked at the clock while picking up the phone, it was 10 am. “Hello” said Kagome into the phone. “Just hang up and get back into bed” said Inuyasha, at that Kagome's face got red from embarrassment. “Hey Kagome I guess that you and Inuyasha had an exciting night” said Sango on the other line. “Not really” said Kagome blushing even more.