InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's CreekThe Weeping InuYasha ❯ A fire side chat ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Well here's chapter two, not sure if it anyone read one, but oh well! Maybe people will like. *drum roll * .Chapter Two!!!!! Enjoy!!!

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As dusk settled around her, Kagome was deeply relieved to see the mighty walls of her kingdom intact and safe.

* At least for the moment.* intruded her worried thoughts. She must get to the king! She must warn him!

The clear blares of the royal trumpets swept across the plain, announcing the arrival of their future mistress. Groaning and grumbling the aged gates of the keep opened, baring an entrance so huge that even the largest of dragons could fit through with ease.

As soon as CO'ray entered the courtyard, Kagome found herself swamped by all to familiar praising.

"So good to see you Milady!"
"Are you well your highness? You look ailed-"
" -father is dreadfully worried for you, and desires your presence!"

"Kagome! How do you do this fine eve, M'dear! Shall I tend to CO'ray?" It was Miroku, one of the finest and most respected horse-masters in all of Dovanac. He had retired here as the Royal Keep of both the King's and Kagome's prized steeds. She held a very high liking for him because of a strong friendship that had existed between him and her brother.

"Yes Miroku I would appreciate it very much!" she sighed; it was to soon for panic and suspicion to arise. Helping her down he reported that her father was nearly sick with worry and wished to see Kagome as soon as she arrived.

.Or that's what Kagome wished had happened. Taking advantage of the situation he had made a lecherous move on her backside, which ended with a very vicious beating from the flustered Kagome.

She thanked him (through gritted teeth) as he began to lead CO'ray away to the stables managing to rub his aching face and whisper soothing words to the tired horse.

Kagome couldn't help but smile; she always saw the young horse-master as a brother. A lecherous brother mind! -But a brother all the same.

The sound of bleating trumpets met her ears, alerting Kagome of her father's arrival, as she began to quickly pick her way through the crowd.

She saw him at the top of the palace steps, covered in rich garments of gold and burgundy. To a single adult he appeared to be a royal with royal duties; but to the parent eye, he was fearful for his lost child that now raced towards him.

She soon came to the shelf of stairs, her father spotting her immediately ran down the to meet her, his grace and pride forgotten.

"Kagome my child!" he cried, grasping her shoulders tightly, "Where in Seven Halos have you gone too!? I was ready to send a guard!"

Smiling she grabbed hold of his hand, that still gripped her shoulder and squeezed reassuringly. "I am fine My Lord do not worry, Yet-" she turned grave, "I have news that cannot be spoken in to such open place as this."

Catching her meaningful glance to the people below them, Doemon nodded. "Then to my study we will go to discuss this news you speak so fondly of, M'dear." And taking hold of her arm he led Kagome through many regale and ancient corridors to the royal study.

Though none of the villagers would say it, Kagome looked a disarray! Her hair and clothes were brown from furious travel, there were dark smudges under her eyes from loss of sleep and she looked like she might faint at any moment. What worried the king the most though was the tension in her step and the fearful uncertainty in her eyes. Reaching for the door handles, he quickly threw open the large wooden doors and in six large strides he crossed the ornamental room, ordering a servant to bring warm food and drink.

Beckoning Kagome over, Doemon made her sit, and rest before she began; her distress was nerve racking!

"My Lord.I fear that if we do not act quickly then-" she swallowed hard, "our kingdom and our people shall come to ruin." Doemon blanched, but urged her to continue. "I have been out to the grove. deciding what needed to be done for the safety of our people.

"I assure you that my decision is to move them there!" she said quickly at his curious look, "In fact I say preparations should be ordered out today!"

"Today? Kagome, do you not think it is to soon?" Doemon asked, perplexed at her decision. He suggested this plan to her only two days ago and she had acted as if he asked her to jump off a tower! The old king felt fear begin to rise up in his throat. Giving Kagome a speculative glance he finally managed to croak, "Kagome what comes to Dovanac?"

Bowing her head she answered quietly, "An entire legion of Brathen."

"Brathen!?" Doemon felt his heart stop. Brathen had been a threat resting on his brow since the day that messenger from the Prathoes Empire arrived with a desperate message of war! For help Dovanac had looked to Tessaiga, a neighboring kingdom who was small but strong.

Tessaiga was actually once part of Tenseiga, and together the two kingdoms were known as Valsho. Yet when the Valshonian King had died, his two sons divided the lands. Sesshoumaru, because he was the eldest inherited most of the land naming after his greatest treasure: Tenseiga, his first sword made especially for him and last gift from his father.

The younger son, InuYash had who had never wanted much land, accepted this creed, naming his own smaller kingdom, Tessaiga, Tenseiga's twin. The young prince graciously offered assistance to the coming war with no terms what so ever. Doemon expected it was do to the strong bond between him and Kagome, herself.

Prathoes had also been willing to aid Dovanac, but the price they asked for was too high indeed! Prathoeses ruler, Kouga of Wolf Demon lands, had agreed to only help in exchange for Kagome's hand in marriage. Doemon had quickly declined in outrage -though when reminded of Kouga's terms, one thought would always amuse him.

*Over InuYasha's jealous claws, albeit! *

Yet the brathen had still come.what was to become of his kingdom? His people?

They sat there, silent as statues, night blanketing over the sturdy room and all its possessions. Neither royal noticed though; they both stared at the bright city below them, lively and bustling- but would it last?

"Kagome I need your full account on what happened by the grove." came her father's quiet whisper.

She gulped. Kagome knew very well that her father would be furious at the risk she had taken! Yet lying to her father, her only living family was not an option because Kagome's heart would always have more ground then her mind could ever hope to least in such matters as this.

Looking Doemon square in the eye she relayed the entire happenings of her travels to and from the grove. The king's face remained a silent mask of lines, age carved into every crease, wisdom reflected in every shadow. For a few minutes, Kagome entertained the thought that Doemon was considering taking away her duty as guide for the people's journey- she breathed easier when he spoke.

"I am disappointed that you took such a great risk, Kagome. That was foolhardy!" she winced visibly, this being the reaction she had, though loathed, expected.

".yet.I am also proud. Had you not, we might have already been overrun. It was brave." he smiled down at her with an almost fierce pride.

She sighed in relief, a smile creeping on her lips as Doemon sat back in thought. They could still hear the rumble of Dovanac below them and both royals had to wonder how they would take the news of the upcoming journey.

"Kagome, how many of them do you think there were?" he asked surprising her.

"Well, er.I do not know. I'm guessing perhaps close to six thousand." she said thoughtfully trying to remember the correct amount, "A force of reckoning I know for certain."

Doemon nodded, "Yes that's what confuses me. Dovanac is strong yes, but six thousand? That seems too careful. Is it perhaps probable they found out of Tessaiga's aid?" he asked more to himself than to Kagome.

"What do you mean My Lord?" she asked not know where this discussion would leading, "You speak in riddles."

Doemon sighed, clearly tired and stressed. "I know not my child. This is a terrible mess! Such a terrible, terrible, TERRIBLE mess!" he cried, seeming to want to want to do nothing more than breakdown and cry.

Kagome quickly rose, ready to rush to his side, but stopped when he raised his hand in a gesture of assurance, "I am fine, dear Kagome. I will call a healer to your room to draw a bath and sleeping draught. I shall call a gathering and then.and then decisions will have to be made."

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