InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Dark Return ❯ To Act The Fool ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 2
To Act The Fool

Four years had passed sense the well closed and Inuyasha and Miroku ware just on there way back from a village that had a demon mole problem not far on the other side of Inuyasha forest. They ware asked by a young boy sent to go a help from the neighboring village so that they could plant there rice for the up coming session. It didn't take long for them to take care of the low level mole demon and ware all ready half way in to Inuyasha's forest when out of no ware they felt a power full dark aura. They looked at each other and the looked towered ware the aura was coming from. It was the well and A panicked look befell them both. "What ever it is Inuyasha we must be careful. It is a most powerful aura." Miroku said as he ran beside Inuyasha. Inuyasha inhaled deeply threw his noise as the wind blow over them bringing a sent from the well with it. "It's human…." He started to say but then shook took hold of his face and almost tripped when he stopped running. "It smells like…." Was all the Miroku could hear be for Inuyahsa broke out in a mad dash towards the well. Miroku shook his head at Inuyasha but then he him self followed the Inu running as faster as he could.

As Kagome traveled throw the time stream she was thinking hard on her plane and the best ways to play this game of chess with the living ponds she once called friends. 'Inuyasha will be simple enough to manipulate if not his mind is weak and I can use some sort of spell to cloud his mind and use his power for my own deeds. Then there is the fox kit, He should be just as simple if nor more so. Then there is Sango….Ummm She may cause a problem if she has figured out how to pick up aura's in the time I have been gone. If not I should be able to keep the act up long enough around her….But then there is Miroku.' She placed a finger on her chin as she pondered. 'He was always able to pick up on my moods, my feelings and aura. Not only that with his own holy power he could be a kink in all my plans.' She thought.

She was getting mad and it showed in her eye's as they turned black. She had to find a way to make the dammed monk take her side, Killing him would only be wast of his powers, power she wanted control over. She could all ways use a spell on him as well but there was always the chance he would brake free from it over time. Then there was also the fact that Sango would most likely see the difference in her husband. Killing him popped back in to her head, But then there would be a Problem with Sango once more and she needed to keep Sango on her side as long as she could, Even if Sango lacked any spiritual power she was still a warrior and a strong one at that. Then a evil grin was started to form on Kagome's lips. Right then her face A look of pure evil that it would have made Naraku look like a saint. 'Yes, By now the two of them must have had at less one child by now. All I need is to get a lock of the Child's hair.' She laughed. 'The monk will not dare betray me, Not if the treated was not on his life but on his child." She would take his old cures and hold it over the child not the monk.

She was on the other side of the well now and she was quiet happy with her plans now she had it all worked out, Even if one would fail the next would be played and so on. She was not one to leave loose ends and with what she wanted many things could go wrong, So she had to be prepared for them, all of them. Looking up now to see the clear blue sky above her she hoped out of the well with a single leap. She was glade with all the things she had ganged over the few years what had made her most happy was power, Not just a magic power but a physical power. She was strong, Fast and even a better hand to hand fighter now, Now that she was not being held back by the baka Inu. No longer was her bow her best weapon but her own hands, She was no longer that week human that needed the help from that henyou, No she was on the path to become a goddess. She looked around and then walked down the path past the tree of ages that lead to the village she once saw more as her home then her own time.

Inuyasha and Miroku reached the well but no one was there. "It was her Miroku….Kagome was here!" He said with a smile. "That's grate my friend, But what worries me is this dark aura that has touched every thing in this clearing. It is so strong I can not feel Kagome's aura." Inuyasha took another big sniff. “I don't smell any one else but Kagome…I don't care I'll save …I'll protect her. Come on monk shes heading for the village." Inuyasha said as he broke out in to another mad dash following the sent of 'his' Kagome. It didn't take them long at all to catch up to her, She was just out side the forest her back to them as she walk to the village. Her long dark locks ware now past her waist but still full of body and swayed as she walked. Her hips ware hugged by the dark blue miko robes she wore. Her walk was so graceful that she almost looked as if she was gliding not walking. Inuyasha and Miroku stopped dead in there tracks as soon as there eye's came to this scene, Inuyasha because he became over whelmed by the sheer beauty in front of him and Miroku because of the shear power rolling off the small little miko.

She could feel them closing in on her, She had to hold back a laugh. 'This is going to be fun.' She thought, Then she could feel them right behind her. She turned and placed the warmest smile she could fake on her lips but her eye held no warmth. The faces before her ware as she had remembered them. "Hello." Was all she was able to say be for she was in the embrace of Inuyasha who was now holding her rather tightly. "I'm not letting you go this time Kagome, You hear me? I love you and I'm not letting you go for anything." Is what she heard as his voice whispered in her ear and her eye's widen. 'This fool maybe be essayist to manipulate then I had first planed, Go on Inuyasha and act the fool in love and make my job that much easier.' She smugly thought to her self as she inwardly grinned letting the gears in her mind turn with ideas to have this Inu on a leach and calling her master be for long.