InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Dark Return ❯ The Back Up Plain ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 5
The Back up Plain
The sun was not yet in the sky when Kagome had woke and left the hut for the herb gardens of the old miko. She was not there at the time and the fox kit was with her. It seemed a village not far from there was in need of   her add, Kagome was told a women was dew to give birth soon and there healer has just passed that summer. 'The old bat could be gone for a few more days with that kit so that is less work I have to do at this time, But sooner or latter I will have to deal with them both.' She thought as the sun was just now peeking over the mountain as she pulled what plants she needed from the garden. She knew she would have to deal with them sooner or later and later was fine by her. As far as that went she really had no need for them as they ware never part of any of her plains. 'As long as they don't cross me I'll let them live. Maybe I'll kill the old bat just for fun.' She laughed out loud at what the face of the old miko mite look like as she died at the hand of the reincarnation of her own sister. A evil smile found it way on to her lips and Kagome laughed to her self.

After getting what was needed she then made her way back to the monk and demon slayer's hut. Out side the hut she pulled out vials and glass bottles filled different colors liquids. She started a fire with a flick of her wrist and blue flames filled the fire pit out side the hut. Inuyasha was up by now and was watching her as she started the fire from his tree. It seemed to him that some of those simple spells she learned ware useful and he wondered what she was up to but before he even drop from his tree Kagome's voice called out to him."Inuyahsa would you come here. If you have time to just stare then you can help me." She said with out even looking at him as she set up all the herbs she had gathered in a vile. 'How did she now I was awake?' He asked him self as he jumped down and looked around. "Hay Kagome what's with all this stuff and ware did it come from?" He asked her puzzled by what she was doing. "Well the herbs I got from gardens and the other stuff I brought with me from my time." She told him as she pulled a book out of her sleeve and flipped threw the page's. "Amazing Lady Kagome, How pray tell did you do that?" Miroku asked as he stepped out of the hut as she had pulled the book out. "With a spell Miroku, One that will let me carry any thing I may want as long as it fit's up my sleeves." She said handing Inuyasha a pot. Both Inuyasha and Miroku looked puzzled."The best way I can put it is that the spell I placed on my robe's is much like the wind tunnel you once had Miroku but I can pull the things I place there back out." Kagome told them.She turned to Inuyasha holding out a pot. "Now go fill this with water so I can start my potion and I can go over the plan with you all." She told him and with out argument he nodded and was gone. Sango was the next to come out of the hut. "The children are still sleeping." She said as she sat next to he husband. The blue flame still going strong even with out wood feeding flames. "Here Kagome." Inuyasha said as he set the pot over the flames. "So Lady Kagome what is it that you are doing?" Miroku asked as she started placing herbs in to the pot of water. "This Miroku is a potion to bring the dead back to life it is are last hope if me and Inuyasha fail to find the evil power in time." She said and they all dropped jaws. "Lady Kagome are you telling me you have become so powerful that you can reverse death it's self." Miroku asked.

"No Miroku not really, I can give the dead some time on this plain with a body but it will only last two full moon's and once this potion has been used on a soul that soul can not be returned by this means a second time, So this can only be used as a last resort." She said now pouring different liquids in the pot from her meany villas. "Still that is a grate power to have Lady Kagome." Miroku said as he looked in side the pot as the color of the liquid changed from blue to green. “Really it's not so grate, anyone that could read old scrolls could have learned to do it, but the herbs would have been harder to find in my time. I was just lucky to the garden is well stocked in rare plants.” Kagome told him.

"So Kagome what's the plain?" Asked Inuyasha scratching the back of his head. All this shit about spells and potion was beyond him and some of the things she was putting in that pot made his nose burn. "Well like I said this is the back up plain. The main plain is that Inuyasha and I will travel and gather alleys to help us find this unholy land be for the power even shows up. If we are lucky we may find it be for any one else but if we still have not yet found it in lets say 5 weeks Miroku will have to use the potion." She stated and the group looked at her."Why the hentai?" Asked Inuyasha as the monk looked shocked. "I will be with you Inuyasha and there is no telling ware we will be at this time…..Miroku on the other hand can carry it and take it to Mount Hakurei ware we last saw Bankotsu" They all nodded then Miroku asked her how he was to use the potion. "I made it vary simple all you must do is pore it on the ground of Mount Hakurei and speak his name. His soul will be pulled back to the land of the living, From there if all go's right he should travel to the unholy land on his own. But I must ask one more thing of you Miroku, Follow him and do not revile your self to him. Once he has found this unholy land send word to me as fast as you can." She asked him.

Sango jumped in at this point. "Don't worry Kagome he would be honored to help you." As she jabbed him in the ribs before he could protest. "All right then it's ready." Kagome said as she handed the monk a vile and told him to fill it with the liquid in the pot. "Now that this is done how about you two men go for a hunt and bring back some thing to eat, The children will be waking up soon." Sango said. Miroku and Inuyasha nodded and walked down the path in to the forest."Sango?" Kagome had a troubled look "Yes Kagome?" "I wanted to ask if it would be alright if I took Miroku for a walk before Inuyasha and I leave? I have some things I wish to talk to him about." She asked in a clam smooth voice. "Oh Kagome, Really you know I don't mind. Miroku is like your brother and if you wish to seek him for his console who am I to tell you no." Sango said with a worried voice. "Kagome has it really been that long. You know we are your family and when you left that didn't change. Now that your back you feel so withdrawn from us." Sango looked at Kagome shaking her head. "I'm sorry Sango, I know you are a older sister to me but for so long I was alone, Not only that Sango I had to grow up witch changed me as your children has changed you I'm sure." Sango could not say no, Yes she had changed she was a mother now. Having her kids in her life did change how she viewed and did things.

She guessed Kagome was right, Time dose change who a person is but Kagome would all ways be her sister at less in her eye's. The boys ware back shortly after there little talk girl. Inuyasha had a dear he killed and cleaned and Miroku had berries, nuts and some herbs to fix with it. Kagome stopped the monk be for he entered the hut. "Miroku would you walk with me I wish to talk to you, Please." Kagome said and the monk looked at his wife and she nodded. "Of course Lady Kagome." He said yes of course but his mind was telling him that no good could come of this little talk. Kagome looked at Inuyasha. "Will you stay and make sure the food dose not burn Inuyasha?" She asked. "Yeah just don't take to long or there won't be any thing left when you get back." With that Miroku followed Kagome outside the village and to the well, The hole time his mind was screaming at him that this was a vary bad idea.