InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's daughter, Kayome ❯ betryal and the bone eaters well ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey people what's up? Not much here but I just could not wait to up date the next chapter. I love this story way too much. But neways I wanted to thank some people for their reviews.

To kikyohater #1: first, I love your name. Kikyo makes my blood boil every time I see her. -Growls- sorry for making you scroll down and read ahead but I had to keep you in suspense, even if I can't do an evil laugh. And what makes you think Sora is talking?? Oops I said too much all well read this chapter and you find out. And I am not sure when you'll find out about Kayome's dad.

To kagomeinuyashalover: thank you for the compliment I really appreciate it.

Well I guess that's it for right now I'll just get on with my story.

Chapter 3: betrayal and the bone eaters well

Kayome watched as tears streamed down her face. `Why, why us Sora? How could you?' she ripped the necklace off her neck and threw it to the ground, disgusted at the sight of the two. "Kayome?!?!" it was Sora. "Kayome wait. Its not what it looks like!" She stared at him, pain and betrayal etched in every fiber of her body.

"Its not what it looks like?! Then tell me what it is. Cuz it sure as hell looks like you and her were makin out in my back yard. But please I must be hallucinating cuz its not what it looks like!"

He looked at her with pleading eyes, willing her to believe him.

"It's over." Two words. Two words was all it took to break him.

She turned round and sped off to find a place to hide. Not just from him, but from every one. She didn't want to answer questions or anything, Kayome just wanted to be alone.

She opened the door to the old well. `I can stay here till everyone leaves.' But as soon as she shut the door she heard footsteps running to ward her.

She looked around and saw the opening to the well, deciding it would serve as a good hiding place she jumped in. only to be surrounded by a blue-purple light.

Inuyasha sat with his eyes closed and his arms behind his head. Sango and Miroku sat one the opposite side of him while an older Shippo and Kilala played in the fields.

(Shippo has only aged a little but he still looks pretty much the same. Being a demon and all)kikyo sat in the grass relaxing.

The two stopped playing and lifted their noses to the air.

"Do you smell that Kilala?" he asked taking in another big whiff. Kilala mewed in return and stepped toward the smell.

"It can't be Kilala. She's been dead for years." But Kilala persistently meowed again.

"I'll get Inuyasha."

Kayome climbed out of the well when she landed on the hard earth. Seeing the sky above she knew something was wrong.

She climbed out of the well and looked around.

"On no. this can't be good." She said her heart starting to race. She started to walk toward the forest when a huge python youkai sprang at her.

"You girl. You hold the jewel. Give it to me."

Kayome screamed in terror as the snake coiled its self around her.

Inuyasha sniffed the air and smelt it.

"It is her. But it can't be."

He finished his sentence and herd a scream coming from the same direction. He and Miroku dashed into the forest as sango and Shippo got on Kilala. Kikyo flew above them held up by her soul collectors.

They arrived just in time. Inu stopped dead in his tracks as the face of kagome loomed in the coils of the snake.

"K-Kagome?" he questioned but as he did the snake bit the girl, letting go of her it faced Inuyasha.

He watched as the girl swayed and crumpled to a heap on the grass.

An arrow wizzed thru the air and the demon was slaughtered instantly.

Inu rushed forward followed by the rest of the gang. He bent down and cradled the girl in his arms.

Realization hit him like a ton of bricks. The girl was not kagome, and the poison the snake had put into her was rushing thru her veins making her weak and slowly killing her, unless they could administer an antidote in time.

Well review and tell me what you think. I thought it was a good chapter but that's just me.

See ya'll next time.


Moonlit inu.