InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Decision ❯ Kagome's Decision ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagome's Decision
Kirameki Izumi

"Come on Inuyasha. Just play the game with us." Kagome said as she reshuffled the cards. "You didn't play the last time."
"I told you! We don't have time for games! We've got to find Naraku!"
"Does that mean you've caught Naraku's scent?" Miroku said calmly as he picked up the cards Kagome had shuffled out to him.
"Figures." Shippo said with a sigh.
"What did you say?" Inuyasha said as he turned angrily to Shippo.
"Kagome!" Shippo yelled franticly as he hid behind her.
"Inuyasha stop picking on Shippo."
"I haven't done anything yet! I…" Inuyasha stopped his argument as he sniffed the air.
"What is it Inuyasha?" Kagome asked as she saw Inuyasha staring up at the sky.
"Kikyo?" "Kikyo?" Kagome looked up and gasped. It was Kikyo's soul collectors.
"Is Kikyo here?" But Inuyasha had already begun to run after the soul collectors.
"Wait Inuyasha!" Kagome hurriedly ran and got on her bike.
"What is it Kagome?" Sango asked.
"It's Kikyo! Inuyasha's gone after her!" And Kagome was pedaling away before they could ask her more questions. "I wonder if Kikyo's in trouble. Hopefully they're both alright."
"Whoa!" Kagome stopped suddenly as she saw a large, blue barrier in front of her. It started from the edge of the forest and stretched on for what seemed like a considerable distance. "Did Kikyo put up the barrier?" Kagome hesitantly moved her hand towards the barrier. Her hand went through. "I guess I'll find out" Kagome slid off her bike and carefully laid the bike down on the ground. "This way, the others will know that I was here." Then Kagome walked through the barrier and into the forest.
Kagome walked carefully past snagging branches and over unearthed roots as she looked desperately for any sign of Kikyo or Inuyasha. "I wonder how far this forest goes." Kagome's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by voices. Kagome followed after the voices, taking extreme care not to snap a twig and alert their attention. Kagome then backed herself against a tree trunk a peeked over the side. It was Inuyasha and Kikyo. "Well that's good. Kikyo seems to be alright." Kagome was about to step behind the tree when she heard Inuyasha speak.
"I don't care what you say! I'm not leaving you! Naraku almost killed you because I wasn't there for you!"
"It will be more difficult now that Naraku no longer has Onigumo's heart. But I will destroy him myself Inuyasha."
"I won't let you fight this on your own Kikyo. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I had let you die alone again. I promise, I'll never leave you on your own again."
"Inuyasha" Kagome suddenly felt her heart shatter into a million pieces. She couldn't watch anymore. She had to get away. She walked away quietly, just far enough so that she was out of earshot, and began to run. She could feel her chest throbbing with pain. Not because of the running, but because of Inuyasha's words. "I couldn't live with myself if I let you die alone again. I promise, I'll never leave you on your own again."
"He's chosen Kikyo. He promised that he would never leave her side again. Which means…" Kagome's eyes began to sting with tears now. She tried desperately to hold them back but despite her efforts, they began to trickle steadily down her cheeks. "…he's leaving me. He's never coming back. Why would he? He has Kikyo. He doesn't need me." Kagome suddenly stopped she couldn't run anymore. The painful truth was sucking all of her energy. She finally sank to the forest floor and began to sob even harder.
Miroku, Sango, and Shippo were all standing outside the barrier. They had found Kagome's bike but not Kagome.
"Do you think something happened to her? Her bike is the only thing here." Shippo said with anxiety in his voice.
" I think she left the bike as a sign to show where she went. So she's…." Miroku stopped as he heard a noise coming from the forest.
"Is it a demon?" Shippo squealed as he hid behind Miroku. The noise stopped as Kagome emerged from the trees.
"Kagome!" Shippo ran from behind Miroku and jumped into Kagome's arms. "I'm so glad to see you! I was beginning to worry if something had happened to you."
"Thank you for worrying. But I'm alright."
"Kagome are you sure your alright? Did something happen?" Sango asked sympathetically. Kagome was acting normal but they could tell that her eyes were red from crying.
"I'm fine. Don't worry." They suddenly heard another rustling sound coming from the forest.
"Ahhh! It's a demon!" Shippo yelled as he hid his head in Kagome's arms.
"It's just me you idiot!" Inuyasha said as he pushed his way past the trees.
"Arrggh! Don't scare us like that Inuyasha!"
"You're the only one stupid enough to be scared."
"Take that back!"
"Oh just shut up already. You're…" But Inuyasha stopped as he looked at Kagome. Kagome was casting her eyes towards the ground. Almost like she was trying to avoid his gaze. Kagome had never done that before.
"Kagome are you okay?"
"I'm fine."
"Look! Just tell me!" Inuyasha started to walk closer in hopes that he might find an answer on her face.
"I told you. I'm fine." Inuyasha was standing right in front of her now.
"Just leave me alone!" Kagome had yelled this so loud that Shippo jumped out of her arms in fear and hid behind Sango. He was scared of demons but Kagome was much more frightening when she was angry. Even Inuyasha had moved back a step. He could see her eyes had started to well with tears. Kagome then turned abruptly as she said "I'm going home." and she started to climb back onto her bike.
"You can't go home! We need you to find the jewel shards!"
"That's the only reason you ever need me isn't it?" Kagome yelled furiously as she turned her head towards Inuyasha. Her tears were starting to run down her face heavily now. "If it weren't for the fact that I'm your special little jewel detector you would have kicked me to the curb long ago!"
"What are you talking about? I…"
"Inuyasha just please stop lying!" Kagome was shaking as she began to sob harder. " Why don't you just do us both a favor and have Kikyo help you find the jewel shards. She's more important to you than me anyway." Inuyasha sat in silence for a moment. He didn't know what to say. Kagome's sharp remark had stabbed him like a shard of ice and his mind and body froze.
"I said leave me alone already!" and Kagome was pedaling off furiously before he could say anything more.
"How could this have happened?" Kagome was back home in her own room. "How could he do this to me?" Kagome plunged her face into her pillow and screamed. She then sat and absorbed the silence for a while hoping this would help heal the pain. But it didn't do anything. "Why?" Then she heard the little voice of reason whisper to her from the back of her head.
"Why do you keep asking why? You knew this when you decided to stay with him. You knew that he would never just forget Kikyo."
"That's right. I did know that. So why do I turn into such a terrible monster whenever I see them together?"
"Because you love him."
"But if I love him shouldn't I be more supportive? I blame him for being selfish and uncaring when it's really me who's being selfish. I can't believe what an idiot I am."
"It's never to late to make amends." Kagome then looked at the bottle of jewel shards on her desk and picked them up. "That's right. I can still fix this. It's the least I can do. After all, Inuyasha has never left me because he knew that it was hard for me. Isn't it about time I show him the same kindness? I don't want him to have to feel guilty about me anymore."
The sun was beginning to set, causing the sky to turn a bright orange red. It was a very peaceful evening. Well at least for the most part.
"Apologize!" Shippo yelled. Shippo was dragging Inuyasha to the Bone-Eaters Well but Inuyasha was pulling back defiantly.
"Why do I have to apologize?" Inuyasha yelled furiously back at Shippo.
"You were seeing Kikyo behind Kagome's back! What do you mean why do I have to apologize?"
"I was not seeing Kikyo behind Kagome's back!" Though Inuyasha's ears did droop slightly with guilt. "I don't even know what to say." He said almost quietly to himself.
"Don't be so proud. Just say that you're sorry and I'm sure Kagome will forgive. Though you don't really deserve it."
"What did you say?" Inuyasha was just about to slug Shippo when they heard "I'm back." They both turned to see Kagome pulling herself out of the well.
"Kagome! Your back!" Shippo ran delightedly towards Kagome and hugged her.
"I brought you a treat."
"Really? What did you bring me?"
"Let's see I brought you some chocolate and some cake."
"Thank you Kagome!" Shippo said as he happily began to taste some of his chocolate. "This is delicious."
"I'm glad you like it." Kagome said smiling.
"Huh?" Kagome turned towards Inuyasha. His eyes were cast down to the ground and his ears were the lowest she had ever seen them. It reminded her of a kid who felt guilty about breaking the family's expensive antique.
"Are you okay because…"
"Oh that! I'm fine now." Inuyasha looked at her in surprise. How could her mood have changed so drastically? "I'm sorry that I yelled at you. I didn't really mean what I said. But I understand how you feel and I'm okay now."
"Are you sure because…"
"Yep. I'm perfectly fine" Kagome then turned away from Inuyasha. " Shippo? Do you want to help me bring the rest of the treats?"
"Sure." And Shippo and Kagome began carrying the plastic sacks to Kaede's hut. Inuyasha stared after Kagome in puzzlement. She seemed to be fine. But was she really okay?
Night had fallen and everyone was asleep. Well all but one. Kagome slowly opened her eyes to see if everyone was asleep. Even Inuyasha was sleeping soundly which was very fortunate for what she was planning to do. Kagome quietly got out of her sleeping bag and put on her shoes. She then carefully slipped past Inuyasha and out the door.
"This is the only way."
Kagome then went into the forest and seemed to be wandering aimlessly in search for something. But she finally found it, Kikyo's soul collectors. So Kikyo was near by. Kagome followed after the soul collectors and finally came across Kikyo sitting in the boughs of the Sacred Tree. The soul collectors glided back up to their master as she looked at Kagome with her usual cold, expressionless stare.
"Why have you come here?"
"Well I…" She didn't know what to say it was such a strange thing to ask. "I…came here because of Inuyasha."
"Is he alright?"
"He's fine…it's just…" "Jeez, this is such a weird thing to say." "It's just…I realize that I don't really belong here and…he thinks about you all the time you know…I think he's really missed you and…I just want him to be happy so…I thought maybe I could give you your soul back." Kikyo stared at her in shock. Kagome figured she'd get a stare like that. Who wouldn't have thought this sounded crazy.
"You do know that once I take back my soul you will cease to exist."
"I know that but…I just want Inuyasha to be happy…even if that means…"
"I understand."
Inuyasha's ears twitched. The hut creaked slightly as the wind blew in through the door. His eyes slowly opened as he sniffed the air in puzzlement. Why was Kagome's scent being carried in the wind? His eyes were wide open as he realized Kagome was gone. He looked frantically to where Kagome was sleeping. She was gone. Inuyasha quickly dashed out the door. He had to hurry. Kikyo's scent was mixed in with Kagome's. Her life could be in danger. Inuyasha followed the scent deep into the forest as he yelled her name. "Kagome! Kagome where are you!" Inuyasha stopped as he saw Kagome lying motionless under the Sacred Tree. "Kagome!" Inuyasha ran to her side and picked her up in his arms. "Kagome! Kagome answer me!" But Kagome would not respond. Her soul was gone. Inuyasha's hands began to tremble as he realized that Kagome was gone. He had been to late.
"She can't hear you." Inuyasha turned to see Kikyo standing behind him.
"Damn it Kikyo. What did you do to Kagome?" Inuyasha yelled angrily.
"I didn't do anything. The girl the came to me and asked me to take her soul." Inuyasha stared at Kikyo in puzzlement. What did she mean? Why would Kagome give up her soul? "It seems that she wanted so desperately for you to be happy, that she gave up her soul."
"What? But why?"
"Don't ask me. I don't understand it completely myself. That's just what she told me." Inuyasha looked back at Kagome's lifeless body in shock and alarm. "Why Kagome? Why did you think that would make me happy?" It then hit him like a cold frost over his entire body as he thought back to what she had said. "She's more important to you than me anyway." "But I understand how you feel and I'm okay now."
Why didn't he see it before? It was written all over her face. He knew something was wrong. Why didn't he do anything?
"Kikyo." Inuyasha turned to look at Kikyo but she was fading out of sight. "Wait Kikyo! You have to give Kagome's soul back!" But Kikyo was gone.
"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" Inuyasha was pounding his fist into the ground out of frustration. "Damn it. How could I have let this happen?" His fist was beginning to bleed from how hard he had pounded the ground. Why hadn't he noticed before? How could he have been so foolish? He had always had lingering feeling for Kikyo and he felt partly responsible for her death. That was why he insisted on protecting her. But it hadn't struck him till now that the person most important in his life was Kagome. Nothing else mattered unless she was with him. And now she was gone. Regret began to poke at his heart. Why didn't he say anything? Why hadn't he done something to show her that he truly cared? "It's all my fault. If I had just said something Kagome would still be here. Damn it!" He slugged the earth again and caused new blood to flow. Inuyasha's grieving, however was interrupted as rushing wind came from behind. Kagome's body was hovering in the air as her soul rushed back to her. Inuyasha stared in puzzlement. Had Kikyo been testing Kagome? He forgot about this as he saw Kagome's body lower itself back down to the earth and rushed to her side. Her body was still glowing as he picked her up in his arms.
"Kagome! Kagome!" Kagome's eyes slowly opened as the glow began to fade.
"Inuyasha? What are you doing here?"
"What do you mean what am I doing her? What in the hell gave you the idea to give up your soul?"
"What do you mean what gave me the idea?"
"You know what I mean! What the hell were you thinking?" Kagome looked away from Inuyasha and sighed.
"You love Kikyo don't you? And you want to stay by her right? The only reason you stay behind is because you know that it's hard for me. I didn't want you to be unhappy because of me being selfish. So…"
"Who said I was ever unhappy!"
"And who the hell ever said I stay by you because I feel obligated to?"
"Damn it Kagome you still don't get it do you? I stay by you because I want to! I stay with you because you make me happy!"
"But what about Kikyo?"
"Forget about Kikyo!" Inuyasha pulled Kagome into his arms.
"I'm sorry. I never made it clear enough, how I felt. But I won't make that mistake again. No matter what happens, I'll always love you. Understand?" Kagome's eyes began to fill with tears as she smiled.
"I understand."