InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Diary ❯ Scars ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

(A/N: I do not own Inu Yasha, though I might in a parallel universe at least I know Sesshy is mine in that universe.)
Narrator: Shippo
[A/N: Shippo's dialogue will be in Italics along with any thoughts. Enjoy!]
I wonder where Kagome and Inu Yasha have gone again tonight, and on a New Moon too. She's been disappearing with him like this for exactly seven new moons now. Every time they return Kagome smiles more and Inu Yasha stays silent for a few days. In fact I caught him looking at Kagome with softness in his eyes and a faint smile on his lips. It kinda reminds me of how Ma and Pa sometimes acted around each other. Come to think of it, Inu Yasha never even mentions Koga or says anything mean when Koga is brought up in a conversation. I wonder if Miroku and Sango have noticed this change affecting both of them.
I'm getting kinda hungry and Miroku and Sango are out exterminating demons a couple villages away. Kaede's sleeping, I can't ask her for food and I'm too hungry to sleep. Oh! Yay I'm in luck! Kagome forgot her backpack. She always has yummy things in there. Hmm, potato chips—I like these. What's this golden book? It says “My Diary” with sunflowers in the background. What's a “dairy” anyway? Oh well I'll bet there are stories in it. I can eat potato chips and read this until somebody returns though.
[Found on the inside front cover: “This Diary Belongs to: Kagome Higurashi.”]
Dear Diary,
Tomorrow is the night of the New Moon and Inu Yasha has been especially grumpy today. I wonder if he is nervous about tomorrow. He wouldn't be nervous if he knew what I've been planning this whole month! I've decided to take him to my time so he'll feel safer. I'll probably take him to see this new American movie; everyone's said it's really funny. We'll probably go eat at McDonald's later. He's never had a cheeseburger and I know he'll love it. How funny, I'm going to be taking Inu Yasha out on a date! He's not even going to know it is one… I don't know why, but even though I tell myself Inu Yasha is a jerk and I should love Hojo, I still find myself thinking about dog-boy all the time. I'm so pathetic. But if my soul really is Kikyo's or even a part of it doesn't that mean I'm destined to be in love with him? In which case does the Jewel want to give this soul a second chance? I'm not making any sense anymore; I think this is enough for today.
Oh so this is what a dairy is. Kagome's keeping track of her thoughts and personal feelings. I wonder if Inu Yasha knows how she feels yet. If her soul is Kikyo's then why can't Inu Yasha just love Kagome? The present Kikyo isn't anything like what she was from what I understand. Kikyo's body being able to move and her being able to talk must make Inu Yasha confused. Has he really forgot how his old Kikyo acted? I don't understand it. If Kikyo loved him why would she want to kill him now? Her sould was already reborn in Kagome and if she gave up the hatred she feels toward Inu Yasha she could be with him—living in Kagome. She would be Kagome I think. She could still live with Inu Yasha—her shell of a body would pass, but she would live, right? If only Pa were alive. *sigh* I bet he'd know what to do! I probably shouldn't read any more of Kagome's dairy…
Dear Diary,
I enjoyed last night so much, even though you could say it was a total flop. I lured Inu Yasha back to my time telling him I found a talking tree with a larger shard of the Shikon Jewel embedded in its' bark. He believed me of course. When we arrived in my time I took him to the Go-Shinboku God tree…
“Kagome I don't see anything. Just that damn tree,” Inu Yasha said. “I hate that tree,” he muttered.
“Well I never wanted you to SEE anything,” Kagome said as she put both of her hands over Inu Yasha's eyes. “Listen,” she whispered. “Can you hear it?”
The leaves and branches were rustling in the wind and several birds chirped therein.
“Kagome, I don't hear anything, just birds and leaves.”
“You can hear it, but you're not listening. I know what its saying.”
“You're really starting to scare me Kagome, and I don't scare easily.”
Kagome sat on one of the roots of the old God-tree and said, “The tree is telling the story to the birds about how we managed to defeat Naraku, and though we rid the world of such great evil the scars and wounds he inflicted will always remain.” She rose and stood beside Inu Yasha and pointed to the scar that the God-tree harbored from Kikyo's arrow. “See?” she asked as she embraced him.
Inu Yasha returned her embrace as his demonic appearance vanished into the red sunset. His claws and fangs disappeared and his silver-gray hair turned black as he lost his doge ears and got human ones.
Kagome started for her house but Inu Yasha grabbed her hand and held her tight. He said in a voice just louder than a whisper, “Thank you Kagome.”
Kagome blushed and smoothly broke free of his hug as she asked, “For what Inu Yasha?”
Inu Yasha remained silent and headed to Kagome's house.
That's strange, he's never behaved like that in the Feudal Era, not even in his human form, she thought.
She caught up with him and together they walked to the house in silence. The occasional chirp of a cricket or sound of a locust was all that could be heard.
Kagome went to her room to change out of her school uniform and into something appropriate for her date with Inu Yasha. She picked out a blue jean skirt and light purple flowered blouse and decided to wear the shoes Hojo got her. The sandals did feel good, but were just not as practical in the Feudal Era especially with all the demon fighting and dirt roads. She went to the bathroom to freshen up.
Meanwhile Inu Yasha was watching TV with her mom and little brother Sota. He did not understand the TV, so he got up and knocked on the screen.
“Nothings actually in there,” Sota said.
“Well how come there are people right there?” Inu Yasha asked.
“They were recorded on camera. It's not real. It's just TV,” Kagome's mom replied. “Some things on it are real though,” she added.
Inu Yasha sat back down, still extremely confused. Kagome's world is really strange. What's taking her so long?! I'm going to find out right now, he thought. He went to Kagome's room and sat down on her bed. Kagome's scent had a power over him, a power that made him relax. It did not take long before he was sprawled out on her bed fast asleep.
When Kagome returned to her room and saw him asleep, something came over her. He trusted her like he trusted no other. She quietly walked toward him, unsure of how well he could hear in his human form, bent down—her face just inches from his. Her lips lightly brushed his. He remained sound asleep. He even slept through Kagome making a bed for herself on the floor next to the bed. She placed a light blanket on top of Inu Yasha and said, “I love you Inu Yasha. Goodnight,” and crawled into the bed she made.
Tonight certainly didn't go as planned, but I'm not mad. How often does he get to sleep as a human and not have to worry about anything? I do hope we can do something next New Moon though, Kagome thought as she fell asleep.
When Kagome woke up in the morning she was on her bed and Inu Yasha, back to his old demon self was kneeling next to her bed staring at her.
“Good morning Inu Yasha,” Kagome said with a yawn. “Thanks for putting me in my bed…you didn't have to you know.”
“Yeah, well it was the least I could do for you making me feel safe enough to fall asleep as a human. I've never slept as a human.”
“Well I don't know; when we first started going after the shards, the first time you lost your demon powers when I was around, you got bit by the leader of the spider-head demons. You looked to me like you were sleeping then.”
“I wasn't sleeping! I was trying not to move! Would you be able to sleep with the pain of a thousand swords stabbing you all over? Your skin feeling like it was on fire?! Feh. I didn't think so.”
Kagome laughed.
“How is that funny,” Inu Yasha demanded. “I never laughed when Sesshomaru threw me into you and knocked you out!”
“You're just too predictable Inu Yasha. I thought you'd get defensive, and you did,” Kagome said with a wink and a smile. Inu Yasha was embarrassed and turned away as his face turned red.
`Too predictable.' Feh. I'll show her `too predictable,' he thought and stormed out of her room. Grrr I only act one way, she's right. But what can I do to be unpredictable? I guess I'll have to ask her mom if there is anything I can do for Kagome that sounds most unlike me.
Inu Yasha found himself in the kitchen with Kagome's mom. She was reading the newspaper and drinking coffee.
“Hey, woman, what does Kagome eat for breakfast?” Inu Yasha asked in a slightly more polite way than what he would usually ask any other woman, usually calling the woman a wench.
“Is that any way to ask me something? It's Reiko, Inu Yasha,” Kagome's mom replied.
“Whatever, what breakfast can I make for Kagome?”
“Kagome usually eats cereal in the mornings,” Reiko said.
And so our beloved doggy half-breed found himself standing outside Kagome's room with a bowl of cereal and two pieces of toast with strawberry jelly. He peeked his head in her room and got an eyeful. Kagome was in the process of getting dressed. Her back was to him and he quickly moved away from the doorway to avoid one of her famous, breathtaking, spine breaking “SIT'S.”
“Ka-Kagome I-I brought you something,” Inu Yasha stammered.
“Don't come in,” she replied and slammed the door.
Whew, Inu Yasha thought, that was too close.
A minute later Kagome opened the door to find Inu Yasha standing with cereal and toast.
“Because I'm too predictable—I made breakfast for you.”
“How did you know what I eat for breakfast?” Kagome asked.
“I asked your mom.”
“This was unexpected. Thank you Inu Yasha,” she said and took the breakfast from him and ate it at her desk.
He must not like being called predictable, even though most of his actions are very predictable. Oh no, he's got that look on his face; the one he always gives me after he sees Kikyo.
“This is good Inu Yasha. Did you make it yourself?” Kagome asked to lighten the mood.
“Yeah. Thanks. It wasn't hard to make,” he replied shortly.
She finished her breakfast quickly and gathered things to put in her backpack to take back to the Feudal Era.
On the way back to the well Inu Yasha stopped and put her backpack down. He walked over to the Go-Shinboku God tree and quietly said to Kagome, who followed him, “I don't know Kagome.”
Oh brother there's that Kikyo face, she thought.
She feels more than a friend, but how can I tell her anything like that? I promised Kikyo. If anything happened to Kagome I don't know what I'd do. Well I'd probably take the Shikon Jewel and become a full demon so I can move on without Kikyo and Kagome. I can't choose between them. Not yet anyway.
“Inu Yasha, I don't mind you thinking of Kikyo.” Then why is my chest aching?
“How did you know?” he asked.
“You're kidding, right?”
Inu Yasha gave a shocked hurt expression. “I'm sorry Kagome, I just don't know. I don't know anything right now. I'm just confused about everything.”
“That's okay Inu Yasha, I'm a little confused too.” What a lie. I love him. I love you Inu Yasha…
Kagome leaned forward and kissed Inu Yasha's cheek.
“It's okay; I understand. I'm sorry,” she said resigned, and walked over to her backpack and shouldered it. “Are you coming Inu Yasha?”
What was that all about, he wondered. She's never behaved like that before. She knows how I feel, doesn't she? I've made a promise to Kikyo. We were supposed to grow old together. Kagome's just…she's just…
Inu Yasha rushed to Kagome and grabbed her backpack off of her and sprinted to the Bone Eater's well. Before he jumped in the well he paused and looked back at Kagome.
Wonderful. Kagome is wonderful, Inu Yasha thought and jumped through the well.