InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's life ❯ Inuyasha talks with Kikyo ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Inuyasha's Mouth
Inuyasha ran off to the forest, to rest in the trees. His eyes went back to normal color, and he did remember what he did to Kagome. He felt like shit, he ruined Kagome's life, possibly impregnated her and now Sesshomaru won't even look at her. He blamed Kikyo, if she didn't tell him to show Kagome how much he loved her, he wouldn't have gone back to see her.
“Kikyo” Inuyasha yelled out.
He was furious, at himself and Kikyo.
“Inuyasha, why are you angry?” Kikyo asked, her soul collectors floating around her.
“I raped Kagome” Inuyasha admitted.
“What? Why?” Kikyo questioned.
“I went full demon, it was all your fault. If you didn't tell me to show her how much I loved her, then I wouldn't have gone” Inuyasha blamed.
Sesshomaru was out to find Kagome, she needed to know that they were over and that he wanted no parts of her. He had to say it in person. He sees Kikyo and Inuyasha talking low in the forest.
`Why is he still with Kikyo, especially after he stole Kagome from this Sesshomaru' Sesshomaru wondered.
It seemed awful suspicious and it didn't make any sense but he pushed the thoughts from his mind, because they had nothing to do with him.
“So you raped Kagome, and now she's lost of her innocence and Sesshomaru” Kikyo repeated.
“Yes and I feel horrible, there's no way I can fix it” Inuyasha whined.
“Tell Sesshomaru what you did and apologize to my shadow” Kikyo said.
“No way, if I tell Sesshomaru, he'll kill me” Inuyasha exclaimed.
“That's what you deserve, you raped my incarnate” Kikyo said. Even though Kikyo didn't like Kagome, she still didn't deserve that to happen to her.
“Whose side are you on?” Inuyasha asked.
“The side for what's right” Kikyo answered.
“What type of man are you, to be afraid of consequence, especially after the crime you've committed” Kikyo hissed. Inuyasha lowered his head, what Kikyo was saying was 100% true.
“Fine, I'll suffer the fate, but let me apologize to Kagome first” Inuyasha said.
Kikyo was glad, that he was finally going to accept what he did, but she was also worried. What if Sesshomaru did actually kill him? She'd be without her love and Kagome probably would be broken, so much so that she'd never forgive Sesshomaru and end up being just as lonely as Kikyo.
“Do what you must but hurry, Sesshomaru will not hesitate to kill you if he sees you” Kikyo said.
Inuyasha only nodded over at her. She left, there was nothing more she could do or say to help him feel any better about his fate.
Inuyasha trudged through the forest, trying to come up with the words to say to Kagome. As if anything he could say would be worth what he has already done to her. He could never make up for it and even if he suffered a long, slow terrible death, it wouldn't be half of what he owed to Kagome.
Sesshomaru was even more upset that he rejected the women he loved, kicked her out of his castle, and didn't even listen to her when she tried to explain. He felt like shit which was a feeling he wasn't use to. He wanted to kill Inuyasha so badly, but how could he without upsetting Kagome. He wasn't sure if he could keep his anger down and it seemed that.
His eyes flashed red occasionally during the conversation but his strong control kept him in check. He stayed far enough behind Inuyasha so he couldn't be sensed. He wanted to hear what Inuyasha had to say, and he also wanted to say something.
`Kagome, I am so sorry what I did to you, I never meant to hurt you and I am so sorry, I regret it happening to you. I've ruined your life, I made you lose your life with Sesshomaru' Inuyasha rehearsed.
That's what he planned to say to Kagome, even though it was a jumble of words it did express what it needed to and it was hard enough knowing that Sesshomaru would probably kill him after that.
Sesshomaru's words were more advanced than Inuyasha's; he too had a clear cut plan of what to say.
`My dearest Kagome, This Sesshomaru is sorry, for ever doubting you and for kicking you out of our home, if you will ever forgive This Sesshomaru, it would be greatly appreciated. This Sesshomaru should have listened to you instead of thinking such horrible thoughts about you. This Sesshomaru is deeply sorry'
The trek to the campsite was a few hours away. Both boys were so in depth with the thoughts they forgot to pay attention to where they were going, it was a wonder they could even navigate to the correct spot.