InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's life ❯ Kashia's birth ( Chapter 24 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kashia's birth
3 months later.
“Mommy, your stomach is huge” Rin admired.
“It's a sign that I should be having the baby soon” Kagome smiled.
She was tired of being pregnant. Kagome struggled a moment before getting up.
“Kagome, sit down” Inuyasha said.
“Can you not handle Kagome” Sesshomaru taunted.
“Shut up, she's being difficult” Inuyasha said.
“Mate, please sit down” Sesshomaru said.
“I need to pee” Kagome strained. Sesshomaru carried her bridal style to the bathroom.
But she couldn't make it. The liquid was clear & her stomach started having.
“I think my water broke” Kagome said. Surprisingly, she stayed calm.
“Kagura, fetch Sango” Kagome called out. Sesshomaru took her to the guest room. IT had been turned into a birthing room. There was a stool & a bunch of blankets nearby.
“Kagome, try using the breathing technique” Kagura suggested. Kagome took breathes in intervals of 3. In, In, Out. In, In, Out. Kagura learned from Kaede how to birth properly.
“You're not ready yet, seems you're only 4 cm dilated, you may need to wait awhile” Kagura said. Sesshomaru was a bundle of nerves.
`My first pup, I hope it comes soon'
“Tell Sesshomaru that he may come in” Kagome said.
Kagura & Sango decided that it was time to give me some time alone.
“Lord Sesshomaru, Kagome wishes to see you” Kagura said. He nodded and walked in.
“Are you ok?” Sesshomaru asked.
“I got a few hours before the baby comes, I am just tired of being fat, and pregnant” Kagome said.
“You are not fat, you are perfect and beautiful” Sesshomaru corrected.
Kagome was highly emotional.
“You say the sweetest things to me” Kagome cried, snuggling into his chest.
“Mate, of course, I say it because I love you” Sesshomaru comforted.
“Milord, an urgent letter came” Jaken interrupted.
“Not now Jaken” Sesshomaru hissed.
“Sorry milord, but it is very important” Jaken insisted. Sesshomaru snatched the scroll and shooed him away.
“Who is it from?” Kagome asked.
“Trevor, from the northern lands, he wishes to send them here within this week and I can't stop it” Sesshomaru said.
“Do you know anything about them?” Kagome asked.
“Paulina is 28, Marcos is 14, she is full demon, and so is her son” Sesshomaru said.
“You seem unhappy, is it over the arrival?” Sesshomaru asked.
“No, I'm just nervous about the baby” Kagome said.
“Why would the baby affect the arrival of the royalty from the North” Sesshomaru wondered.
“Oh I thought you meant the arrival of the baby” Kagome said.
“I'm not worried, it's nice to be able to have another lady to talk to and another child for the others” Kagome answered.
`She lied to me, maybe because she doesn't want to see spoiled or a bad sport but I wish she wouldn't'
“Kagome trust me, they'll be gone before you know it” Sesshomaru promised. Kagome felt a little bit better but anxiety overcame her.
“Ah” Kagome whined, her stomach aching with pain.
Sesshomaru got up to get Kagura.
“She maybe ready to deliver” Was all he had to say. Everyone jumped up and crowded into the room.
“Everyone out, except Sango” Kagura said.
Kagome felt horrible, she was aching. It felt like her back was on fire. Sango sat beside her.
“Hold my hand” She coaxed. As Kagome started contracting, she lightly squeezed onto her hand. But as the contractions got closer together, her squeezes became violent and painful.
“Alright Kagome, I want you to push on the count of 3, 1… 2… 3... Push” Kagura said.
“Ahhhhh” Kagome screamed out. Both Inuyasha and Sesshomaru covered the ears at the sound of her screams.
“You should go in, she probably needs you” Inuyasha said.
“IF she did, someone would get me” Sesshomaru said.
“Sesshomaru” Kagome yelled. Now he was nervous, he didn't hear a baby crying so he wondered what happened.
“Yes mate” HE said softly. Sango looked at him; His usually cold façade was gone.
“Hold her hand, the contractions are too much for me” Sango explained. She pried her hand free from Kagome's and gave his hand to her.
“Alright Kagome, we're going to try it again, on the count of 3. 1…2…3… Push” Kagura ordered. But her pushes were hard enough, she wasn't giving enough effort. Her grip was so tight, Sesshomaru was afraid she may break his hand.
“Alright now 5 more pushes, I need you to push harder Kagome, alright on 3. 1…2…3…” Kagura said. Kagome pushed with all her might, Sesshomaru used a wet cloth to wipe her forehead and neck.
“Kagome, 4 more you ready?” Kagura asked.
“No, it's too hard” Kagome said, resting her body.
“Keep trying, you can do it” Sesshomaru said.
“You try push a baby out of you, then you can encourage me” Kagome hissed.
`She never talked to him that way, or anyone for that matter'
“Alright, be ready to push, 1…2…3…” Kagura said. Kagome squeezed his hand harder and pushed. She heard crying.
“Alright, now that's a good push, if you do that again, you may be done” Kagura said.
“Alright 1…2…3… push” Kagura repeated.
“Ahhhhh” Kagome gritted her teeth and pushed. The baby wailed.
“It's a girl” Kagura announced. Kagome reached out for the baby but Kagura gave it to Sesshomaru.
“He has to talk to it, identify that he's the alpha male” Kagura explained. Sesshomaru seemed to growl at it softly.
`I'm your alpha male”.
The baby seemed to respond well to him. Then he passed it to Kagome.
“I wanna name her” Kagome said.
“What do you wish to name her?” Sesshomaru asked.
“Kashia” Kagome said. The baby gurgled at the mention of her name.
“She looks like you” Kagome said. It was the truth, she had magenta stripes across her cheeks, thighs & wrists, a crescent moon on her forehead, silver head but she had Kagome's blue eyes.
“She's beautiful” Kagura said.
There was a knock at the door.
“Lord Sesshomaru, an intruder has broken through the castle barrier, a few hundred demons have come through” Jaken yelled in.
“Kagura, protect Kagome, Kashia and the other pups” Sesshomaru said.
Sango, Miroku, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha ran off.
“Kagura, go get Shippo & Rin” Kagome demanded. Kagura ran off to get them.
`Now is my time to strike, foolish girl, letting her only protection to leave her'
She went straight into Kagome's room and created a soft barrier around the two. “Kagome, So nice to see you” Kikyo greeted.
“Kikyo what do you want?” Kagome said out of breath.
“To see Kashia” Kikyo lied
“Can I hold her?” Kikyo asked.
“No, she's mine” Kagome hissed, her aura flaring up. Sesshomaru felt Kagome's aura.
“Kagome's upset, Inuyasha go and find her” Sesshomaru yelled. He flicked his whip to destroy a few more demons.
Inuyasha raced off into the castle.
`This barrier is weak, I don't even need to destroy it, but I can't see through it'
“Kikyo, leave me alone” Kagome sent a few balls of energy flying at her.
“Don't make me kill you, just hand over Kashia” Kikyo said.
She had a small knife.
“Kikyo” Inuyasha yelled. With Kikyo distracted, Kagome used her powers to break Kikyo's weak barrier. Inuyasha stepped through.
“Leave Kagome alone” He said.
“She doesn't deserve to live, to have happiness, to have a baby, it's things I never got when I was alive” Kikyo said.
“I died with no one left to remember me, only you and Kaede” Kikyo continued.
“Why kill Kagome, to leave her baby orphaned?” Inuyasha questioned.
“I died miserably, thinking you betrayed me. But now I know the truth, I love you so much but you loved Kagome, you let me go for her and she chose Sesshomaru” Kikyo spat.
“Then you chose the sorceress, if Kagome dies because you couldn't save her, Sesshomaru will remove you, and you'll lose Kagura” Kikyo finished. Kashia was crying profusely,
Inuyasha's eyes went red.
“Die Kikyo” He growled. “Iron Reaper, Soul Stealer” He slashed into her clay body.
“Inuyasha, this time I died happy, knowing that you did love me once and that you didn't betray me, Naraku did” Kikyo said in her last breath.
“Kikyo” Inuyasha said, his eyes golden again.
“Inuyasha, hold Kashia” Kagome said. After he took Kashia, Kagome slipped from consciousness . It struggled in his hands.
“Inuyasha” Sango yelled. He passed Kashia to her.
“Kikyo's dead” Inuyasha said.
“Where's Kagura?” Miroku asked. Inuyasha walked off. “Kagome wake up” Sesshomaru shook her lightly.
“Sesshomaru” She whispered, hugging him.
“Where's Kashia?” She asked.
“I got her” Sango said.
“Lady Kagome, I am very sorry, I got trapped in a barrier with the kids, it just broke now” Kagura apologized.
“You left her” Sesshomaru's voice raised, claws dripping with poison.
“I sent her to get the pups” Kagome explained.
“She will die at my hand” Sesshomaru said.
“If you kill her, you are ruining Inuyasha's life” Kagome said. Everyone looked at her.
Sorry folks gotta stop you there, if I kept going, you'd be reading forever! Don't worry; the next chapter will be out later today.