InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Mom's Date ❯ Information and Battle with Yukio ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Turtlequeen2: Sorry for the wait yall. Also we finally get some action in this one…

Sesshomaru: So you finally realized that I should be in this tale.

Turtlequeen2: Yea, yea whatever. I decided you’d be useful in some way.

Sesshomaru: *smirks*

Turtlequeen2: Ok, well behave so I can finish this disclaimer.

Sesshomaru: You dare to command This Sesshomaru?

Turtlequeen2: Um…hehehe…just lemme finish this…*sigh*

Sesshomaru: Fine wench.

Turtlequeen2: I do not own Inuyasha and company, but I do own Yukio! Rumiko Takahashi owns Inuyasha.


Last time on Kagome’s Mom’s Date:

“Keh! What the hell are you doing wench,” Inuyasha said. Kagome jumped up in surprise.

“Inuyasha don’t sneak up on me like that,” She shouted.

He flattened his ears against his head. “So are we going of not?”

“We are. Just let me get ready.” After a few hours, she was ready and wrote a letter to her family, telling them she would be in Sengoku Judai. She swung her backpack over her shoulder and made sure the jewel shards were around her neck before following him out to the well house.

They jumped in letting the light swallow them both and taking them the feudal side.

When they got out, Inuyasha caught the scent of a very particular youkai, Sesshomaru.

This time on Kagome’s Mom’s Date:

Chapter 4

Information and Battle with Yukio

Inuyasha spat out,” Sesshomaru’s here.” Kagome instantly looked distressed and got on his back. They set off quickly to Kaede’s village to find Sesshomaru facing their friends.

Without turning around, Sesshomaru said,” Nice to see you little brother.” Inuyasha set down Kagome and unsheathed Tetsusaiga, transforming it, and holding it out in front of him.

“What the hell are you doing here bastard,” Inuyasha growled.

Sesshomaru then turned around and responded,” I wish to find out information on a character named Seiko.”

“Who the hell is that?”

“I fought with a youkai named Yukio, saying that he worked for Seiko.”

Kagome and Inuyasha looked bugged-eyed.

“Did you just say Yukio?!”

“Do your half-breed senses dull you more than I thought?” Inuyasha growled at that remark and Kagome decided to jump in.

“Sesshomaru-sama, we have heard of a youkai named Yukio, but we are not sure if he is the same person of whom you speak of.”

“So you know of Yukio? He is Seiko’s underling. They are associates of Naraku.”

“No…” Kagome says, holding her hand over mouth in shock. The rest of the group finally approached them and was confused at the sight before them. Inuyasha growling, Kagome looking like she was going to be ill, and the interested Sesshomaru staring at them.

“What’s going on here,” Miroku asks.

Instead of answering the monk’s question, Inuyasha demands,” Where is Seiko?!”

“Don’t you think if I knew, they would have already been slain by now? I have already stooped to a low level on trying to ask you about his whereabouts.” Inuyasha smirks at Sesshomaru remark about him admitting on relying on the hanyou for help.

Kagome suddenly got a serious face and shouts,” I sense a presence of Shikon shards.”

“It seems that Yukio has come to me,” Sesshomaru smirks and brings out Tokijin. He runs off at blinding fast speed. Inuyasha follows off after him with Tetsusaiga still drawn. The rest run behind them on Kirara. Shippo runs off to hide.

They all stop at a clearing where Yukio awaits. Kagome looks on in disbelief and so is Inuyasha. The Yukio in the past is the same one as the Yukio in the future! The only difference is the sword at his hip and his Feudal Era clothing.

“Where is your master, Seiko,” Sesshomaru questions.

Completely ignoring the taiyoukai’s question, Yukio acknowledges Inuyasha by saying,” Ah so the hanyou arrives. Inuyasha, the little brother of Sesshomaru.” He blasts a ball of energy from his now, unsheathed sword at the Inu-Tachi.

Inuyasha stands his ground, holding Tetsusaiga out in front of him, to take on the attack. After a moments struggle, he pushes the blast back.

“Do you know what’s going on here,” Miroku whispers to Sango.

“Not a clue, but whatever it is, its not good,” Sango responds. The monk nods in agreement and then decides to run into battle.

Sesshomaru and Inuyasha are making advances at Yukio. “KAZI NO KIZU,” Inuyasha shouts, bringing Tetsusaiga down to release the attack.

The sword only absorbs the attack.

“Yukio’s sword absorbed the kaze no kizu,” Kagome muttered in disbelief.

“Why are you fighting my battle,” Sesshomaru questions after attacking with Tokijin.

After Inuyasha lands, he says,” Keh! Anyone who works for Naraku is an enemy of mine. Besides, we’ve met before.”

“My sword not only can absorb youkai energy, but can throw it back tenfold,” Yukio shouts. He then proceeds to let loose the stolen kaze no kizu. It was indeed more powerful, but it worked in Inuyasha’s favor.

“Keh! Just what I’ve been waiting for. BAKURYUUHA,” he shouted, jumping in the air and bringing the Tetsusaiga back to unleash his ultimate attack.

They all watched in shock as Yukio took it head on and got out of it alive. The top of his kimono was destroyed and he had a few scratches.

“Oh, look what you’ve done to my kimono,” Yukio teased. “Now its my turn!” He jumps up and unleashes a blast into the ground. The ground starts shaking and starts to crack and uproot.

“KAGOME,“ shouts Inuyasha, grabbing Kagome and jumping into the air. Kagome says a thank you and runs back into the battle.

Sesshomaru jumps up and tries to make a slice at Yukio.

“I will ask you one last time, Yukio, where is Seiko or better yet Naraku,” Sesshomaru shouts, running out of patience.

“What makes you think you will live to make it out alive of here?”

“I will not die by the likes of you,” Sesshomaru shouts, sending a blast from Tokijin that inflicts a wound on his bare chest.

Sango and Miroku were busy fighting off youkai that Yukio let loose. Kagome also helped a little, but found that she was running short on arrows. Miroku, finally running out options decided to use the void in his hand.

“KAZAANA,” Miroku shouts, letting loose the prayer beads that were around his cursed hand. Out of nowhere, Naraku’s poisonous insects came out and flew towards his kazaana. “Saimyoushou?!”

“Sesshomaru was right about Yukio and Seiko working with Naraku,” Sango shouts.

“We’ll just have to make due with we got.”

“Houshi-sama, get on Kirara then we can cover more ground!” Miroku nodded and jumped on Kirara. The neko-youkai flew into the midst of the hundreds of demons, Kirara attacking, Sango throwing her hiraikotsu, and Miroku hitting some with his staff. The method seemed effective for a while, but they were beginning to tire. The youkai kept coming!

Inuyasha decided to rid them of the youkai since Sesshomaru was busy fighting with Yukio at the moment. “Move out of the way,” he shouted. Kirara wearily landed, Sango and Miroku soon climbed off. Kirara immediately resumed her regular small form out of tiredness.

“KAZE NO KIZU,” Inuyasha shouted, destroying much of the youkai in one swing. He ran off to Kagome, then asked,” Where’s the Shikon-no-Kakara, Kagome?”

It took to moment to concentrate because of the fast speed Sesshomaru and Yukio were going. Then after finding it, she responded,” There’s a big shard in his back.” He nodded and ran off towards the two battling youkai.

“Move Sesshomaru or I’ll strike you down too, not that I would mind,” Inuyasha growls. Sesshomaru sneers and says,” As if my half-breed brother could strike me down with Tetsusaiga.”

“Have it your way bastard! KONGOUSOUHA!” He slammed down Tetsusaiga and out of it, blasts of diamond spears! The spears barely miss Sesshomaru and rams into Yukio’s body. Out of the back of some of the spears through his body, comes the jewel shard. Kagome runs and catches it, purifying the tainted shard.

“I shall have to part ways for now. We will meet again,” Yukio says with black miasma surrounding his body.

“You’re not getting away! KAZE NO KIZU,” Inuyasha shouts, letting the attack take its course. As the miasma cleared, he was already gone. “Dammit! That bastard!”

Sesshomaru had landed and started to go after Yukio. Sango, Kirara, and Miroku ran over to Kagome and Inuyasha.

“I guess it’ll be awhile until we see him again. You injured him greatly,” Sango said.

“Keh! Maybe I’ll just go to Kagome’s time and kill him then.”

“Yukio lives in Kagome’s Era,” Miroku asks. Kagome nods at them.

“Inuyasha don’t you think we should rest for a night or so. You do have some injuries,” Kagome suggested.

“I’m not a weak human like you are.”

“But you’re hurt. You need to be at your best and don’t you think he’ll be even worse then,” Kagome asked.

“What do you mean?”

“It is a known fact that the more a youkai ages, the more experienced and more powerful it will become. Maybe you should rest up and train a little bit,” Sango explains.

“Keh! Fine, if it will make you all shut up,” the hanyou said, crossing his arms. “Two days and that’s it!”

“Hai,” Kagome agrees. ’Wow this is weird. I never thought he would ever want to rush to my era, but then again I do too,’ Kagome thought.

They all walk back to Kaede’s hut to tend to wounds and rest up. In two days, the battle may continue, but will it be for the better or for the worst?


To be continued…

Sorry if its short…hope this is action enough for you! READ and REVIEW! Next time, another encounter with the future Yukio! Will we meet Seiko soon also? Find out next time on KAGOME’S MOM’S DATE!

Ja ne!