InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's new find ❯ Enter Shippou ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha and I never will they belong to their original creator.

AN- No Offense to any kikyou fans but there will be a lot of bashing towards kikyou in later chapters.

Kagome's New Find Pt.2

Chapter 2

"The only thing I can hunt are rabbit and fish I know it's not much but it will fill us up until morning comes." The young girl said softly to kagome.

"I could make us some bedding from some of the moss and leaves to sleep on so we don't sleep on the bare ground." Kagome offered. The young girl nodded and both girls went off to do their separate tasks. By the time kagome had finished making their beds the girl had retuned with two rabbits and some fish. "Can I borrow your knife?" The girl asked kagome, Kagome hesitated but then handed it over to her so she could skin the food. When the girl finished skinning the poor little animals she handed kagome back her pocket knife.

With the food cleaned and being cooked Kagome thought it would be best to start a conversation with the young girl to find out who she was.

When all the sudden there was a rustle in the bushes and someone shirking "KAGOME" It was a big ball of orange fur that bounce out and latched its self onto kagome fiercely hugging her.

"Shippou how did you find me and where is everyone else?" Kagome asked the small bundle hugged to her chest.

*Sniffles* "Inuyasha was mad that you hadn't come back yet so he made everyone go out to look for you." His voices trailed off as he finished the sentence. Kagome looked at Shippou like he was hiding something from her but she shook her head and let it slide going to get the real answer from him later. "It's all right Shippou you'll eat with us and then we can all get some much needed sleep." She said.

Kagome looked over at the girl who was seemingly baffled with a questioning look on her face kagome asked "what are you so socked for?"

'Oh MY Gods this is the girl my brother wants to mate I never thought I would have a chance to meet her anytime soon cause she almost never visits us it's always my older brother who goes off to find her as it should be.' the young girl thought. Just realizing she was asked a question she shook the thoughts from her head. "Um...Uh...nothing. Anyways who is the little boy in your lap?"

"Oh I'm so sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Kagome Higurashi and this little one in my lap is my pup Shippou I adopted him awhile back when my companion and me first found him without a family. What's your name by the way?" Kagome said. "My name? Well I don't really have a name but my pack calls me 'Little sister'." The young girl smiled sweetly blushing.

"So your name is 'Little sister' wow that's strange that you don't have a real name. Well how about this when we find your pack why don't you ask them to give you a real name one that you like and can be happy with." Kagome said.

"Well its getting late we should all lay down now and try to get some sleep we'll talk more in the morning Good night 'Little sister' and Shippou." Kagome finished. "Good night" both children said at the same time. All three walked to the beds and laid down, kagome and Shippou on her bed and Little sister in hers right next to kagome and they all fell asleep with the warmth of the still going fire.







AN- Hello again to those people reading this story. Well do you think you know who sister she is. If you don't know or you might have the wrong person you'll have to wait till later chapters to find out who's pack she belongs with.

Well thats all and by the way Please review

P.S. This is my first story please no flames or bashing. You can if you find necessary give us a little constructive criticism