InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's new pet ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Anyway Hi!!!!
Disclaimer: I will own Inuyasha muahahhahahahahah…*scary lawyers surround Puppy-Chan* alright * gritted teeth * I don’t own him!!!!!

Please beware of the rating: If you don’t like what I write I apologize their will be and is mature content. So be advised and be of age!!!!! I’m not sure exactly how I’m suppose to warn you so if I haven’t made it clear enough contact me and I will fix it ASAP thank you for your cooperation!!

In this modern time youkia or anyone with youkia blood is sold as pets to be more or less slaves but with the title pet. The pet must do everything their master demands of them. Human speech is forbidden and those that are born into said social classes are never taught the language in the first place. They are forced to communicate in their instinctual youkia language, consisting of barks, snarls, moans and other throaty noises. Even the youngest slaves are made to go through 5 years of professional training before they are sold. For safety proposes mind you, though many slaves are brought in for additional training in certain areas.

There are certain responsibilities that the owner of such a pet must take on. The idea being to further your bond with your pet he or she must be completely dependant and submissive to their masters.

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Unwanted hands traveled over his exposed skin . Ice cold hands that examined every inch of his unmarred flesh. The hands easily removed the simple pair of pants he had been issued just as they had countless times before. Her fingers seeking the warm flesh of his length. He fascinated her. He knew what was coming next. His lady enjoyed the taste of him and hardly a night passed that she didn’t partake of his juices. Her slender fingers claming his flesh, starting a rhythmic motion. He felt nothing but disgust, but he was well trained so that he knew how he was suppose to react. Kikyo, his lady smiled as his hips started to thrust into her hands in time with her set rhythm. Her eyes held lust as she lowered her thin lips to his crotch. He closed his eyes having to forget who was touching him in order to cum for her………

The young hanyou shot to a sitting position promptly hitting his head in the close quarters. His forehead was damp with the sweat of the unwanted memory the dream had caused. He paused an shook his head to clear his thoughts. His ears twitching back and forth on top of his head as he tried to get his bearings.

He had survived the fifty years he had spent as Kikyo’s pet. She had died almost a month ago do to old age. But she had yet to relinquish the hold she had on his soul.

He looked around at his surroundings, trying to remember were he was. Suddenly it came rushing back to him….. He was in a box….Being shipped to his new mistress, The younger sister of Kikyo he had over heard. He remembered the little squirt of fifty ago but by now she would have aged greatly. With any luck by now an old hag with no sexual appetite.
The dog demon let out a little whine at the tension in his shoulders from the cramped space but for the most part settled back into sleep. Ignoring the growl from his stomach that hadn’t been feed anything since Kikyo’s passing. The only thing indicating his life besides his shallow breath being the occasional twitch of a fuzzy appendage atop of his head.

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Lady Kaede, prepared the spare bedroom for her niece Kagome who was coming to start her miko training later that day. Lady Kaede stoic face couldn’t quite hide her excitement of having her niece with her. The old woman’s memories of young Kagome were all very good. Each one bring a warm tingly feeling to her chest. So it was with a noticeably lighter bounce in her step Kaede tended to her prestlessly duties with her faithful pet of 30 years right behind her

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End of chapter one. I realise that this is a somewhat short chapter but it was kind of to test the waters a little bit. This is my first fic and I would really appreciate any thoughts or comments. Any form of help would be nice. Any spelling errors I apologize for in advance anyway it isn’t really a cliffy but oh the questions who is Kaede’s pet? When will kagome and Inuyasha meet? Will their be a certain perverted monk and or an aggressive demon exterminator? If so what will their positions be? Stay tuned and find out……yeah I just shut up now Bye Hugs and Kisses!

Love Puppy-Chan! : )Converting /tmp/phpcrVIAj to /dev/stdout