InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Real Life ❯ Kagome Worries ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: Kagome has kept a secret from all her friends. She's worried about there reaction when they find out. She has always wanted to tell them but she's under orders not to. (I'm not very good at summaries)

Kagomes Real Life



~ Uncles voice ~

*Flash back*

I don't own Inuyasha so don't sue me


Chapter 1 (Kagome worries)

Kagome jumped into the well. She spent three days in modern day Tokyo and she knew Inuyasha would be on her case if she stayed a day more.

"About time you got back," said a familiar voice outside the well.

"What took you so long we could have found more jewel shards by now if you had been here?"

"Sorry, you try living a double life, one minute you're fighting demons the next you're taking a very important test."

`If only he new what my life was actually like.'

"Feh, come on everyone is waiting at the village." Kagome and Inuyasha walked to the village in silence until….

"Kagome you're back!!!!!!" Shippo came running and he jumped into Kagomes arms.

"Well it's nice to see you too Shippo," she said giving him a hug. Shippo jumped on her shoulder, and all three walked to the village.

It was a nice spring day all was quiet until "HENTAI!!!" Smack. "Looks like Miroku is at it again" said Kagome flatly. They walked into the village and entered Kaede's hut, and sees Miroku with a red hand print on his face.

`Miroku when are you going to learn' thought Kagome.

"Kagome I'm glad you're back" said Sango walking up to Kagome.

"I take it not much has gone on since I left."

"Not really, everyone's been acting the same as they always do, and I don't mean that in a good way" Sango said giving an evil glance Miroku's way.

"Why Sango I have no idea what your talking about" giving an innocent look while walking towards Kagome and Sango.

"Sure you don't" said Kagome and Sango in unison.

"Feh come on we've wasted enough time already." They all gather their things and set out to find more jewel shards.

(Three days later)

"We've been looking for shards for three f****** days Kagome are you sure you don't sense any" said Inuyasha very irritated.

Kagome hadn't been paying attention. She hadn't really been on earth all day. All she had on her mind was what her Uncle had said to her before she left.

~ The time is coming close ~

She knew what it ment and she was worried about her friend's reaction to it.

"Kagome" she jumped at the sound of her name.

She notice Inuyasha glaring at her "Sorry Inuyasha, what did you say?"

"I said do you sense any jewel shards?"

"No… wait I sense two jewel shards coming fast,"

"Koga" Inuyasha said in a low voice.

~ When Koga appears again ~

`That means I don't have to lie, but will they hate me or just be mad?'

Koga comes running and stops in front of Kagome.

~ Kagome remember not to interfere until you have to ~

"Hello Koga what brings you hear?" said Kagome not showing any sign that she's nervous about what's going to happen in a minute.

"Well I caught your scent and I thought I'd drop by to see my woman."

"She's not your woman Koga, so stay away from her," said Inuyasha stepping in between them. "Oh hello Dogturd, why do you stay with this pathetic mutt Kagome," said Koga looking behind Inuyasha at Kagome. Inuyasha starts to growl.

"Is that a challenge mutt face?" said Koga getting into a fighting stance. Inuyasha starts to crack his knuckles.

Kagome walks away from were Inuyasha and Koga are about to fight, and goes to were Sango, Miroku, and Shippo are. "Kagome aren't you going to stop them?" asked Sango.

"Yeah, you normally stop them right away," said Shippo.

"I will when the time is right, just… don't get to mad when you find out" Kagome said the last part a little shaky.

"Find out what lady Kagome?" asked Miroku.

"You'll see… soon."

(Back to Inuyasha & Koga)

Inuyasha was the first to strike with a punch. Koga dodged to the right avoiding the attack. Koga and Inuyasha fought for a few minutes. (Sorry I'm not to good with fighting scenes)

"Come on you can do better than that I hope," said Koga acting a little over cocky.

Inuyasha managed to hit Koga's left leg, causing Koga to fall. Inuyasha goes in for the final attack when….

"Inuyasha sit" Inuyasha falls face first in the dirt. Kagome walks over to were Koga and Inuyasha are.

"Koga are you ok?" Kagome asks in a concerned voice, but before he can answer Inuyasha gets up from the sit command.

"Kagome move out of the way."

"No Inuyasha if you want to kill Koga you mine as well kill me first."

"Kagome I said get out of the way," said Inuyasha getting irritated.

"Inuyasha if I move and let you kill Koga I will die as well."


Well I hope you like my story so far. Sorry to leave you hanging but I will try to update as soon as possible, but I'm not that great at typing. Also sorry if it's confusing but it will make sense soon. I will try to put comedy in latter on. Please review. If you don't like it I won't continue. Next chapter Kagome's Secret reveled.