InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Secret Buttons ❯ The Surprise Visit ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any characters associated with it. This story is rated for a mature audience.
Since I am ending the story soon, there will be some time skips.
As it turned out, Kikyo had been wrong about Koga. A month passed, and then another and he still got excited over Kagome's visits. Inuyasha had grown comfortable with her weekly visits to Koga's apartment. He didn't even pretend to be unhappy when she told him where she was going. She was thankful for that considering she was visiting Koga up to three times a week. Kagome had never been more thrilled with how her life was going. Every week seemed better than the last. She was on top of her schoolwork with only one more quarter until she and Kikyo graduated. Most of her nights were filled with wild, passionate sex with Inuyasha and Kikyo. A decent portion of her free time during the day was spent with Miroku and Sango. Weekends were mostly spur-of-the-moment adventures except for a small portion of Saturday nights. On Saturday night, she would keep Miroku and Inuyasha busy while Kikyo and Sango spent time together. Kagome had to admit that having threesomes with Miroku and Inuyasha had grown on her. Now that she had more experience with it, she was able to enjoy the additional attention she received instead of seeing it as having to do more work on her part. Between all that were her visits with Koga. Considering the state of her sex life, Kagome realized that it might be seen as a tad excessive if viewed by another. But she enjoyed it and more importantly, her friends and soon-to-be family did as well. Not to mention that she still lived a `normal' life. She was a member so several clubs and actively participated in their meets and events. It wasn't like she was having sex all the time.
As Kagome opened the door to her apartment, a loud cry surprised her. She fumbled with the grocery bags, holding them against her chest to keep them from falling to the floor. Kicking the door closed behind her, she continued to squeeze the bags against her chest, letting her racing heart return to normal as she focused on taking deep breaths. So lost in her thoughts, she had forgotten Sango mentioned something about coming over. Stepping out of her shoes, Kagome stepped around the corner to find Sango and Inuyasha facing her. Sango was desperately humping him, her mouth open as she moaned loudly.
“Kagome, you're back,” Inuyasha grunted as his hands reached around to fondle Sango's breasts. A smile on her face, Sango leaned back against Inuyasha to give him an easier reach. Inuyasha responded by taking over the movements, drilling himself into her. Sango let out a short, passionate cry with each thrust.
“I leave you alone for thirty minutes and you're already fucking the neighbor,” Kagome teased with a roll of her eyes, moving to the kitchen to drop off her load. He responded by focusing his attention back on Sango. She let out a piercing shriek as he pinched her nipples teasingly. Kagome was in the middle of unpacking what she had bought when she noticed one was missing. “Where's Kikyo?” she asked as she turned to face the involved couple.
“Miroku,” Sango managed to gasp out as she tried to force Inuyasha as deep into her as he could manage in their position.
“She left with Miroku shortly after they got here,” Inuyasha added. He didn't even sound winded. Kagome resisted the urge to grin. He was always gasping for breath after she and Kikyo got a hold of him. Kagome was about to ask if they would be back for dinner when her phone buzzed in her pocket. Frowning, she fished it from the front of her jeans. Her face went white when she glanced at the small display on the front. “Guys! Quiet!” she hissed. They froze at the alarmed tone of her voice; both pairs of eyes locked on her as she opened the phone and held it to her ear. “Hey Mom,” she answered as casually as she could.
“Hey honey! How are things going?”
“Oh, you know,” Kagome started, her eyes falling on the nude Sango and Inuyasha, both sharing identical looks at the mention of her mother. “Same as every day I guess.”
“I was just thinking about how long it's been since I've seen my daughter! I barely hear from you these days!”
“Sorry Mom, you know how things are, school and all,” Kagome said with a weak smile, turning away from the sight of her fiancée and friend. “I-I actually can't talk right now. Inuyasha will be home soon and I have to get dinner started—”
“I can help with that!”
“I'm at the train station.”
Kagome paled. It felt like she was going to be sick. “Y-you're in town?”
“Yeah! Souta and I were touring a few prospective colleges. My how my children have grown! One's soon to be out of college and starting a family of her own and the other will be starting college next summer! My, I may be beginning to feel my age!” There was a slight pause. “It's okay right? I can come to visit?” Kagome felt guilty just hearing the pleading tone in her mother's voice.
“Of course you can!” she answered immediately, her hands shaking as she turned around motioning for the two to stop and get dressed. Both leapt apart like the other had suddenly combusted as they tumbled over one another in a mad dash to grab their clothes. “You want me to come and get you?”
“Don't be ridiculous, I know where you live. I'll be there in a few minutes.”
“I'll see you soon,” Kagome said as she hung up. She noticed her entire body was shaking. Of all the times for her mother to show up, this wasn't the best of times. Eventually, she knew she was going to have to come clean with her about her relationship with Inuyasha and how it wasn't exactly as - closed - as it had once been. But that was something she wanted to do in the future, long after the wedding. Not to mention she wasn't completely sure Kikyo would stay with them for that long. She seemed happy enough, but who knew if she would still feel the same way a year or two from now. Kagome got satisfaction in sharing her lover with others. There was always the chance that Kikyo would decide that sharing her lover with another wasn't for her.
“How long do we have?” Inuyasha asked, quickly tugging his pants up.
“A few minutes,” Kagome said in near panic. “You need to hurry - both of you.” She met Inuyasha's gaze. “Go to Sango's and take a shower. If she asks where you were, say—” She thought for a moment, snapping her fingers when she thought of something. “You were at the gym.”
“Okay,” he said, pulling his shirt on. He still looked uncomfortable. “What about Kikyo?”
Kagome looked over to Sango who was adjusting her bra. “Can she stay over at your house tonight?”
“Of course,” she answered. She licked her lips nervously as she looked from Inuyasha to Kagome. “Are you going to tell your Mom about - you three?”
Inuyasha's eyes met hers. “Of course not,” Kagome answered firmly.
“Kagome, we can't hid this forever,” he said softly.
“I know, I just…” She trailed off, pinching the bridge of her nose as she shook her head. “Later, okay? I'll tell her after the wedding.” He sighed, but said nothing more. Kagome clapped her hands. “Okay, quickly now. You two need to get going before she gets here.”
When both were dressed, Kagome all but pushed them out the door. Once the door was closed, she rested her back against it, closing her eyes as she leaned her head back, thumping it against the hard wood. Opening them, she focused herself on the task at hand. With a deep breath, she set to work.
“Mrs. Higurashi, this is delicious!” Inuyasha said before scooping another long trail of noodles into his waiting mouth.
“Please, call me Mom,” she bubbled, obviously pleased by the praise. With Souta growing more independent by the day and Grandfather being - well - Grandfather, it had probably been a long time since someone complimented her cooking. Looking up from her own food, her eyes focused over on Kagome. “Now that you are almost done with school, have you thought about a date for your wedding?”
“I was thinking sometime next spring,” Kagome said, picking at her noodles, trying not to show the stress of her mother's unexpected presence.
“That would be wonderful! Right after graduation!” She turned to Inuyasha. “You're graduating this quarter, correct?”
“That's right,” he answered, shifting uncomfortably. He always looked uncomfortable under her mother's questioning. It was as if he thought a single misstep would send her mother into a rage, banning them from marriage.
“Have you started looking into work?” her mother asked innocently before scooping noodles into her mouth. Kagome felt herself frown. She knew her mother. She was interrogating him - making sure he was going to be able to take care and provide for her daughter.
“Mom—” Inuyasha held up a hand, silencing her.
“No, it's alright,” he said with a smile. “I do have a few offers I'm looking into.” Kagome blinked in surprise. This was the first time she'd heard of them.
“That's good to hear,” her mother said with a nod. “To be honest, I was a little worried when Kagome started dating you. You seemed so rough and directionless. I thought you were only with her for the sex.”
“Mom!” Kagome cried out, her face flushing red.
“Come now Kagome, I was your age once. My memory may not be what it once was, but I remember what it was like being young and attractive and all the men—”
“Please Mom,” Kagome begged. Her face felt like it was on fire.
Laughing, her mother gently tapped her on the arm. “Fine, but just let me tell you how happy I am that you managed to find someone to love. When I see you two together, it reminds me of myself and your father.” She took a deep breath, releasing it slowly as she looked past Kagome at something only she could see. Kagome lowered her head at the mention of her late father. “Ah, what am I doing, rambling on? The food will grow cold!”
Throughout the remainder of dinner, the topic of conversation was on the light side. Most of it was about Souta and Grandfather and about what they had been up to since Kagome had last visited. Soon, Kagome forgot all about her secret relationship she was hiding. It really was wonderful meeting her mother again.
After dinner, Kagome was in the kitchen cleaning up. At her mother's insistence to help, Kagome agreed to have her do laundry. She had to admit, she was thankful for her mother's help. Between school work, making dinner and her - activities - finding time for the common house chores was growing increasingly difficult. Inuyasha tried his best to help out when possible, but this being his final quarter, his class load was heavier than hers since he squeezed two extra courses in so he could graduate.
Once the dishes were done, the three sat around the living room and talked for another hour before her mother mentioned something about having dessert. Inuyasha volunteered himself to go get ice cream from the nearby store - he knew her mother wanted to talk to Kagome alone.
“Hurry back,” Kagome said, giving him a quick peck on the lips as he stood by the door.
“It won't take me long,” he said with a smile. Without another word, he was out the door and on his way. Kagome returned to the living room where her mother waited. She felt her stomach churn anxiously as she met her mother's waiting gaze. She knew that expression all too well. Her mother tapped the empty seat on the couch next to her. Throat tightening in anticipation, Kagome slowly sank into the spot beside her mother.
“I want you to tell me what's going on.”
“Going on?” Kagome asked, praying that her shaking wasn't noticeable. At least her voice sounded normal enough.
“That's right. First, you can explain to me why I found numerous C-cup sized bras in the laundry.” Kagome felt her face flush. “And don't even think about telling me they're yours. I know my daughter. You are a B-cup.”
She wanted to drop dead on the spot rather than endure another second of her mother's penetrating gaze. She couldn't believe how stupid she had been. She had dropped her guard, completely forgetting that Kikyo's laundry was with theirs. Of course it was! She lived there too! “A friend of mine stays with us from time to time,” she heard herself saying.
“With only one bedroom?”
“She sleeps on the couch,” Kagome lied.
They both sat on the couch motionless, eyes locked. For Kagome, the seconds ticked past agonizingly slow under her mother's questioning gaze. She hated how her mother could do this to her, wordlessly pick her apart. Kagome had wanted to avoid arousing her mother's suspicion for exactly this reason. In another life, her mother might have made an excellent KGB or CIA interrogator. From when she was younger to this very moment, Kagome had never been able to get away with a lie.
“Kagome Higurashi, I know you are hiding something from me. I want to know what it is. Do not make me ask again.” Her voice was soft, yet resolute. It held the mighty weight of authority that only an angry mother could wield.
Kagome felt her lips quiver as a tear rolled down her face. Her mother, not expecting this reaction, jerked back in surprise. “Mom,” she started, trying her best to keep the tears back. “Please don't be mad.”
Sighing, her mother stood, walked across the room to grab the box of tissues, bringing it back to set between them on the couch. “Something tells me we are both going to need this.” Her mother took a deep breath. “Now, tell me what you've really been up to.”
Kagome didn't leave out anything, at least, not on purpose. Her mother would have picked up on it if she purposefully left something out. Besides, what was the point? Why bother hiding the fact she was sleeping with Koga on the side when she had already confessed to participating in an orgy? She did skirt on details, something her mother was probably thankful of. For the most part, her mother wore an impassive mask as her daughter sobbed out her story.
“And that's all of it,” Kagome said, taking a quivering breath as she dabbed at her eyes with a tissue.
“I see,” her mother said after a brief pause.
“That's it?” she pressed, surprised by her mother's seemingly nonchalant tone. “All you're going to say is `I see?'”
Her mother sighed. “It's not that I don't want to say anything, but rather, I have no idea what to say. I knew you weren't the innocent honor student you use to be, but what you've revealed to me is - shocking - to say the least.” Her mother ran a quivering hand along her neck. “I'm not even sure if I can, or even want to, believe it.” Kagome rose to her feet after her mother did. “I think I should leave.”
“Wait, Mom,” Kagome said, reaching out to keep her mother from leaving. “You can't leave yet! Not until after we talk about this!”
Her mother's voice was calm and collected despite the emotional weight of the conversation. “Dear, I don't think I can talk about this - not yet at least.”
Her mother held up a hand, silencing her. “If you must hear something from me, then hear this: I don't approve of how you are living your - private - life. However, it is your life. As much as it pains me to say, you are an adult now and don't need my permission.”
“After I've taken the time to think with a clear mind, I'll talk. Right now, I think we are both far too emotional to attempt discussion. Nothing good will come of it.” Kagome could only nod. “Good, now I must be going if I'm going to catch a train.”
Kagome didn't say anything, watching as her mother went to the door. Without a word, she gathered her things and left. Only then did she start to cry.
This was a hard chapter to write. I actually had another version dealing with Kagome's dream that I ultimately scrapped. Maybe I'll put it up in another chapter or as an extra one apart from the story.
No major lemon this chapter. It didn't seem appropriate. Next chapter will be better as this last major source of drama clears up.