InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Story ❯ When we first met ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ok I'm new here so don't be harsh.
Disclaimer I do not own Inuyasha
As I walked down the bright forest path, I wondered, “How did I get here?” In the distance I heard a moan. “Who is there?” I asked as I slowly walked to where the noise was coming from. “Ugh, help me.” The voice moaned again.
“I'm coming” I yelled as I ran scared through the warm yet lonesome forest. Then suddenly I stopped at a huge, mystical tree and on it, a man was impaled by a small arrow. He looked down at me with his cute yet familiar face and whispered, “Please, help me.”
So I climbed up the tree to him and grabbed a hold of his hands to lift myself. As I stood there staring into his eyes and strange feeling came over me. The moment was ruined by a whisper into my ear, “get this arrow out of me.” So I grabbed the arrow ,which was impaled through his heart, and pulled, but to my luck I pulled to hard and found myself falling towards the ground. “gotcha.” A voice said. “oh thank you.” I replied as I turned to be face to face with the same guy I had just saved.
At that moment I felt safe even though I was lying in a strangers arms. “uh ok enough mushy crap.” He said as he dropped me on the cold, wet grass. “ouch! why did you do that?” I said as I turned and gave a evil glare towards him.
“What is your name?” he asked me as he sat down next to me. “well even though u just rudely through me on the ground I guess I can tell you.”I replied while I stood. “my name is Kagome, what about yours.” I said as I walked over towards him.
“Well that's really none of your concern, but what the hell, my name is Inuyasha.” He mumbled as he stood right up in my face. But at that moment I looked to see, ears wiggling with his every spoken word. “haha!” I giggled as I moved over and started pulling them. “hey! What the hell are you doing? That tickles!” Inuyasha yelled as he started to laugh histerically.
“I love your ears, are they real?” I asked him. “yes my ears are real, what do you think I stuck them on for spite?” he replied in a grumpy like voice. “You look so familiar, are you from Tokyo?” I asked. “What the hell is Tokyo? a village?” I turned around and busted out laughing at Inuyasha. “What, what is so funny?” Inuyasha asked me in a confused voice as he grabbed me and turned me around.
Wait, if we are not in Tokyo…then where are we? I asked myself. “Well listen, Kagome if your coming along with me you better get moving I'm a little tired of standing by the damn tree I have been hung at for 50 years.” Inuyasha said as he stared walking down the same path I walked from…only now it wasn't bright it was dark and eery. “Wait Inuyasha, don't leave me!”
Ok that is only chapter one, if you really like it then I'll keep going, but if you don't then there is no point.
So that means please review and tell me what you think.