InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Suffering and Sesshomaru's Healing Word ❯ The question ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
:::Chapter One::: The Question Kagome’s violent rampage had finally come to a halt when her body had given up almost all of her heated and dangerous energy. Dark purple shield and a large amount of Miko Power surrounding her body vanished without a trance of ever being in existence. The crimson blood within her burning eye's lightened and completely returned to their natural brownish color in moments. Without the energy to even stand, Kagome fell to the ground silently without a struggle. Sango was the first to her “baby sister’s” aid, with tear’s in her eye’s and quiet sobs of anguish she tried to help Kagome up from the cold unforgiving dirt Unfortunately, Sango did not posses the strength at the moment to lift her up due to her emotional distress. Poor Shippo burst into heart filled cries for his Adoptive Mother. Thinking that she had died and leaving him alone in the world to fend for himself once more. He could not stand to think what he would have to do again, how he would sleep on cold night’s without Kagome’s protective arm’s wrapped around him tightly How would he be able to go back to having no one to take him in, no one to care, and worst of all No family to call his own. Shippo’s crying had not ceased. Not knowing what he should do he thought for a moment on how to help her. Once he had an idea he ran towards the village to find Kaede. Hoping that she will know how to help Kagome. After recovering from the shock of power displayed before his eye’s just moments ago, Miroku ran to Inuyasha’s side. Who was now unconscious and laying on the ground in a puddle of his own blood. He scanned over Inuyasha’s body, looking for the source of the blood which was pouring out underneath him. Miroku struggled to flip Inuyasha over without damaging him more, when finally reaching his goal in turning him he saw a great mass of liquid’s forming around the middle of his backside. Lifting the shirt up to gain a better view, he caught sight of the wound. It was not as horrible as he had first thought, but not a small wound either. Yelling over to Sango, Miroku said, “Sango! I believe Inuyasha’s going to be fine, we just need to get him to Kaede soon. Is Kagome alright? Is her pulse still there?” Concern laced his voice with ever word he said, he loved Kagome like a sister and Inuyasha like a brother. Sango felt for a pulse on Kagome’s wrist then throat, after a few moments she finally felt a small but steady pulse. Sighing in relief, Sango answered him in a shaky tone, “I think soB-butShe m-may not be o-ok with he-herself once she w-wakes Miroku nodded and also sighed with relief after hearing she will be ok. “Do you think you will be able to carry her to Kaede’s? I will need to bring Inuyasha myself, He is badly injured Said Miroku with a serious voice. Sango looked to Miroku then back to Kagome, thinking she would be able to lift her and carry her to Kaede’s village now she replied, “Yes, I believe I will be able to bring her to the village.” With that, Sango picked Kagome up carefully into her arms and headed towards Kaede’s with Miroku right behind her with Inuyasha. As they walked down the path, the question they were both thinking would remain un-answered until Kagome wakesHow did she gain and harness such power?