InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Tale ❯ Hoping ( Chapter 1 )

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Author's Note: this story is in Kagome's point of view okay?okay.

I sat weakly on the chair and looked out the window. This is how I spent my days now,staring sadly at the sky. I know that he's up there looking down at me,watching me. My body is old and weak,worn out from all my battles in the feudal era,slowly diminishing as the days pass by. On this cruel world,I suffered. I am weary and yes I am suffering,ever since that day I have lost my will to live. If only Iv'e done something,if only I followed him,I could have been happy with him forever.


It was about 10 years ago,I was an immature 15 year old. I was free spirited only caring about school and hanging out with friends. It all changed though when I fell in the well. When I began my adventure with Inuyasha. It all changed when I fell in love with him.

I remember when we had a few love fights as well,exchanging curses and shouts. In the end, we always managed to make up. It was complete torture when we were seperated from each other. I truly loved him with all my heart. He kept me alive he controlled the air i breathe,every time I kissed him, he took my breath away. He was always there for me always by my side.

One sunny bright day, he took my hand and held it with his. He told me to follow him and I obeyed. I felt his warm, firm hands enclosing around mine and I couldn't help but smile. I looked up at him and my smile soon faded. He kept his head down,staring blanklessly on the ground as we walked. He was trying to avoid eye contact with me and I grew worried. He wasn't acting like himself,he's never been like that. He always seemed cheerful and happy but that day,It was different. We kept on walking hand in hand.In complete silence. That was when I knew something was wrong.

Finally we stopped and I was surprised to find ourselves by the well. Inuyasha pushed me closer to it until i felt the well's hard concrete against the back of my leg. His hands that were once around my own were now placed on my shoulder. He still kept his eyes down on the ground.

"Inuyasha?...." I asked quietly,"Is something wrong?"

His head slowly rose up and finally looked me in the eye. His expression looked even sadder than before,his eyes grim and dark. I could tell he was holding back tears and I grew more confused. We just stared at each other for a long time, I was still waiting for his reply. Suddenly he brought his mouth into mine and I welcomed him. I felt the familiar warmth and wetness of his mouth into mine and I closed my eyes wishing we could stay like this forever. After a while he pulled me away and I felt even more confused.

"Kagome," he told me ," It's getting dangerous now, Naraku is pursuing me wherever I go,I don't want you to get hurt..please go home. and never come back."

I was horrified at his words. I would surely die if I had to live without him. I threw myself into his arms. Wrapping my arms around him,holding him tight and I felt him return my embrace. I felt his warm hands around my waist and his lips so close to my ears.

"Please Kagome," he whispered," you have to go home."

I started crying and I held him tighter sobbing out a cry of denial. I won't go home,I would rather die.

"No,No,NO," I cried,"I wont go home."

Suddenly the sounds of my cries were replaced by sounds of laughter from far away. I looked up to find Naraku walking towards us.

"HAHAHAHA,You really are pitiful Inuyasha." Naraku laughed.

Inuyasha let go of me and turned around to face him. He outstretched his arm in front of me so that I couldn't move forward.

"Stop following me." Inuyasha pleaded.

"No....," Naraku replied evily," Not until I kill you"

"ALL right, then I'll fight you but we have to be far away from here. Far away from Kagome."

"Do you think me a fool Inuyasha? Hmm After I kill you,I'll kill your woman as well." Naraku said.

I stood behind Inuyasha shivering with fear. Fear for my life but for some strange reason,I was more afraid about Inuyasha having to fight Naraku. Inuyasha made his skinny limp sword into the famous tetsaiga and he was ready to fight. He tried to plunge at Naraku with it but he was stopped when I pulled him back. I clutched onto the back of his kimono with all my strength,almost ripping it. He paused and I rested my head on his back.

"Wait for me here Kagome," he told me," I will fight him,far away from here, Just stay here and please....Don't follow me."

When he said those words, he sounded just like a whining puppy. He was pleading,trying to make me understand. At that moment however, I realized that he truly did love me.He was trying to protect me,he was worried about me. That was why he wanted me to go home, I knew it would break his heart and he knew it would break mine. Finally I understood, he would come back. After he beat Naraku, he would come back then everything would be safe once. I wouldn't have to go home. I let him go and he was gone like the wind. The instant I let go of his kimono, he plunged his tetsaiga at Naraku but Naraku dodged it as he flew up in the air. Inuyasha leaped an followed him. They fought in mid air for a while but had soon disappeared deep in the forest. Then, I wasn't able to see them anymore.

I stood there by myself alone. I decided to sit on the well and waited. So many thoughts passed through my mind. I hoped he was okay. I knew he was strong enough, I trained with him and coached him. I gave out a big sigh and waited some more. Suddenly I heard Inuyasha scream from the distance.

I panicked and stood up ready to follow him. There was only one problem, I didn't know where they were. They were so deep in the forest , concealed by all the trees that it would be impossible to find them. I also realized it would be extremely dangerous to walk in the forest myself. There were many demons lurking around plus my bow and arrow would not be strong enough.

I started pacing around almost in tears.Inuyasha's scream sounded like he was in pain. I wanted to follow him. I wanted to help him but there was no way.

Finally I stopped pacing when Naraku stepped out of the forest. He walked toward me,laughing his eyes showing his victory. I was horrified where was Inuyasha? I finally realized what had happened. My worst nightmare had come true. Still, I denied it. I knew he was okay, I wanted him to be okay.

"HA,HA,HA"Naraku scoffed,"Inuyasha is dead, I stabbed him in the heart with his own pitiful sword."

"NO!!" I screamed denying his words."It's not true!It's not true!" I covered my ears and shook my head. Still, Naraku walked closer.

" I promised to kill you right after I kill Inuyasha." That evil man said as I heard his footsteps getting closer.

I took out an arrow and placed it in my bow. I pointed it at him," away from me!" I stammered, but he kept on walking.

Time seemed to go by slowly as each step he took,made me angrier and sadder. Now I was all alone with Naraku,no more Inuyasha by my side. I closed my eyes and wished he was next to me. Then I was enraged. It was all Naraku's fault, he caused this. He caused this feeling of sadness. I hated him so much. I was provoked even more to kill him. I wanted to kill him. I felt all my feelings build up in my hands as I let go of the bow.

"This is for Inuyasha," I mumbled as the arrow flew and hit Naraku in the heart.

Naraku seemed surprised at my strength. Underestimating the strength of a broken heart.

He died instanly as he fell face down on the ground. As soon as his body fell to the ground, my shikon jewel began to glow. It started floating in the air dancing in front of me. I stared at it for a moment then it shattered and disappeared before my eyes.

I stood there by myself once again. My bow and arrows still placed in my hand. I began to cry. Inuyasha was dead. My shikon jewel was gone. I had no choice, I had to go home. I walked closer to the well and looked down at it. It was time to go home. I looked back and stared at the forest once more, and whispered," Goodbye, Inuyasha."


So now I am an alone woman. Living by myself in this wretched house. I have lost my strength to live. I haven't tasted food for such a long time now. I want to die. Without Inuyasha, I hope for death. Suddenly the room starts getting dark and blurry as I felt myself fall to the ground i hear my brother's footsteps coming in the room and screaming out," KAGOME ARE YOU ALL RIGHT!"

I awake to a bright light and to my disappointment, I realize I am in a hospital room. From behind the closed door I could hear the doctor talking to my brother. I hear him say I was dying, my body had lost it's function to absorb nutrients. Caused by the many days I spent not eating. I smiled to myself when I heard them though. Yes,death finally. I could be with Inuyasha.

I look at Sota as he walks inside the room. His face gloomy and sad. He walks to my bedside and tells me," I have a surprise for you." I smile weakly at him as he walks toward the door and urges someone to follow him.

My heart jumped with joy as Inuyasha steps inside the room. He was alive! after all those years wasted. I wanted to stand up I wanted to put my arms around him but I was too weak. Inuyasha kneels down by my bedside and wraps his arms around me.

We cry into each other's arms and I ask him, " I thought you were dead."

His eyes still filled with tears, he replies," I thought I had died when Naraku stabbed me in the heart with the testsaiga but after a few hours, I found myself still moving. My sword didn't turn against me. I went back to the well to look for you only to find Naraku's dead body. I realized that you had finally gone home. I wanted to follow you but I couldn't get across the border. I needed the shikon jewel."

At that moment I remembered how the shikon jewel had disappeared in front of me. All that time, we were both alive,just a well crossing our path.

"After ten years the shikon jewel was finally remade and I was able to use it and get here," he continues," but all that doesn't matter anymore, now we can be together. Just like we planned."

I smile weakly as I feel myself getting weaker and weaker. I look at my brother once more and I can see his eyes filled with tears. Then my eyes turned back to Inuyasha. I feel Inuyasha's cheek once more with my hands as his tears fell more rapidly.

I whisper weakly," Yes, we can finally be love."

My hands fell limply as I feel my all my strentgh leave me, I breathe my last and I close my eyes.