InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Trip ❯ The Stolen $$$ ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kagome walked down the street and wondered why a man would come up and give them so much money. It was as if they were hiding something. Something so secret not even their most trusted ones could hold the secret. Kagome took a strand of hair and played with it as she kept on walking. A wooden bench stood by the sidewalk while two people were having a conversation. “I can't believe those rich people stole all THAT money!” One person shouted, “They don't have to think that they have to get all the attention because they were poor.” Kagome froze. Were they talking about her aunt and uncle? It did fit the description perfectly, and Kagome didn't think that much money could come out of one pocket. But Kagome couldn't turn in her relatives, although they were thieves. But where could they possibly get all that money? Kagome turned and faced the two people. “Do they live over there?” she asked, pointing to the house that was down the road but was still visible. It was too tall and wide to miss it. One of them nodded and pulled themselves up off the bench. “They stole it because they complained to be starving to death, but nobody believes them! Well, At least the people who know.” The person explained, “Everybody is too scared to turn them in.” Kagome felt that someone had to do something sometime. She abandoned the two people beside the bench and began walking again, kicking a rock down the sidewalk. Her own aunt and uncle were thieves, complete thieves. The broken chandelier had to be paid out of her pocket. “This trip is a disaster!” Kagome whispered to herself. She continued to walk down the road, avoiding people passing her.
Later when Kagome arrived to the house she refused to shake hands with the greeter, refused him to open the door, she wanted to live things normally and didn't want to take part in this situation. Kagome marched up to her aunt and uncles room and barged in. They seemed to be looking inside the closet as if something really valuable was inside. But a sight of Kagome, they slammed the door shut and stared at her. “This isn't a secret.” She told them in a cracked voice, “I knew that was weird! You were just trying to hide it!” Kagome managed to open the closet, that appeared to be holding a mountain of cash inside.
Hey! I wanted to make this chapter short so something exiting would go on. I am still thinking of what Kagome would do after this.Would she go home or would she turn her aunt and uncle in?