InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Trust ❯ Rage ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kagome's Trust 
Here is chapter seven for you to enjoy itThank you to my new beta reader named 
witchgirl99 and TheSparkledMoon for doing this first chapter. Thanks. 
Chapter Seven: Rage 
Sesshomaru raced back to his castle, moving through the trees until he reached the skies. He felt 
his mate cling tighter to him. Looking down at her face, Sesshomaru calmly growled at her. 
"Kagome, mate. This Sesshomaru won't drop you. You are safe from this Sesshomaru's beast," 
he stated as he continued to look at her. 
Kagome stopped clinging to him, took a look around and saw a castle in the distance; she 
assumed it was his. She hoped that Mizuki was okay and Toga was still with Inuyasha and her 
friends. She looked back up at Sesshomaru and cringed as she thought back on that night when 
his beast took over him to track her down. 
She was sure that he wasn't near them, but she asked herself, 'Why me?' Kagome was sure that 
other females, whether human or demon, could have done what she did by standing up to him. 
When Sesshomaru started to descend from the skies to his castle, Kagome whimpered in pain as 
the wounds on her back reopened and hurt more than before when she got them. Then 
Sesshomaru began to rub his head against hers. 
"Mate, we need to get you some medical help," Sesshomaru growled, landing in the garden as 
his soldiers came in to greet him. 
"Lord Sesshomaru," they all said to him and bowed to their lord, seeing a human woman in his 
arms and blood dripping from her wounds. 
"Get a doctor!" Taika called out, as one soldier raced back to the castle. "Milord," he began, "the 
you ng pup that you have brought…" Taika was trying to finish but was cut off when Rin started 
calling out to him instead. 

"Lord Sesshomaru! Rin saw Mizuki fight with Kagura, and Kagura took Mizuki away!" Rin 
sobbed as she raced over to his side. 
"Taika, take Rin into the castle," Sesshomaru growled in a dark tone. 
Placing Kagome down on the ground, one soldier came up and bowed to her. "Miss, you need to 
get wrapped up before you die from the blood loss." 
Sesshomaru growled loudly into the still air, causing all in his lands to shake in fear as they knew 
he was in a rage. His eyes glowing red, Kagome quickly stood up and hid behind the guard that 
talked to her, whimpering in fright at the thought of the night in the spring. She looked to his true 
form getting ready to go, so she asked the guard timidly, "What's happening to Sesshomaru?" 
"He's going into a blood rage because of what happened to the young pup... Hey wait, you are 
that woman that Jaken told me about and your scent is similar to that young pup…" He trailed  off. 
"She's my daughter," Kagome replied. 
"And you have my lord's mark too," he stated. "Are you his mate?" he asked. 
"What?" Kagom e hissed at him. "Mate?" 
"Yes, my lady. Now, we have to get you healed up before Lord Sesshomaru goes into his blood 
rage more and he may never come out," the guard said hurriedly. 
Kagome stared at Sesshomaru's form as it howled into the sky. Seeing that he was going to take 
off and leave her here with other demons wasn't making her very comfortable. Coming from 
behind the guard, Kagome ran over to Sesshomaru's large size. 
"Sesshomaru, come back!" Kagome yelled, petting the fur on his leg. She was feeling faint from 
the blood loss and started to fall when, an arm wrapped around her waist and held her up. 
"Mate, that was stupid. You could have been killed," Sesshomaru said. 

"Shut up and get me help, now," Kagome demanded softly while she wrapped her hands over her 
reopened opened wounds that were bleeding heavily. Sesshomaru looked at her with an eerie 
expression and then he glared at his men watching him. 
"Taika, ready the army," he ordered, racing into the castle and into the hospital wing. 
A red-haired demon looked up to see her lord standing there, with a human no less, so she got up 
and walked over to him. 
Bowing, she asked, "Oh Milord, what happened?" Koshi asked, as she was the doctor of the 
"She has been injured by demons. She's the mother of the pup that was here. Naraku kidnapped 
her," Sesshomaru replied. 
"Milord, please place her on the bed and could you leave the room?" she asked. 
Sesshomaru placed Kagome down, soon turning to Koshi. "No." 
"But Milord, she is a female and injured no less. I don't think you want her to think something 
else when she comes to and sees you in here and she's naked," Koshi explained to him. 
Thinking in his mind back to the night that his beast raped her, he nodded his head and walked to 
the door. "Please come and get me when she wakes up," he ordered, walking out. 
"Hai, Milord," Koshi replied, watching the door as her lord walked out. She then began to 
undress Kagome. She gasped at the girl's wounds on her side and back, the bruises and cuts that 
covered her body. Getting to work, she cleaned all of them and then cared for them gently with 
healing ointments. 
X+X+X Sesshomaru's POV X+X+X 
As Sesshomaru walked down to his room, he opened the door to see Rin crying on his bed. 
Moving over to her, he placed a hand on her back and rubbed circles in a calming motion. 
"Lord Sesshomaru, Rin is worried about Kagome and Rin's friend, Mizuki!" Rin cried. She sat 
up and hugged him around his waist. 

"Rin, Kagome will be okay, but she needs to rest. Mizuki will be saved," he stated calmly. Rin 
soon fell asleep against Sesshomaru's chest, with him rubbing her back. 
X+X+X Inuyasha and the Group X+X+X 
Inuyasha looked over his camp and then to the sky, thinking about everything that had happened 
in the last day. Hearing small sniffs, he looked back at the camp and saw Toga crying into his 
hands. Jumping down, he went over to his nephew. The thought of that was crazy and scary. 
"Toga," he whispered, pulling his nephew into his arms as he cried over his mother and his sister. 
"Uncle, I miss my mommy," Toga cried into Inuyasha's red hakama, soaking it within minutes. 
"It's okay. Kagome is just getting Mizuki and she is coming back from Sesshomaru," he replied 
to the young pup in his arms. Lightly growling, Inuyasha suddenly picked&n bsp;up Naraku's scent with 
"Incoming!" Inuyasha  yelled. As his friends jumped up and got into battle stances with Toga 
pulling out his daggers, they all looked to the sky. 
"Mizuki's scent!" Toga yelled. "Where's my mother's scent?" 
"Dance of the dragons!" Kagura yelled from her hiding place. Inuyasha picked up Shippo and 
Toga, avoiding the attack by jumping  up and out of the way. "Shippo, you go and run to 
Kagome. Take Toga with you!" 
"No Uncle!&nb sp;That demon has my sister, Mizuki!" Toga cried out as his daggers glowed with 
poison and purification. 
"Kagura, come out!" Miroku yelled. 
Kagura came out from her hiding place with Mizuki in her arms. "Give me the boy," she said. 
"Let go of my sister!" Toga raced forward with his daggers. 
"Toga!" Inuyasha yelled at the pup. 

"Dance of the dragon! Dance of the dead! Dance of the winds!" Kagura called out her attacks 
one after the other, the powerful winds making it hard to dodge, and hitting the group. Toga 
looked back and screamed as his uncle's blood was slowly soaking into his clothes. Aunt Sango 
was knocked out, while Uncle Miroku was holding her to himself for protection. 
"Toga, get out of here!" Inuyasha yelled. 
Toga looked at his family and then to the woman. Finally, he turned fully to her and walked up 
to Kagura a few feet away. 
"TOGA!"&nb sp;
"If I go with you, promise me you won't hurt my family anymore," he said softly. 
&nbs p;
Kagura looked at the young pup and she nodded her head as she pulled out a feather that gotten 
bigger once it was out of her hair. Toga got on it with the woman and his sister. 
Flying away to nowhere, Toga hugged himself and stared at the demon woman. 
"You're Kagura?" Toga asked.&nbs p;
Kagura looked back at the young pup and nodded her head at him. "Yes. How do you know?" 
"My mother told me about you and Naraku, the demon that you serve," Toga stated. 
"Kagome," Kagura&n bsp;murmured, feeling sad. Shaking her head, she flew faster to reach her master. 
A/N-I wonder what could happen to the twins now. Find out next time.