InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Trust ❯ Chapter Nine: Problems Again ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kagome's Trust

A/N- Here is chapter nine for you to enjoy it. Thanks for all my reviewers and fans to this story. Thanks to you my fans. Thank you my first beta reader that only did chapter eight and nine Wolf girl. Then thanks to my second and third beta readers named Witchgirl99 and TheSparkledMoon for beta reading this chapter for me. Thanks again.
Chapter Nine: Problems Again
Inuyasha followed his brother into the hospital ward lost in thought.

'Why couldn't I save them?' he thought, all the while almost bumping into Sesshomaru as he stopped at the shoji door.

"Hanyou…Inuyasha…you will have to tell Kagome this but before that, you must tell this Sesshomaru what happened," Sesshomaru said sternly, turning around to look his half-brother in the face.

Inuyasha's face paled, wondering what Sesshomaru planned to do if he told him. Sesshomaru growled when he noticed the hesitation. "Spit it out half-breed!" Sesshomaru's eyes started to bleed red the more Inuyasha waited to respond.

"Feh…fine. Kagura showed up with Mizuki, I'm guessing after she left the castle. We fought and when she unleashed three attacks at once, it knocked all of us off our feet. And I'm guessing that Toga felt desperate. He went to Kagura willingly in hopes to protect Mizuki," Inuyasha explained quietly. The half-demon stared at the ground, hoping he wasn't going to be killed yet.

Sesshomaru sighed, trying to calm his beast. "Anything else I need to know?" he asked.

"Well…Mizuki was unconscious when we saw her and Toga only went after Kagura promised not to hurt us. Then she flew off with the twins," Inuyasha finished telling him.

Sesshomaru sighed again, this time glad that Mizuki seemed to be okay – at least for the time being.

"Now, since you told me what was important, I need you to tell Kagome that the mark placed upon her from my beast is not complete. Plus, she and my heirs must be taught how to read and write. Kagome needs to learn how to act like a proper lady of the Western Lands. After the doctor sees to you and the monk, meet me in my office," Sesshomaru demanded, turning on his heel and walking back down the hall they came from.

"Feh. Great, trouble is definitely on the horizon," Inuyasha mumbled to himself as he turned around to see the sad and pain-filled expressions on their faces. Shaking his head at his thoughts, he led the group into the hospital ward to see a red-haired demon looking up from her station while Kagome looked over from where she rested on the bed.

"Guys! What happened, where's Toga?" she asked hurriedly, trying to sit up but ended up screaming in pain instead.

"Lady Kagome! You mustn't sit up as your wounds haven't healed!" Koshi scorned her as she went to her side quickly. "Let's get you into a more comfortable position, shall we?" the doctor insisted quietly, helping Kagome to sit up slowly in order to be more comfortable.

"Thank you," Kagome said to Koshi after she moved back to her station. "Now, where's Toga?"
Inuyasha looked to Sango and Miroku, knowing what was about to happen when they told her.

"Kagome, Toga went with Kagura willingly after she promised to leave us alone. Mizuki was with her, which is why he went with them," Sango spoke up, walking slowly to the side of the bed Kagome sat up in.

Inuyasha looked away from Kagome when she turned a burning glare towards him.

"You mean to tell me that both my son and my daughter have been kidnapped?" she asked harshly.

Inuyasha's ears flattened on his head when she asked, not willing to look her in the eye.

"Kagome?" Miroku said her name, getting her attention. Kagome looked at him with fire in her eyes and he knew what he was about to tell her would more than likely set her off.

"Yes, Miroku?" Kagome asked as calmly as she could.

"Um, Sesshomaru wanted us to tell you that he wanted you and his heirs to take lessons on how to read and write. You also must take lessons on how to be a proper lady of the Western Lands," Miroku said softly, watching anger seep into her eyes, darkening them slightly.

"So, you mean I'm going to have to tell him the truth about the future and everything?" Kagome asked them softly, the anger disappearing as fear began to replace it.

Koshi looked at them shocked and thought, 'Milady is from the future? That's impossible!'

"You must have it wrong. Milady here is not from the future," Koshi started to say but Kagome interrupted her.

"You're wrong there Koshi. I am from the future. As impossible as it may sound to you, I am. I can read and write. But please, don't start asking questions yet," Kagome begged, looking down to her hands in her lap.
X+X+X Toga and Mizuki X+X+X

Mizuki woke up to find herself on the ground in the dark. She sat up, wondering where she was and where her mother and brother were. Then she caught Toga's scent nearby. Standing up, she let her eyes get adjusted before searching for her brother's form in the darkness. Then she saw him lying on his side, facing the far wall.

"Toga!" Mizuki whispered hastily, hoping he was alright.

"Mizuki?" he replied, far too softly as he tried to sit up.

Mizuki reached him and helped him up, hugging him tight when he was standing with her.

"Are you okay?" Toga asked her, pulling her away from his body to look her over. Seeing no wounds or anything else on her, he pulled her back to him, making a low growl in the back of his throat.

"Toga, where are we?" Mizuki asked, looking up at her brother.

"I really don't know, sis. But the question here is: Are you okay?" he asked her again, licking her cheek.

"Aw come on Toga! That's gross!" Mizuki replied, pulling away to wipe off her cheek.

"Sorry. It's just that you're dirty and you need to be cleaned is all," Toga told her, causing a small smile to form on her lips.

Suddenly, evil laughter filled the room and a voice said, "So, finally awake I see."
The words echoed off the walls, causing the twins to shake in fear of the unknown.

"Who are you?" Toga asked, holding onto his sister tightly.

"Kuku kuku! Why, I'm Naraku," the evil man told them, standing in the doorway to the cell in which held the twins.

Kagura appeared behind him with a flaming torch so the twins could see their surroundings better."Kagura, bring me the girl. Leave the boy here," Naraku demanded, fading into the shadows.

Kagura stepped into the cell with the torch calmly and said, "Come girl."

"No," Mizuki growled, gripping Toga's arm tightly.

Kagura stepped closer and that was when Mizuki summoned a snake-like whip from two fingers, which she wrapped around herself and her brother to protect them. Kagura's eyes narrowed and using her fan she summoned the wind to try and knock them off their feet. Her attack was reflected by Mizuki's whip, sending it back at Kagura and sending her into the far wall.

Kanna appeared with her mirror and used it to freeze them."Come little one," Kanna's soft voice told Mizuki, causing her to release herself and Toga from her whip.

Mizuki walked towards Kanna slowly, trying to fight the powerful hold she had on her body. As she walked out of the cell after Kanna, Kagura stood up and locked the cell door behind them to prevent Toga from escaping. Then, she led Kanna and Mizuki to Naraku's room down a dark hallway.

They stood outside of Naraku's room when Mizuki tried to fight against Kanna's hold on her again. Naraku opened the door and Mizuki froze when she saw him.

"Please, do come in," he said with a sadistic smirk on his face.

As soon as she was in the room, Kagura shut the door and locked it from the outside, causing Mizuki to be free of the control Kanna had her under. Wrapping her arms around herself, she looked around the dark, cold room. Her eyes welled up with tears. All of a sudden, she saw her mother's form – or what was supposed to be her mother.

"MOMMY!" Mizuki cried out, running to the broken form on the ground, tears racing down her cheeks.

"Mizuki, do you want revenge…?" a voice asked her as she shook her mother's form gently, sobbing.

"No! Mommy can't be dead… She isn't dead!" Mizuki sobbed quietly, leaning over her mother's body.

"She would never leave me…"Mizuki said again, this time doubt lacing her voice.

"Get revenge Mizuki. Get revenge on the one who killed your mother," the voice said again from the dark.

Mizuki stared into her mother's brown eyes and watched the life blood leave her broken body. It was an illusion, she knew, but the more she stared at her mother's face, the more she believed she was really dead.

"Don't worry mommy, I'll revenge your death. I'll find the one who killed you," Mizuki said quietly, her eyes turning red.

Naraku laughed from where he watched in the shadows as Mizuki began to change.

A/N-Hope you enjoyed it. Review the chapter please. Next one should be done typing by September 26 and hopefully beta by October 4 by the beta read named Wolf Girl. This story is almost coming to a close soon hopefully it will be done before the New Year but if not enjoy reading what I have so far. Also I have some other stories that I will place up just the titles and summary and you decide what one you would like up next. Have a nice summer or winter or day or night reading this. Bye