InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Trust ❯ Chapter fifteen: Jewel shards ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kagome's Trust

A/N – Here is chapter 15. Thank you to my beta readers named like to say thank you Akahana7272 for being the first beta reader to this chapter. Then thank you to TheSparkledMoon for beta reading it again.

Chapter fifteen: Jewel shards

"Sango get Rin out of here now," Kagome ordered, as she summoned a miko powered sword into her hands. "Then get Inuyasha"

Sango just nodded her head at Kagome. She knew when to leave Kagome to fight, as she called Kirara to transform into her bigger form. "Rin come"

Rin raced over to her and climbed up on Kirara's back behind Sango. They both took off from the ground and into the blue sky, looking back at Kagome to see her standing with her sword waiting for the one with the jewel shard.

~With Kagome~

Kagome waited for a few seconds for the jewel shards to come, and soon it crashed into the clearing between the forest and the well. It was a large boar demon with three heads and six arms, but what shocked her the most was that the demon had ten shards of the jewel. She cursed as it flew towards her with two spears, swords and axes.

Jumping out of the way, she swung her sword, hitting one of two of the boar's swords and purifying it. Immediately running to the side, she narrowly avoided being hit by one of the many weapons of the demon. The boar, screaming in pain, locked its eyes onto Kagome, snarling and spiting towards her.

Charging him with her sword, she tried to hit it again, but it jumped back and threw a spear towards her. She ducked quickly and continued to try to attack the boar demon, but it was fast and Kagome was getting tired. Jumping back just in time from a strike of the axe, the boar screamed with frustration and charged at her with undeniably fast speed.

'Hurry up Inuyasha' Kagome thought with all her might as she jumped and dodged the boar's swings. But as she felt the strength leaving her body, she held up her sword and yelled an attack that came to mind.

"Koori Kaze!"

A strong gust of winds stormed towards the boar demon and turned him to an ice statue when it touched him. Falling down, Kagome returned her sword back to normal, and stared at the boar that was now trapped within ice.

'I wonder how I did that…'

The tired girl mulled over what happened as she rested on the ground.

"Kagome!" The shouts of Inuyasha were coming closer as a red clothed Inuyasha raced in and stopped.

"He has ten jewel shards, Inuyasha." Kagome spoke in a tired, flat voice from using up all her energy.

'Kagome, you okay?" Inuyasha said as he walked over to her.

'Ya, but now I really need to talk with Sesshomaru, why that... she pointed to the boar demon. Is one question how did I do that with ice?"

"You did that?" Inuyasha stared in disbelief.

"Yes I did before you showed up, with a power call 'Koori Kaze', which means Ice winds" Kagome replied as she placed her hands on her hips.

'Wait," He yelled.

"Yes now fully kill it," Kagome ordered him.

Taking out his sword, Inuyasha smashed the boar into pieces. Standing up, Kagome walked over to the pieces and picked them up, instantly purifying them.

"I guess Naraku is getting mad that he doesn't have the whole jewel yet." Sango said as she landed down with Rin.

"Kagome-nee-chan," Rin replied as she raced over to Kagome's side and gave her a hug. "Rin was so scared that you would have been hurt."

"I'm fine, Rin," Kagome said as she hugged her back.

"Okay, let's get back to the hut, so I can leave some items in it and get back to getting my children back." Kagome ordered as she let's go of Rin and placed the shards in her bottle, and Rin gave hers to Kagome as well.

"Kagome shouldn't you take In back to Sesshomaru now?" Sango asked as they started to walk to the village.

"Rin really wants to see her father...oops Rin's means...
"Rin, I know that you love him like a father and he loves you like a daughter." Kagome replied. "Inuyasha could you go and take her back to your half-brother?"

Inuyasha just nodded his head, as he walked over to Rin and picked her up gently and raced towards his brother's palace.

"So ... should we get started?" Kagome asked Sango.

Giggling at the question, Sango just nodded her head as they walked down to the village, talking about girl's things and many more things. As they got closer they both saw Kikyo standing outside the hut that belongs to Kagome.

"Kagome you okay?" Kikyo said as she raced over to her.

"Kikyo, yes I'm fine now, let me tell you what happened over the year," Kagome stated as she and the girls walked into her hut, with Sango looking confused.

"Kagome, what happened?" Kikyo asked.

Kagome launched into her story about her rape, going home to found out that she was pregnant, and giving birth to two beautiful children named Toga and Mizuki and them being full demon pups. She continued that she came back to Mizuki being in Sesshomaru's care until she was kidnapped by Naraku and Toga was too, destroying Sesshomaru's front gardens. She concluded with the fire that almost took away Rin from her and Sesshomaru, and her taking Rin to the future and getting her back to health. Kagome finish her story as Sango and Kikyo had tears in their eyes.

"That was the story." Kagome whispered softly to them.

'Oh Kagome,' Kikyo replied as she stood up and hugged her.

'Okay why is Kikyo-." Sango said but was interrupted by Kagome.

"Oh yeah, Inuyasha hasn't yold you yet, I love him like a brother and gave him the okay and permission to mate with Kikyo," Kagome said as she smiled.

"Oh," Sango replied. "You sure?"

"Yes I really don't think I loved him like that since three years ago, I know that I gave up on it too. And I'm happy with loving him like an older brother," Kagome said.

While Kikyo just nodded her head at Sango, "I wish that we can be friends."

"I think we are already are Kikyo. I give you my support too." Sango replied.

"Thanks," Kikyo said as she smiled at Sango.

As they girls went through the items that Kagome brought from her time, they placed the medical items, books, and toys and many more items. Kagome took out Kikyo and Sango's presents and she walked over to them.

"Kikyo, in this bag are the supplies for your hair and other items you like. There are many scents, and you can take the one that you like most." Kagome said as she handed the bag to Kikyo.

"Thanks Kagome, I love it all, your time is very advanced with items," Kikyo stated as she opened it up and took a look inside as she pulled out the cherry scented body wash. Kagome nodded as she grabbed Sango's bag and gave it to her, with the same repeated sentence.

"Thanks Kagome you knew that I was running out on something," Sango replied as she opened it and took a peek inside.

Kagome just smiled until a feeling came over her again, standing up "Sango, Kikyo, shards are coming this way and fast." Kagome said as they both jumped to their feet, as Sango grabbed her swords, while Kikyo grabbed her bow and arrows and raced outside with Kagome waiting to see what and who had the jewel shards.

~With Inuyasha and Rin~

As Inuyasha got to the palace, his brother was waiting at the gates, looking at him.

"Father," Rin yelled, shocking Sesshomaru as he looked at her.

'Rin, you okay?" Sesshomaru asked as he quickly looked over her just in case.

"Rin is fine, Rin saw a lot of things in Kagome time," Rin replied.

'Inuyasha, where is Kagome, my mate?" Sesshomaru asked.

"She needed to unpack some items away in her hut at the village. Sango is with her," Inuyasha quickly replied to his brother.

He nodded, as Rin grabbed his hand and said "I love you"

Sesshomaru looked down and was in more shock,"..."
"Just say something brother," Inuyasha laughed at him. As he walked away from him, he still needed to ask his brother about the mating ritual that Inu's have, since his father is dead and didn't tell him as he was too young.

"Rin, I love you too," Sesshomaru said as he pulled her into a hug.

~Back with Kagome~

The girls watched as eight demons came into the clearing between Kagome's hut and the village where Kaede was coming out of with her own set of arrows.

'What one of you has the jewel shards?" A lion screeched out loud at the girls.

'Like we will tell you!" Sango hollered as she placed her sword in her hands.

'Kagome, Kikyo, how many shards are there?" Sango asked in a whispered.

Kagome and Kikyo looked at the demons, and looked at Sango. "Lots," They both said.

Nodding their heads, Sango charged at the two on the left, while Kikyo shots two arrows at one demon and took its leg and arm making it fall to the ground. Screaming in pain, he glared at Kikyo, who was pulling out another arrow and hooking it to her bow. She aimed and fired her arrow, killing it. Just as she let go of her arrow, a shadow loomed over her body. Looking up, she found a demon.

'I see a tasty treat," it said with spit coming out of its mouth.

"Get away from her, Koori Kaze!" Kagome wailed at the demon where was now frozen with ice.

"Kikyo hit it!"

Kikyo nodded her head as she used her bow to hit the demon, while looking for her sister, who was trying to take on two demons on her own. Aiming her bow again, Kikyo got out a single arrow and shot it, making it turn to her. She quickly got another arrow ready to attack with; she saw it was coming towards her. When it was about four feet away from her, she let go of the arrow, purifying it. She took out another arrow and killed the demon next to Kaede. Kikyo walked over to the ones that she killed and picked up three shards from the first, two from the second, and four from the ones she had helped Kaede with.

Sango, riding Kirara, took on demons from above. Flying down from overhead, the sliced and bit off all they could manage. Strike after strike until it was dead. Looking to the next demon, it snarled at them both and charged towards them. Sango took out her hiraikotsu and threw it, splitting the demon in half, killing it immediately. Catching hiraikotsu, she looked to find Kikyo and Kaede fine, while Kagome was still fighting two of the demons. Quickly picking up the five shards from the demons, she began walking towards Kagome to help her friend, only to be stopped by a hand.

After Kagome had frozen the demon attacking Kikyo, she had trouble with the two demons she was fighting, both of the feline family, one a lion and the other a tiger. Both were fast, and it took most of her skills to merely dodge and jump out of their way. Being on the defensive side seemed to be the only thing that she could do. Kagome looked to the side to find Kaede and Kikyo fine, but Sango was coming to help her.

Jumping to the side, she stopped Sango, having decided that she was going to kill these demons herself. She ran from another attack and decided that the only she would win this battle, was to follow her heart and use her powers. Racing towards them, she called out the first thing that came to mind.

"Mizu Funshutsu!"

Water spurted from her swords, but this water had a mix of reiki powers in it, purifying the lion upon contact. Looking at the tiger, she made her way towards it at inhuman speeds. Throwing a barrier around herself, she got closer to the tiger weakening him.

Breathing easier now that her last opponent was weakened, she took down the barrier and ran towards the tiger, holding her sword high she called out another attack.

"Hi Hayabusa!"

Fire in the shape of a falcon spewed from her sword and raced towards the demon, burning and purifying it, the demon disappearing before their very eyes.

Looking at the remains of the demons, she took the eight shards that she found, purifying them. She looked towards Kikyo and Sango for the shards that they had collected.

"Naraku must be very desperate if he sent twenty shards of the jewel." Kagome spoke in a curious voice, while taking the shards from Sango and Kikyo, purifying them.

"How many do you have now?" Kikyo asked, placing her bow and arrows on the ground.

"I had two before today, but earlier I obtained ten, and now with these, I have about 32."

The girls sat down and talked about Naraku and Kagome's predicament with Sesshomaru.

"Kagome, you know that Sesshomaru bit you. You can never find someone at all, even in death." Sango tried to tell her lightly.

"So you're telling me that I have no choice in this." Kagome assumed.
"Well, no."

"Oh… We should get going to the Palace of the Moon and get my children back. Then I will deal with this whole mating this with Sesshomaru. Only when my children are safe, will I deal with this."

They nodded their heads as they helped Kagome get some items to bring to the palace. When they finished getting their things together, the girls said goodbye to Keade and started on their way to the palace of the moon.

A/N –I hope you enjoyed this chapter, Yes Naraku is getting very impatience that he doesn't have all the shards. Why is Kagome having elemental powers now? Was it from her training or something else? You have to see later now.

Powers I used in this chapter:

Koori Kaze- means Ice winds

Mizu Funshutsu- means water sprout

Hi Hayabusa- means fire falcon

I looked at five different sites that had the same words meaning the same thing. The only power I useed from Her Destiny by Cindygirl was Mizu Funshutsu. Also help me make powers for Kagome and I can place them into my chapters, too or just help me with them.
