InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Trust ❯ Chapter Thirty-four: Future time, pregnancy ( Chapter 34 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kagome's Trust
A/N- Three more to go, enjoy this chapter. Thanks to my beta reader named Inugoddes823 for beta reading this chapter and the rest of this story.
Chapter Thirty-four: Future time, pregnancy
The next morning, the whole palace woke up in time for the other lords and ladies to go back to their lands. They had to prepare for the battle that would come as Sesshomaru's scout came back and told him that more villages that were burnt down.
"Goodbye Lord Daigoro," Sesshomaru stated as he bowed to them.
They bowed back, and Lord Daigoro stated, " Long live the west," Then they were gone from sight, traveling fast back home.
Next was the southern family. With the same words they too were gone, leaving the northern lord and his family still here.
"Lord Kenta," Sesshomaru started.
"My boy, you will be careful, keeps me in touch with each movement Taromaru does," Lord Kenta ordered lightly.
Sesshomaru nodded and smirked “Goodbye Lord Kenta,"
He saw Kagome hugging Lady Masa as tears formed in her eyes, then she let her go and bowed to prince Tenga and his three females (that he hasn't decided yet.) She went to Lord Kenta and gave him a hug, as his arms opened to her.
"You be careful too, Lady Kagome, and take care of Sesshomaru," Lord Kenta stated as he heard a growl from Sesshomaru.
Soon they were off as well with Kagome and the rest walking back into the palace. "Inuyasha," Kagome whispered as she turned to see Kikyo and him racing towards them.
"Brother." Sesshomaru stated unsurely at him.
"Sesshomaru, father gave me what I've always wanted, to be a full demon," Inuyasha stated, then told them what had happened at the cave.
Kagome had tears coming down her face as she looked at Kikyo who was now a demon miko and smiled at the happy thoughts that filled her mind.
Taromaru and his secret fortress…
It was a long trip as Taromaru and his forces traveled from the main land; it took him one thousand years to return with more men. He walked across the western land, with his men and he killed villages that were on the boarders; his men only bringing the unmarried and unmated females for pleasure.
After hours of walking the men finally saw their leader waving his hands in a circle like movement, as the mountains opened up to them, they walked into the mountain; they all saw a palace that was large and long at less 1000 yards of blocks and wood.
Night came and the men made the females that they taken cook for them; all females were naked and chained up by their ankles and wrist.
The night went on and on as the males had their way with the females.
.Kagome and girls…
As Kagome told the new children where she was from, the looks on their faces were priceless.
"Really momma we get to come with you?" Ryu asked his new mother.
"Yes, Ryu" Kagome stated to him.
Kagome shooed them off to get going, as she went to look for Sesshomaru. She found him quickly and she approached him fast.
"Are you coming to the future with us?" Kagome asked.
Sesshomaru looked up and smiled at Kagome, making her heart beat faster. "Yes, I am" He replied at her.
Two hours later, Kagome and the rest were ready to get going to the well. Sango waddled alone with Miroku as her stomach continued to grow. Coming closer to Kaede's village, Kagome wondered if her hut needed anything, an hour later, Kagome told the group to wait at the well, and she went to see Kaede.
"Kaede!" Kagome called out as she saw Kaede walking with some village men.
"Kagome," Kaede replied as she smiled at the young miko.
Kagome walked towards her and gave her a hug.
"So how have you been?" Kagome asked.
"I'm doing fine, but a day ago, I sensed lots of youkai in the area and then they disappeared around mountains," Kaede told her.
Kagome narrowed her eyes at that, she thought a bit then looked back at Kaede. "Kaede it might have been a demon named Taromaru. His men and he have been destroying villages around this area."
Kaede nodded at this and wondered who he was. " Who is he?"
"Taromaru is a panther demon. He was the Southern lord before, his grandfather and the rest of the lords over-threw him because he was trying to create a war to destroy all humans, demons and hanyou if they didn't summit to his rule." Kagome stated to Kaede.
"We will be careful now," Kaede answered.
"Kaede, I'm going back to my time, do you need anything?" Kagome asked.
"No child," Kaede told her.
Kagome nodded and turned to leave the area to go to the well. Kagome stop and turn around again and called her reiki as she made a barrier around the village and fields.
"Kaede I have placed a barrier around the village and the fields and only you can let people in or out," Kagome stated as she smiled at her.
"Thank you my child," Kaede replied.
Then Kagome walked away from Kaede and the village. Making her way to the well. She needed to inform Sesshomaru about the mountains where Kaede had sensed the demons. Seeing the large group waiting for her, she motioned for Sesshomaru
"Kagome, what's wrong?" Sesshomaru asked.
"Kaede told me that she sensed a lot of youkai in the area and then they disappeared around that mountain," Kagome said then pointed to the mountain," I have placed a barrier around the village and only she can let people in,"
Sesshomaru nodded as he got a good look at the mountains and wondered if it was Taromaru. Then looked back at Kagome and smiled at her.
While the rest stood back, Kagome walked up to the well and pulled out the scroll reading it once more and then placed her hands on the well.
"Oh well of time, grant the impossible grant these people entrance to your greatness secret of all, the future Those names are by title and name Shin, Naoko, Hitomi, Mitsuki, Sakura, Megumi, Ryu, Yuki, Kenshin and Akina," Kagome chanted in a whispered to the well, as it hummed to life.
"The same order as last time, but Sesshomaru will carry the twins, come back for twins again, Inuyasha, and so forth and so forth," Kagome replied.
They jumped into the well, and lights came around them both, Sesshomaru landed on the ground with Kagome within his arms. Kagome looked up at him and smiled, she would be lying if she said she didn't like been held by him.
"Well, welcome to the future, the smell is bad for demons, they are also loud and very different sights to see, like this you see… she pointed up to the ceiling ...this was built around the well." Kagome said.
"Let's get going," Mizuki yelled out as she opened the door and raced out with Toga hot on her heels.
They all walked to the door while Mizuki opened it and yelled "Grandma, Uncle Souta and great grandpa we back again!"
"Kagome," Taytai called out as she stepped into the room. She saw more children and gasped at them all. "Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, Kikyo, Sango, Miroku, Rin, Shippo, how are you?"
"Good" was sounded the room. "Kagome, who are the rest?"
Kagome launched into the story about destroying Naraku and then the villages that were destroyed. "My god,"
"Mom, I would like you make appointment for Sango and the kid's doctor too," Kagome told her.
Taytai nodded her head at her daughter as she was introduced to all the new children and gave them hugs as she introduce herself as grandma. Giving them a tour around the house, Kagome looked at Sesshomaru, to see a concentrating look on his face.
"Sesshomaru," Kagome called out.
Sesshomaru looked down at her and smile," Kagome is there a place where I can read about this time,"
"Yes you can, Mom, I'm taking the grownups to the library, can you watch the pups?" Kagome called out.
"Yes, Kagome have fun," Taytai told her.
The group left the house and went towards the stairs. Walking down them, Kagome stopped in from of a large building. They all walked into the library and saw it was huge with rows of line shelves filled with books.
They all followed Kagome as they all watched her getting some white scrolls, then waving them onwards to some sections.
"Welcome to the Library, where all your needs are met," Kagome stated then giggled at their faces." This place has everything you can read on and learn about,"
They all nodded their heads at Kagome as they walked around until they came to a table. Once the group was seated, Kagome took out her pen from her black purse with stones along the sides.
"This paper is required to take out books. If you wanted one," Kagome stated then had them looking at hers and then the paper again.
Kikyo and Sango wanted one, and then the males stated to Kagome that they would like one too. So Kagome finished them all at once, but they needed to know how to sign their names.
"Okay, I'm done but you need to sign your names, Sesshomaru here is my pen," Kagome stated as she gave him her pen.
Sesshomaru looked at the paper with his information and neatly signed his name at the bottom. While Kagome taught the others to write their names, after they all signed them, she took them to the lady in the front.
"Here," Kagome stated as she gave the money to the lady, as she watched the lady with grey hair as she placed the information into the system, taking out five cards, she place one in the slot then taking it out and then placing a new card in. After a few moments, the cards were handed to Kagome as she went back to her group.
"Boys look around, and if you need something ask the people that work here; they have a red shirt and black pants." While she took the girls to the section, Kagome used lots when she was pregnant with the twins.
… …Inuyasha…..
Inuyasha walked in and out of the rows to see what he would like to see. When he saw a few books on drawing pictures, he took them out and looked at them, then went back at the table and continued to look at them at the table.
Miroku walked into the business section as he took out a few books and went back to the table to see Inuyasha sitting here with some books looking at them.
"Inuyasha?" Miroku questioned out.
"Yes, I'm reading," He grunted out.
Sesshomaru went right towards an older female, with grey hair and glasses.
"Excuse me for disturbing you, but do you know where I might find a book on rare coins?" asked Sesshomaru as he watched the old woman with interest.
"Yes, we do young man, please follow me," She said as she led the way to that section as he followed swiftly.
"Here you are young man, do you need any help finding a book?" She asked kindly.
"No thank you, milady," Sesshomaru said as she smiled and then walked away from him.
Taking a good look at the books, he took out a few and went back to the table.
Kagome led them to the books on pregnancy and how to deal with their emotions. After twenty minutes, the girls went back to the males at the table.
"Did you find something to interest you guys?" Kikyo asked.
They nodded their heads and waited for the girls to sit down, placing books down. They sat down and waited for something to talk.
"Kagome, do you know where to sell rare coins?" Sesshomaru asked.
Kagome looked at him then smiled " I see you want to sell the coins that you brought here from home," Kagome admitted.
Sesshomaru nodded his head.
"Wait, Sesshomaru why did you ask her?" Inuyasha asked.
"Inuyasha, I would like to sell some coins to have money in this time," Sesshomaru whispered to his brother.
"Oh," He said and left it at that.
They got up from the library as they went to check out the books that they got, Kagome showed them how to do it, as she looked around to see if anyone was around them as she whispered a chant like spell, making them look very high up in the world. Kagome and the rest followed Kagome out of the library and down more streets until they came to the tall builds.
"See that building right there, with a large coin on it?" Kagome asked.
"Yes," was heard again.
"Good, that is the building that we need, now before we get in there, Sesshomaru are you going to give any coins to your brothers?" Kagome asked.
"Yes, but I only have one brother," Sesshomaru stated in a confused voice
"Not right now, Miroku is also your brother by a spell that is," Kagome told them as she pointed to a window.
The group turned around to see themselves looking very different, Sesshomaru had short black hair, with a three piece suit completely with black shoes, then he looked at Inuyasha to see him having a bit longer hair but still black and a suit with its jacket. With one glance at Miroku, only to see that he was just like Inuyasha but he had his jacket on
Then he looked at his mate, Kagome had on a very nice dress suit with high shoes, Sango had on dress pants and a nice top with a vest on, while Kikyo had on dress suit without a jacket on.
"Now Sesshomaru, how are you going to do this?" Kagome asked.
"Miroku, Inuyasha, here are your five coins, don't take anything less than 1 million yen for each of them," Sesshomaru stated at them both.
They all nodded at him, and then started too walk again to the large building with the big coin. They made it to the front of Southside Galleries as Kagome and the rest opened the door and they all stepped confidently up to the receptionist that was sitting there.
"Hello, welcome to Southside Galleries, how may I help you?" The young lady asked them with a smile.
"Yes, you can help us; we would all like to see someone about selling a few rare coins that came from our family." Sesshomaru stated clearly and firmly to the young lady that was the receptionist.
"Just one moment please, I will see who is available to help you, please take a seat and wait," The young lady claimed as she got on her phone.
They went to sit down, as they were waiting, the young lady got off the phone as smiled at them. "Right now, all of them are with a client; please help yourselves to coffee or tea, "
"Kagome, I would like to know about any trusted funds that the twins have?" Sesshomaru asked.
"Well, they both have one, as of right now each have around seven to one thousands yen, why?" Kagome stated then asked.
Sesshomaru nodded his head at her, then turned back to the other room, while Kagome made her tea then brought it out. Sipping her tea, Kagome watched as six people walked out of three rooms. Kagome looked at them all, one was a female with long brown hair, with brown glasses on her face, and the next two were males as they were both in their mid thirties or so.
"Hello," one said.
Sesshomaru stood up and nodded his head at them. The rest followed him, while Kagome quickly finished her tea and brought it back to the room.
"Welcome to Southside Galleries,"
"Good afternoon, my name is Sakura Hoshi, please follow me," Sakura said while Miroku and Sango followed her into her office.
"My name is Naoko Goshi, " Naoko replied as he started to walk while Inuyasha and Kikyo followed him.
Leaving the last one for Sesshomaru and Kagome to take," My name is Haru Sands," While he walked towards his office with Sesshomaru and Kagome following him.
Miroku and Sango…..
After walking into the room, Sango at down, while Miroku shook hands with Sakura. Once they both sat down, Sakura took a pen and looked at them both.
"So how may I help you today?" Sakura asked with pleasant tone to her voice.
"Yes, I have some family heirlooms and I like to sell a few rare coins. " Miroku stated to her, and took out the coins and placed them on her desk.
The coin on the desk was made from copper metals; the symbols on each of them were unique. One side had Sesshomaru's mother on them in her demon form while the other had Sesshomaru's father in his demon form, each side with Sesshoumaru's own seal.
Sakura took out her magnifying glasses and took some gloves. She gently picked up the coin and examined it taking in the mint and it's fine condition. She had never seen a coin like this, and she assumed the rest were with families in the other rooms.
After taking a look at all the coins, she told them she needed to see her superior about this, and walked out of her office. Knocking on the door, she heard a come in "come in" from within. Opening the door, she walked into the room.
"Yes, Mrs. Hoshi?" A male asked as he turned his chair to her.
"Sir, I have a client that wants to see this coin" as she showed him one of them. "He has more than one, also I need to inform you that the young man has some brothers that are selling them too." Sakura replied.
He took the coin and looked at it, as he finally looked back at her
"Where are they?"
"One is in my office, the other two are in Naoko and Haru's office's," Sakura replied.
"Well get them here," He said.
"Yes sir," Sakura told him, and headed back to her office. "Excuse me, Sir and Madam, my superior will take care of you now, please follow me."
Sango and Miroku got up as he took another four coins with him. They came to a large office with a big man waiting for them.
"Sakura if you please, get the rest," He replied. Sakura nodded and went to get the others, within moments, the rest of the gang are in the office.
"Welcome to Southside Galleries, Mister…."
"My name is Sesshomaru Taro, these are my brothers Inuyasha Taro and Miroku Taro, and the fine ladies you see are your wives, Kagome Taro, Sango Taro and Kikyo Taro." Sesshomaru replied at the man.
"I'm Tao Yamam, I have seen lots of coins of rare, but yours are very rare, can you tell me how you got them in mint condition?" Tao asked politely.
Sesshomaru nodded his head and stated " It was our great grandfather who had them, from what I could remember, he would always polish them and placed them in a safe place, but I don't know how he got them."
Miroku and Inuyasha nodded. "Great grandfather passed away a few years ago and left them with us,"
"We had honored his wishes to keep them in the family but we feel like the world needs see them too, so we came here to sell five each,"
Tao smiled at them as he shook his head." Okay, how much are you willing to take them for?"
"One million yen each," Sesshomaru stated with a tone that says take it.
Tao looked at the coin and thought" What the heck"
"It's a deal, Mr. Taro,"
While Sesshomaru took out his five coins, saw his brothers doing the same, and they placed them down on the desk and watched as Mr. Yamam got out a large coin box and places them inside.
"Would you like cash or checks?" Mr. Yamam asked them.
"Checks," Kagome answered him.
Mr. Yamam nodded while he took out a check box in his desk wrote a check for five million yen first and signed his name, then did it again two more times.
"Pleasure doing business with you Mr. Taro," Mr. Yamam replied as he shook hands with them again.
"Thank you," Sesshomaru stated as they bowed to him and left.
"Okay, to the bank," Kagome told them as she once again led them to a different place that had a sign that said "Japan International bank"
Walking to the bank, Kagome went towards the male on the desk.
"How can I help you?" he asked.
"We just moved to the city and we have to make a bank account here, there is six of us, and some children that are under the legal age," Kagome declared at him.
"Just one moment, please," He replied as he went typing on his computer to see if anyone was available to see to these clients.
"Madam, there is one for you to make account," He replied to her.
"We will take it," Kagome told him as she watched him calling the person to help them.
Within moments an elder male walked into the area and went towards them," Madam please follow me," The group followed the male to his office that said his name was Masaki Zala in gold letters.
"So you all would like to make accounts?" Masaki Zala asked.
"Yes," Kagome told him. "My husband and I would like to have a savings and a checking for ourselves and our children as well."
Masaki nodded his head and went through the steps to open a new account.
By the time they were done it was about four o'clock and they quickly did the others accounts and left the bank.
The group headed back home, just in time for supper. Dinner was a quite one, and after, everyone went to their rooms, except Sesshoumaru.
"Sesshomaru, what is it?" Taytai asked.
"Here is some money," He told her as he gave her a check about said one million yen on it and left the room.
...The next day…
They woke up and went down for breakfast and told Kagome's mother where they were going for the day. Leaving the house once again, Kagome led the way towards the adoption office. As they approached, she made each of them look different, when Inuyasha sniffed at Kikyo.
His eyes were wide and he grinned as he hugged her," Kikyo you are with pups!"
Kikyo looked at him with a shocked look coming across her face, as she hugged him back. "Am I really with your pups?"
Inuyasha just nodded, and then followed the rest with a silly grin on his face.
Signing papers and more papers, by the time that they were done, the group had sore hands from all the signing of the papers. Now the children had been completely adopted, it was now time to go home.
They got home and took the pups/children to the nearby park. They had fun with their new toys, and soon it was time to go home to eat and sleep. Walking back to the house with the pups/children, they all told grandma about the park and all the new toys they saw. Dinner was a quite one as they eat and went upstairs into their rooms… all but Sesshomaru.
…...The Next day…..
They woke up and went down for breakfast, while Kagome's mother told them that Sango had an appointment today. Kagome smiled and told her mother that Kikyo was expecting too. Her mother gushed over Kikyo and Sango as they laughed.
Getting ready, Kagome, Sango, Miroku and Kikyo placed their shoes on as the rest would stay behind and keep Mother company and help her with the children. Going to the elevator Kagome told Sango what the doctor would do to her stomach.
Getting into the car, they drove off towards Sango's doctor's appointment. Talking about what the doctor would do, Kagome told Sango that she would be with her the whole time, so she won't feel scared. Coming around the corner to the office, Kagome went to the side and parked the car, getting out the rest followed her.
"Sango remember when I went up to the counter, you need to go do that," Kagome replied. "Remember your last name,"
Kagome led them into the office as Sango went up to the lady at the desk.
"Do you have appointment?" She asked.
"Yes, I do under Sango Nakumaru," Sango stated.
"Here you are, please wait until the nurse comes and gets you please," She said.
Sango went back to Kagome and waited for ten minutes before the nurse came to get her. She followed Sango who was after the nurse with light brown hair. She let them into a room and she left them to wait for the doctor.
A couple minutes later, the door opened and the doctor came in.
"Good morning Mrs. Nakumaru, how are you feeling?" She asked.
Sango remember what Kagome said to tell her. "Sick with the morning and sometimes all day, but swollen hands and feet. Some cramps in lower back and sides."
The doctor wrote down all what Sango was saying and placed her clipboard down. "Well, let's check out the baby," she stated as she got all the items she needed to check the baby. She started to explain what she was going to do before she actually did it; placing the gel on Sango stomach they started the ultra sound.
Sango looked at the TV and saw something moving, her heart swelled, it was her baby.
"Oh, "The doctor replied.
"Oh, what?" Sango asked in a worried tone of voice.
"It seems to me, Sango that you are having twins, but I can't see what gender they are," She told Sango.
"Twins!" Sango screeched out as she looked at the TV again.
…..Back in the past… …
General Dai stood around the office as he looked at a scroll, this was the highest honor that he had and he won't fail his lord. As he read the scroll as he placed it a pile to be signed by his lord. A knock on the door told him that someone was outside, but he couldn't smell who it was. Walking with his hands on his sword, he crept towards the door.
He opened it to see a demon with icy red eyes, talons and wings, he indicated that he was from a bird demon tribe, Dai got into his defensive stance as he saw a scroll within its talons.
"Who are you?" General Dai stated in a vicious tone.
"Milord told me to give this to the Lord of the West," he told him in a disgusted voice.
"And who is your lord?" General Dai stated again.
"Lord Taromaru," He proudly stated as he left the scroll and flew off before General Dai could catch him.
General Dai picked up the scroll and opened it, only to see very bad news. Cursing under his breath, he stormed back into the office. He took out three papers and wrote down what he got from the messenger and quickly raced into the delivery area.
"Tome" He called out.
A young blonde haired eagle came out with brown wings and a blue headband.
"Yes, General Dai," He said.
"You needed to get theses to the other lords of the lands, and hurry," General Dai replied.
"Yes, general, " Tome replied as he took the scrolls and placed them into the bag he was carrying and flew off into the sky.
A/N- Oh no, great something is now happening, what happens next on Kagome's Trust Chapter 35. Two more chapters until it is finished
I would like to say thank you too. To these people for staying with me and reading my first Inuyasha story.
Here there are.
kouga's older woman- chapter 33
GothicHime89- chapter 33
Crystal-Wolf-Guardain-967-chapter 33
KagomesDarkHeart-chapter 33
Xeno C- chapter 32
Gale of the Heavens- chapter 32
erihar1979-chapter 32
Crystal-Wolf-Guardain-967-chapter 32
Megan Consoer-chapter 31
Crystal-Wolf-Guardain-967-chapter 31
GothicHime89-chapter 31
kouga's older woman-chapter 31
animelver14-chapter 30
Shadow Cyrse-chapter 30
GothicHime89-chapter 30
kouga's older woman-chapter 30
And to all that reviewed.
Thanks for supporting this story and all. Until next time with the second last chapter.