InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Trust ❯ Epilogue ( Chapter 36 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kagome's Trust
A/N- Okay, here is the last chapter to this story. It's finally done. Enjoy the last chapter that is an Epilogue. Bye
Twenty years passed.
"Aaaaah!" Kagome screamed in pain while she was sweating from her forehead, her hair was matted down with it. While Kagome held onto Sesshomaru's hand, sucking the life out for it as she was agony once again. While she was thinking" why was she giving birth again, for the last ones were only four and two years old.
"Kagome," Sesshomaru whispered to her as he used another hand to rub her lower back while his ears were bleeding from her screams.
"Lady Kagome, push again hard….Hard….."Koshi replied as she was looking up her lady's legs as she saw the blood and water. Soon she saw a head pushing its crown through.
"Milady, I see the head, push now push," Koshi ordered her to do, as Kagome pushed with her might. Koshi gently held onto the newborn's head as she help eased the pup out. "Milord, you have a son," Koshi replied as she gave the male pup to her first daughter that was within the room to get the pup cleaned up.
Kagome breathe in and out as she waited until the other pups would come out, fifteen minutes later. Kagome pushed once again until she felt the head was coming out. "Milady I see the second pups head," While she eased out the second pup as she looked at the pup, as it indicated that the pup was female. "Milord you a have daughter," Koshi gave the pup to her second daughter that also was within the room.
Sesshomaru looked at his mate as with a smile he gave her a kiss and growled as she held her face back. "Not yet, Fluffy-chan," Then she hissed in pain again. "Koshi what is wrong?" Kagome asked while her teeth were grinding with pain.
Koshi looked at her lady and noticed that a third head was coming out. "Milady, push again,"
Kagome pushed again and again, until one more whales sounds came into the room. "You have a daughter again," As she gave the last pup to her third daughter.
Koshi step back and "Milady, you can heal yourself now," Koshi watched as Kagome glowed a soft white and pink as it was slowly healing herself from the labor for her last three pups.
Sesshomaru smiled at his mate, and then looked to the three daughters of Koshi bring their pups to them cleaned and gently wrapped up in blankets from Kagome's time.
Sesshomaru took a hold of his son while Kagome took their daughters. They both smiled and kissed each other on their lips.
"Now remember Sesshomaru. No more pups,' Kagome told him after the kiss.
Flashbacks One –Sesshomaru Pov with Kagome Pov
"Kagome it's okay," Her mother told her as she held her hand and was waiting for Sesshomaru to come back.
"Mama, I can't … I need Sesshomaru!" Her screams of pain came then she soon heard a howl and she felt his youki.
"Kagome, mate," Sesshomaru called out, as he was her on the ground in a puddle of blood and water. Sesshomaru knew what had happened; his mate was in pain from her labor.
Swiftly he gently cradles her to his chest, while his soft growl sounds where making her sleepy.
"Sesshomaru get to her the hospital now," Taytai sternly said as she watched him.
Sesshomaru nodded his head and raced outside and saw mother coming with them. He waited for her to get into the elevator and into the car.
"I know, you want to get their fast, but demons don't exist here," Taytai replied.
He could only nod his head at her, as he could feel his mate still in pain. "Kagome, we are going to the hospital,"
"Thanks, fluffy," Kagome whispered to him.
Sesshomaru smirked at her, as he knew he would never get rid of his annoying nickname by his mate. While Sesshomaru saw the hospital, he was apprehensive of being in this room while his mate was giving birth, males in his time don't go in or near the labor rooms or wall, but his mate instead that he would be there for her.
"Sesshomaru," Taytai called.
"Mama," Kagome whispered out.
"Kagome, I'm here," Taytai told her daughter as she wipes the sweat from her forehead with her hand.
They race into the hospital and got into a room to deliver the baby.
Time and time again, the doctor came into the room and told Kagome; she wasn't ready to push yet, as hours went by for them, Sesshomaru whispered soft words in her ears and rubbed her stomach gently.
Seven hours later, the doctor walked into the room and did the progress to see if she was ready.
"Kagome, looks like you are ready to push, when I say push you need to push, if I say stop you stop, simple right," She told her as she place on her white plastic gloves on.
"Push, Kagome, push, stop" Kagome pushed and pushed until stop was heard, while she held onto Sesshomaru's hands, she was sweating and panting in pain and out of breath.
"Push," Kagome pushed with all her might as she waited to heard stop, but instead she heard crying sounds.
"Kagome, you have a son," the female doctor said.
Sesshomaru watched as the nurse took his son to get cleaned up as he looked at his mate that was breathing hard. Sesshomaru was in pride that he had a second son, even if he had a daughter again, he would be proud still.
"Sesshomaru," Kagome stated as she was looking at him.
Sesshomaru glanced down at her to see that their son as within her arms. He could tell that he was full demon with reiki powers, with small black hair with some silver in them. He could also see a small moon on his son's forehead. He smiled and gently took his son from his mate's arms and smelled him.
"Daimaru," He replied.
"Daimaru, I like his name," Kagome said as she took him back and gave him a kiss.
End of flashback number One.
"Sesshomaru, are you okay?" Kagome asked as she watched him for a while now.
Sesshomaru smiled at her and nodded his head at her.
"Good, we need to give the pups names now," Kagome, recalled to him.
Sesshomaru almost groaned at this, he remember the baby name book that Kagome brought back from her time. He looked at them with her as he remember Kagome throwing a stress fit that she wasn't pretty or gorgeous anymore from her pregnancy.
"Mother, can we come in yet?" Shippo's voiced out from outside the room.
Flashbacks Two -Kagome's Pov
"Mother," Shippo called out as he heard her scream.
"Here, Shippo," Kagome whimpered out as she scream again in pain.
Shippo went over to her and saw her holding her stomach in pain.
"Father," He whispered as he held onto his mother gently and raced into the palace of the moon.
Taking his mother to Koshi first, he waited for her to come and tell him.
"Lord Shippo," Koshi replied. "Milady Kagome, is ready to push now, she asked for you to be in the room with her,"
Shippo paled at this but nodded his head at her, and then he walked into the room.
"Shippo, get someone to get a message to Sesshomaru and fast, I can wait," Kagome hissed out as she told him.
Shippo raced fast and wrote a scroll with two to four words for Sesshomaru, he was in helping out Lord Kento as an unknown demon was trying to take over his lands. Sesshomaru left Kagome at home with her female's guards and one thousand demons to protect her.
"Here get this to Sesshomaru and fast," Shippo told him while handing the demon the message. While Sesshomaru was gone, Shippo was the acting lord of the Western lands with his younger brother Toga was helping him out.
Shippo didn't even see if he was gone, as he went back to his mother, to see Rin, Toga, Mizuki, Hitomi, Mitsuki, Ryu, Yuki, and Daimaru at the doors.
"Shippo, Mother," Rin stated.
"Yes, Rin, she is labor. Toga, you are to get into the office and do what father was teaching us, Rin, Mizuki you go and tell the outer guards and inner guards to be on their guard. Hitomi, Mitsuki, go and tell Mother's captain where she is and that she is in labor. Ryu, Yuki take Daimaru to play in the nursery for now," Shippo ordered them then went into the hospital wing to see their mother.
Shippo knew that his siblings would do his orders as he even heard them racing about to do that order. Shippo went over, took his mother's hand, and told her that Sesshomaru will know soon. While she could only nod at him, she screamed in agony.
"Lady Kagome, push again hard….Hard….."Koshi replied as she was looking up her lady's legs as she saw the blood and water. Soon she saw a head pushing its crown through.
"Milady, I see the head, push now push," Koshi ordered her to do, as Kagome pushed with her might. Koshi gently held onto the newborn's head as she help eased the pup out.
"Lord Shippo, your mother had a son," Koshi said as she took the male pup to get him clean.
"Mother, did you hear that you have a son," Shippo cried out as he gave his mother a hug.
"That's good," Kagome smiled at him.
Koshi walked over, gently place the new prince in her ladies arms, and then left the room. Shippo could see that the male pup was full demon with silver hair with a small moon on the forehead. He also could tell that he youki was dominant then his reiki powers.
"So mother, what is going to be his name?" Shippo asked.
"Toshimaru," She said as she yawned a bit.
"Mother you should rest," Shippo told her.
"Kagome!" They heard Inuyasha yelling out her name; if he was here then Sesshomaru was too.
"Kagome," Sesshomaru stormed in the hospital wing to see Shippo standing near her as to protect her.
"Sesshomaru, we have a son," Kagome told him.
Sesshomaru smiled at them both as he walked over to them, as he took his son and held him to his chest. Once again, his mate gave him another son, maybe this was too even out their children.
"Toshimaru is his name," Kagome told him.
End of flashback number Two.
Flashbacks Three -Kagome's Pov
"Mom," Kagome called out as she walked into the house to see no one was here while her hand was on her large stomach again with her two sons, Daimaru who was now five and young Toshimaru was three.
"Grandma," Daimaru said as he sniffed out the room. "Mother something is wrong here,"
Kagome released her reiki to probe the area to found someone more wrong.
"Daimaru take Toshi back to grandma Kaede's then get our father now," Kagome ordered them as six unknown people jumped out from the halls.
Daimaru didn't argue with his mother as he took his younger brothers arm and raced back to the well house.
"Look it here, the lady of the West," The person said that indicated that the voice was a male.
"Where is my family?" Kagome hissed out as she was now on her guard.
"Your family is mine," The male spat out to her.
Kagome held her stomach as she felt powerful youki from those people/demons. Kagome's mind went into thinking mode as she watched the demons as they were waiting for her to move or something.
"Kai, is this her?" one asked.
"Hai, that's lady Kagome of the Western Lands the one that made all demons go in hiding from the pathetic humans, she the one that many of our brothers and sisters turn on us," Kai hissed out as he step out and closer to her. "And look she is pregnant that means she can' fight us,"
Kagome moved back as she saw a knife, as she grabbed it and infused it with her reiki to protect herself. It felt to her that it was hours when she told her sons to run away and get their father. Kai looked at her, and grinned evilly at her.
"Grab her," Kai ordered the rest to do as he stood back and watched this.
"Shit, Kai her water just broke," one called out as he grabbed her s she was falling down.
"Damn it," Kai sneered out as he made his way to her. While he looked at her, he smirked at her."Help her out, then kill her, and take the pup,"
"Nice plan, but you forgot about her mate," Sesshomaru's voice out as he overheard the plan.
Kai looked over to see Sesshomaru standing here with Lord Inuyasha, Lord Miroku and Ladies Sango and Kikyo ready to attack them. Then he noticed that the family he took was behind them and more pups that were waiting to get out of there.
"We have your mate, you won't hurt us," Kai replied, then pointed to Kagome behind them.
"Kai, she…. Gone..." one called out.
Kai looked behind him to see that Kagome wasn't there but in Lord Inuyasha arms, as he licked her face to calm her down.
"Get them out of here Inuyasha," Sesshomaru ordered.
Inuyasha listened and moved his family out of the house and way, he then looked at his mate; Kikyo.
"Inuyasha, we need to get her to the hospital," Kikyo and Taytai told him.
Hours went by to Kagome as she pushing out her fifth pup with Sesshomaru holding her hand.
"Push, Kagome, push, stop" Kagome pushed and pushed until stop was heard, while she held onto Sesshomaru's hands, she was sweating and panting in pain and out of breath.
"Push," Kagome pushed with all her might as she waited to heard stop, but instead she heard crying sounds.
"Kagome, you have a daughter," the female doctor said.
Sesshomaru watched as the nurse took his daughter to get cleaned up as he looked at his mate that was breathing hard. Sesshomaru was in pride that he had a second daughter, even though he has four adopted daughters, he was still proud.
"Sesshomaru," Kagome stated as she was looking at him.
Sesshomaru glanced down at her to see that their daughter as within her arms. He could tell that she was full demon with youki powers, with small silver hair with some black in them. He could also see a small moon on his daughter's forehead. He smiled and gently took his daughter from his mate's arms and smelled her.
"Satoma," He heard his mate say. "Satoma," Sesshomaru said to his daughter.
End of flashback number Three.
"Yes, Shippo," Kagome called out.
While the doors to see their pups racing into the room. Leading them was Shippo, Rin, Toga and Mizuki behind them was Hitomi, Mitsuki, Ryu, Yuki, then it was Daimaru, Toshimaru, Satoma and their last two pups before the triplets. While Kagome remember when she gave them birth.
Flashback number four
"Sesshomaru, it's time to go home now," Kagome told him.
Sesshomaru nodded his head as he pick her up then turned to Shippo and talk to him about getting the rest of the pups ready to go home.
"Yes, father," Shippo, told him as he went to get his siblings.
Sesshomaru looked at his mate within his mate, to see that she was sleeping in his arms. He looked at her large stomach and smiled at it again, she was giving him the family he wanted after he found out that he was pups.
"Father, we ready," Shippo's voiced out. Shippo had the whole gang with him, as they were waiting for their father/dad to get going.
Walking out of the house, they went into the well house, and they all jumped in one at a time was swirls of pinks and blues came around them all, as it transported them into the past.
"Remember the rules, if you lost or in trouble use you reiki or youki to save you and let us know where to go to get you," Sesshomaru replied to his pups.
Then he formed his light orb with a swift of light they were gone as they went back towards the palace of the moon. Sesshomaru sent out an energy burst towards the palace as Inuyasha was waiting for them with Koshi as he felt Kagome's breathing heaved up and down and also felt her water breaking.
"Father, uncle," Shippo replied.
Sesshomaru smirked at this, Inuyasha was waiting for them already, he probably was there early in the morning waiting for them.
"Where's Kagome?" Inuyasha asked dumbly as Sesshomaru touch down on the ground.
"Inuyasha, calm yourself," Kikyo clearly stated to her mate. "How's lady Kagome?"
Sesshomaru resisted rolling his eyes at his younger brother, as he heard Kikyo's question. "She is in labor now,"
"Got it, "Kikyo said as she took Kagome from him as raced into the hospital wing that was on another side of the palace.
"Sesshomaru, you have messages from all the lords as te peace ball is coming again," Inuyasha told him, then let him go to his mate.
Sesshomaru raced into the room, to see Kagome was up and wasn't in pain. But he could tell that she was in pain and agony with this pup. He could smell her blood and water. While he took her hand within his, and waited for the newest addition to his family. Hours went by to him as he finally heard a cry of his pup.
Milord, you have a son," Koshi replied as she gave the male pup to her daughter that was within the room to get the pup cleaned up.
Sesshomaru watched as the nurse took his son to get cleaned up as he looked at his mate that was breathing hard. Sesshomaru was in pride that he had a fourth son, even though he has two adopted sons and three sons, he was still proud.
"Sesshomaru," Kagome stated as she was looking at him.
Sesshomaru glanced down at her to see that their son as within her arms. He could tell that he was full demon with youki powers, with small silver hair with some black highlights. He could also see a small moon on his son's forehead. He smiled and gently took his son from his mate's arms and smelled him.
"Kagome, what should we name him?" Sesshomaru asked her.
Kagome smiled at him and said" Kira,"
End of flashback number Four.
Flashback number five
"Sesshomaru I like this name," Kagome argued with him.
"Suki, Kagome, it's a female's name?" Sesshomaru signed, as this was the fourth argument that they had for this pup's name, he was getting tired of it.
"Sesshomaru it is of both genders, what makes you think that we having a son again," Kagome asked then she yawned out loud.
"Kagome, I know we are having a son again," Sesshomaru told her. Then picked her up from her chair and carried her into their room to sleep.
Hours later, he heard a whimper in pain; he sat up instantly to see Kagome's form trying to stand up from her pain.
"Mate," He said as he got out of bed and gently pick her up was he smelled blood and water from her. He knew it was time again to have their pup, as he raced down the stairs and into the hospital to see Koshi with her daughter standing here waiting for them as if she knew.
"Lady Kagome, push again hard….Hard….."Koshi replied as she was looking up her lady's legs as she saw the blood and water. Soon she saw a head pushing its crown through.
"Milady, I see the head, push now push," Koshi ordered her to do, as Kagome pushed with her might. Koshi gently held into the newborn's head as she help eased the pup out. "Milord, you have a daughter," Koshi replied as she gave the female pup to her daughter that was within the room to get the pup cleaned up.
Sesshomaru watched as the nurse took his daughter to get cleaned up as he looked at his mate that was breathing hard. "Sesshomaru," Kagome stated as she was looking at him.
Sesshomaru glanced down at her to see that their daughter as within her arms. He could tell that she was full demon with reiki powers, with small black hair with some silver highlights. He could also see a small moon on his daughter's forehead. He smiled and gently took his daughter from his mate's arms and smelled him.
"And you said it was going to be a boy," Kagome giggled at him as she looked at her daughter within his arms.
"Fine, you were right at the beginning; Suki is her name now," Sesshomaru told her.
Kagome just laughed at him as she took their daughter into her arms and said" Suki, my little Suki,"
End of flashback number Five.
"Momma, is the new pups here?" Suki asked, she was now four years old now, with long black hair with her silver highlights.
"Yes, they are," Kagome, told her.
Shippo was looking at her then he noticed three cribs to the side. "You had triplets, mother,"
"Yes, Shippo, now where is my hug?" Kagome asked.
Shippo laughed as he walked over to her giving her a hug and a kiss on cheek with the rest of his siblings following him.
"Shippo, where's Inuyasha and rest?" Kagome asked.
"Well, they are outside of the room with my mate Suri and Rin's mate Yoshimaru too," Shippo, told them.
"Well, bring them in too," Kagome, replied.
Shippo nodded his head, as he walked to the doors, he disappeared then he brought back into the room with Inuyasha and Kikyo their family that is now seven pups and one coming again. Sango, Miroku and their family of eight, Sango, and Miroku however were still the same without aging. Kagome had them make a blood bond with her and Sesshomaru.
"So where are the new members to the family?" Kikyo asked.
"Now there are here now," Kagome replied, as she pointed to three cribs to her right.
Kagome looked at her friends and their families. Inuyasha and Kikyo had adopted Shin, Akina, their twin's boys Haro and Jiro then came the triplets, Sura, Kanna, and Aerith. Sango and Miroku had adopted Naoko, Kenshin, Sakura, Megumi, their twin's girls Takara, Emi, then came, Haru, then his younger brother Kazuhiro who was only eleven months old.
Then she saw her daughter-in-law, Suri sat down on the chair to help her with her large stomach and son-in-law Yoshimaru standing to the side of the room. "So mother, what are they names?" Rin asked as she held onto her large stomach, she was due any day now with her first litter of kittens.
Yoshimaru was a cat demon that came from the mountains area to help out the building and started to train in the art of fighting, when he and Rin meet and fall in love each other.
"Mother, he asked me…" Rin replied contented.
"Rin, I know, he asked me if he could have your hand in mating and in a wedding. " Kagome told her.
"You knew?" Rin exclaimed to her.
"And your father too, he also ask him," Kagome admit to her.
Rin's face went pale and sweaty," Father would kill him,"
"This Sesshomaru will not kill his daughters mate/husband," a voice came out.
Rin and Kagome turned to see Sesshomaru standing there with little Daimaru, Toshimaru and little Akina within his arms, sniffing with red eyes.
"What happen now?" Kagome asked as she saw her boys looking everywhere but her, and Akina was crying.
"Akina fell and we tried to help her," Daimaru told her.
"Why did she fell?" Kagome asked.
"She was chasing us in the play ground," Toshimaru said.
Kagome nodded her head, walked over to Sesshomaru, and took Akina from him.
"It's was your father's idea too," Kagome said and took the boys away from the room.
It has been three months that had past after Yoshimaru proposed to Rin and meet his family. Flowers stood out, like lights all around from yellow, blues, pinks, violets, and purples kinds all over the gardens. The Front yard as large and beautiful while the back yard was very different it had some play ground toys that Sesshomaru brought when he went to the future time and some chairs.
Sounds of drums and flutes were heard in the yards, as a wedding as starting in the palace of the western lands. The drums and flutes started their melodies when Rin came out of different sides of the trees. The human wedding was first as to honour Rin and Kagome and all the family members with this wedding. The actually mating would be tonight for them. Yoshimaru stood in front of the guests as he watched his mate to be walking with Sesshomaru at her side.
Kagome wanted Sesshomaru to walk their daughter to Yoshimaru, so here he was leading his daughter to the man she would be with until eternity. Kaede would be the priestess to say all wedding vows and giving the gods blessing.
"We are gathered here today to witness the ceremony between Yoshimaru and Rin." Kaede stated. "The couple made their own vows, so we will hear from the groom first"
"Rin, when I first meet you, I knew I loved you. I never thought of you as a friend but as a mate. As your mate/husband I promise to treat you with respect, love, kind and caring, dignity and support you all the time thou sickness and health until I die. "Yoshimaru told her.
Rin was crying as he memorized his vow and was so loving and warming her, she smiled at him.
"Rin," Kaede told her.
Rin nodded her head at Kaede and closed her eyes and opened them. "Yoshimaru, I remember the day when you made me laugh and smile, during that day it was horrible until you came around to cheer me up. You never knew me ay all but you cheered me up. From that day I fell in love with you, and the more times we seen each other, my love for you deepen until you ask me to marry you and mate with you. That was the happiest day to my life." Rin recited to him and the guests.
Kaede give her blessings with the gods blessings as she told" Yoshimaru you may kiss Rin,"
Yoshimaru smiled as he pulled her into a kiss.
End of flashback.
Kagome smiled at them all," I don't know yet," then she watched as Suri made a painful face.
"Koshi get a bed ready now," Kagome ordered her to do.
Shippo looked at his mate to see she was in pain," Suri!"
"Shippo, she in labour now," Kagome told him.
"Toga, take out your siblings and cousins," Sesshomaru ordered as he watched Kagome helping Suri even thou she just had triplets herself. Toga did has he was told and gathered up his siblings and cousins with the help of his uncles.
"Father," He heard to the side, as he looked to see Rin white with blood and water around her too.
"Koshi make that two beds," Sesshomaru replied as he gently picked her up even thou her mate was at her side too. Yoshimaru let his father-in-law pick her up as he was going to panic.
"Yoshimaru stay calm, Rin needs you now,' Kagome told him as she looked at him.
Yoshimaru nodded his head as he took up his duty and held onto Rin's hand. "Shh, mate its okay. "
"Sesshomaru, you can stay or go," Kagome told him softy.
Sesshomaru took his position near his new pups, and watched as the females went around getting items ready for the birthing it Rin's kittens and Suri kits.
"Leiko, and Reiko," Kagome suddenly said as she turned to the triplets. "Akihiko"
Hours went by, as Rin and Suri were still in labour.
"Lady Rin, push again hard….Hard….."Koshi replied as she was looking up her lady's legs as she saw the blood and water. Soon she saw a head pushing its crown through.
"Milady, I see the head, push now push," Koshi ordered her to do, as Rin pushed with her might. Koshi gently held onto the newborn's head as she help eased the kit out. "Lord Shippo, you have a daughter," Koshi replied as she gave the female kit to her first daughter that was within the room to get the kit cleaned up.
Once again an hour went by as Rin had her litter of kittens and Suri had her kits. Rin had six kittens' four boys and two girls, Suri had eight kits that were five girls and three boys.
Years went by, for Kagome and her family and friends, Sango and Miroku never die as four hundred and some years later. Kagome and Sesshomaru were still in love.
A/N- The end. It's now over. There will be no sequel unless you would like or want to make one yourself. I only would like to see what you have done with it and gave credit to this story too. And I can't believe this story is completed too. Thank you to all my fans of old and new, thank you for reading and reviewing the story by chapter too.
For special thanks to my two beta readers
wolfgirl09- for the beta'ed chapter eight to nine
Akira Darely – for beta'ed chapters eleven to twenty-four.