InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Will ❯ Sango and Miroku to the Rescue ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kagome's Will
Chapter 2
Sango and Miroku to the Rescue
Miroku watched from the doorway as his girl friends conversation intensified and then as it seemingly died. He knew from the look on Sango's face something was terribly wrong.
Sango snapped out of her thoughts as her boy friends voice reached her ears. As her eyes met his gaze, the adrenaline finally kicked in as Sango's heart began to race.
“Miroku, she's in trouble.” She said with a shaky voice. He watched as she pushed passed him. Miroku then went into the other room where the teenagers had become eerily quiet.
“Rin, Kohaku, Shippo. Sango and I have to check on Kagome. I want one of you to call the authorities and tell them to come to the Shrine.” He said as he put on his shoes and jacket. “Tell them also, that someone is hurt and we'll be needing medical help.”
“Alright.” Kohaku said as he quickly went to the phone.
“Miroku? What's going on?” Rin asked worriedly.
“I don't know, we'll call you once we know.”
With that he followed Sango out the door.
“I'm driving.” Sango said.
The two were silent as the drove to Kagome's home, two miles away.
InuYasha stood on the balcony of his bedroom. His thoughts were flooded by Kagome's beautiful face. He unconsciously rubbed his mark that felt like it was burning. He missed her. He missed waking up with her in his arms. He missed her gentle voice, and her beautiful scent. He watched as the sun set, and the stars came out. `Kagome loves to watch the sunset. She also loves watching the stars come out.' InuYasha sighed and turned to go back into his room. As he walked to his closet, he was suddenly hit with a wave of nausea. He stomach began to hurt as if though someone had hit him with a bat. He got up after the pain wore off and again rubbed his mark. He got dressed and went to bed. Not noticing that his mark had begun to lightly bleed.
Kagome had heard him coming, so she quickly hid her phone underneath a fallen dress. She heard Sango call out to her as he knocked over the small dresser that had barricaded her bedroom door. She screamed as he threw away the closet door that concealed her hiding spot and dragged her to her feet by her hair.
She felt herself step on the phone as she struggled to find her footing as her father pulled her out of the closet by her hair. He grabbed her by the back of the neck and pushed her to her bed. He then grabbed her wrists and held them above her head. She struggled to get out of his grasp, but he was strong and she couldn't struggle as hard. She was weak, and her injuries prevented her from struggling harder. She knew she had to fight him, but she couldn't with her hands bound.
She fought against his hands as she tried to gather enough energy to kick him. It wasn't easy with her slightly protruding belly, but as she readied herself to kick, the baby seemed to sense its mother's actions and moved up just enough for Kagome to put enough force to land her father a good blow to his stomach. Kagome watched as her father clutched his stomach and fell to his knees. She took this as a moment to escape and sat up quickly. Trying to run while being dizzy wasn't easy. It gave her a nauseous feeling in the very pit of her stomach as she made it to the door. It was still slightly blocked by her nightstand, but not enough to keep her from getting through the door.
She was just out the door when she felt him grab her hair and pull her back with a vicious yank.
She cried out in pain as he pulled her to her feet yet again by her hair. He slapped her face with enough momentum to throw her onto the ground. As she fell, she hit the corner of her nightstand and sliced a deep cut right under her left breast that spread to her back.
Kagome screamed in pain and grabbed her head, as she was pulled to her feet by her hair yet again.
“This is your punishment, Kagome.” Her father said angrily. “You made your choice, now you have to deal with the consequences of your actions.”
She continued to fight against him as he dragged her to the bed and tried to bind her legs and hands to her bedpost. She slapped him, kicked him, pinched and bit him. Nothing deterred him. She struggled against his movements to bind her. Finally she managed to kick him good and hard in the face. It only seemed to anger him further. She watched as his hand balled into a fist, rose above his head and came down.
Kagome felt numb, she felt the pain from all over her body seemingly fade. She knew she was fighting a battle already lost, but every time she tried to give up, a small kick would make her fight more. The need to survive to protect her unborn and innocent child was more powerful than her desire to just give up and die. That energy was slowly fading, she couldn't seem to summon enough to continue to fight. Then, she felt him finish binding her legs and watched as he got up and went to her desk, where he picked up a large knife.
As she closed her eyes, a small whimper left her lips. `He wouldn't. He can't.'
“Where is it Kagome? Where is your mark?”
Kagome didn't move. She kept her eyes closed as she struggled to breathe.
“Don't make me find it on my own, Kagome.”
When Kagome didn't answer, he took a deep breath and exhaled.
“Alright, don't say I didn't warn you.”
“No. Please, don't do this.” She pleaded.
“Its too late now, you should've told me when I asked you.”
She watched through her good eye as he brought the knife to the top of her shirt. She fell back and winced as he cut away her shirt. As he cut, he pressed the knife into her chest, just enough to draw blood in its wake. She felt the shirt fall away as he reached the bottom of the cloth, leaving her feeling exposed. The burning in her chest from the neat cut only made it more difficult to breathe. As she gasped for air, she watched his eyes roam her body. She saw fury in his eyes when he realized he couldn't see it.
“Damn, WHERE IS IT?”
She then felt him cut the bra away. As a reflex she tried to cover herself before the clothing fell away, but to no avail as her hands were completely bound. However, before the clothing could fall away, she heard him gasp. She knew then he had found it.
“So, that's what a mate mark looks like, huh?” He said as he fingered the scar on his daughter's neck. He then looked up at her face. He saw the tears coming from her eyes as they were tightly closed. He then took his had from her neck and gently cradled the side of her face in his had.
“Don't cry sweetheart. Daddy is going to set you free from his grasp, from his curse. You won't belong to him anymore. I promise. Now, this might hurt just a little, but it will be brief, I promise.”
With that, he raised his knife to her neck. Kagome screamed.