InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome the Kitsune ❯ The Wish ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kagome the Kitsune

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha or YuYu Hakusho.

Summary: Kagome feels weak and useless. InuYasha is always looking down on her and calling her a weak human. During one of her temper tantrums, she wishes she could be a demon. Kagome turns into a full-fledged kitsune. The next day, she befriends Youko Kurama, the legendary bandit. When she returns to her time, she meets his reincarnation. Confusion ensues. Now, a curse has been placed on her by one of Kurama/ Youko's enemies. This curse makes any male who has ever felt even the tiniest attraction towards her fall deeply into obsession/love. What's a poor kitsune to do?

Rating: PG-13 for fighting scenes and language. They won't be drastic, but just in case.

"Speaking" `Thinking' *Telepathically Communicating* ***Scene change

Chapter 1: The Wish

`Why does that baka InuYasha hate me so much?' Kagome thought as she sighed, sinking lower into the hot spring. They just got back from a battle with a butterfly youkai. The youkai had four shards, two in each of its wings. Kagome couldn't shoot her arrow because it was too fast. After InuYasha destroyed the youkai, and Kagome collected the shards, InuYasha rained his frustration down on her.


"Why didn't you do anything?" InuYasha demanded. You could tell he was pissed. "If you had helped, the stupid youkai wouldn't have taken so long to finish off."

"I couldn't shoot it InuYasha. It was too fast." Kagome stated. She was beginning to feel the tears form in her eyes. She would have tried to shoot it with her purifying arrows, but she was afraid she'd hit InuYasha.

"Yeah, well, Kikyou could have done it. So could any other miko. How I wish you were stronger so I wouldn't have to protect you all the time."

Kagome was ready to bawl. So that's how he really felt? "Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit!" She screamed. Then she turned and fled back to Kaede's village.


`I can't believe InuYasha really thinks that way about me.' Kagome thought. She was crying now.

"I wish I was a demon like Shippou. After all, he's the only good demon I know." Kagome sighed.

"Your wish is my command." A mysterious voice boomed. Suddenly, Kagome was taken away from her musings by pain. It felt like she was being torn apart. Kagome fainted. When she awoke, she was in for a huge surprise.