InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome the Kitsune ❯ Day Two with Sesshoumaru ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kagome the Kitsune

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha or YuYu Hakusho

Summary: The morning after and explanations.

Rating: PG-13

A/N: At the end of the three days with Sesshoumaru, I will have an interlude with the Kurama and co.

P.S.-Youkai Hime has accepted my challenge for chapter 10. Please read it at It is really good. The title is Pure Sesshy/Kag lemony goodness. It is under Hentai, one-shot, and NC-17. Thanx for accepting my challenge Youkai Hime!

Chapter 11: Day Two With Sesshoumaru

Sun filtered into the spacious chambers, awakening the two slumbering demons within. They snuggled closer to each other before the female's eyes snapped open. Her eyes darted around the room, trying to look at anything but the man lying beside her. A raw wound opened in her heart. She couldn't believe what she had done. She had lost her virginity to none other than Sesshoumaru! Kagome blushed prettily as the naked inu-youkai behind her stirred as he awakened.

Sesshoumaru's head on her chest lifted as his gorgeous amber eyes opened. Kagome sprang out of the bed and faced him.

"Look, I don't know what came over me. I'm really sorry Sesshoumaru. I know that you wouldn't want to be associated with a mere filthy ningen," Kagome blurted, momentarily forgetting that she was now a beautiful kitsune that Sesshoumaru wouldn't recognize.

"I do not know of which you speak. You are not a human, and I did not mind `associating with you," Sesshoumaru said the last part with a lustful glint in his amber orbs as they appraised her body.

Kagome shrieked as she looked at what Sesshoumaru was staring at. She was still naked! "Hentaii," she screamed as she dashed back under the covers with Sesshoumaru.

"You would have died had I not helped you," he said with a teasing note in his voice, "Female kitsunes cannot resist the heat without literally dying of frustration. You were lucky I had come upon you and not some inferior youkai. Luckily for me, your heat is not yet over. In a few hours, it will come upon you again if I have not impregnated you with the heir to the Western Lands."

With that, Sesshoumaru sprang out of bed and moved so fast out the door it seemed like he disappeared. The only thing hinting that he was ever there was the closing of the mahogany door and his deep sensual voice as echoed throughout the room.

"A servant will come in and lead you to the hot springs. I know you will need it after last night. After all, virgins are always sore on the morning after." Sesshoumaru's voice rang out, as well as his deep chuckles.

Kagome almost saw read at his teasing. He thought it was funny that he had taken her virginity away? That horrible inu had the nerve to laugh at her about it! She had wanted to save it for Youko Kurama.

`Where had that thought come from?' Kagome questioned herself. She knew Kurama was drop dead sexy, and more than a little enticing, but she wanted him to be her mate. A deep blush covered her features as she thought of him. She loved his cute fox ears, and she totally forgot everything she was about to say when they twitched or moved. She couldn't even stay mad at him! Also, his pristine white tail was so soft and fluffy.

Kagome sighed. She couldn't do anything to get her virginity back. After all, it was one of the rare things that you could never replace. Kagome also knew that Sesshoumaru was probably under the effects of the lust/love spell and didn't know that she was `Inuyasha's wench. Well, at least that was how Sesshoumaru referred to her. She hated that. She wasn't anybody's possession!'

Just as Kagome was about to rise from the bed to find a way to escape, a young hamster youkai entered the room.

"Come this way please, Lady…" she trailed off.

"Kagome," Kagome supplied the girl.

"Thank you, come Lady Kagome," she said. With that, she turned around and gave Kagome a robe to put on. Kagome did so, and then they left the room to search for the hot springs.

Kagome did not want to cause this polite youkai any trouble. She knew that Sesshoumaru would not hesitate to kill the young girl if she escaped. Kagome did not want any innocents to die because of her. So, she just followed the girl to a magnificent carved oak door. The youkai pushed the door open, revealing spacious bathing chambers.

"These are Sesshoumaru's personal hot springs, Lady Kagome," the youkai stated. "They have wonderful rejuvenating properties and I hope you enjoy them. Your bathing essentials are in the basket, as well as some towels. When you are done, ring the bell and I will return to lead you back to your room. Then, you will meet some of Sesshoumaru's guests." With that said, the youkai turned around and started to leave.

"I'm sorry," Kagome said, "I didn't catch your name."

The youkai turned startled eyes to Kagome. She knew she could be killed for being as disrespectful as to not give Lady Kagome her name. Her young amber eyes filled with tears. "Ke-keiko," she stuttered.

"Thank you, Keiko. I will be sure to give Sesshoumaru a good report about you," Kagome said before she turned to her bath.

Keiko's eyes widened as she realized the mistress had overlooked her disobedience. She thanked kami before she exited the bathing chambers.

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After a long bath, Kagome was rejuvenated. She sighed and reached for her towel. A clawed hand stopped her. When Kagome looked up, she saw Sesshoumaru. He sniffed her once, then after giving her a disappointed look, turned to leave.

"Well, excuse me," Kagome said sarcastically, "but what is wrong with the way I smell?"

Sesshoumaru turned back to give her a smirk and his reply, "Absolutely nothing, my dear. You smell delightful. You just haven't gotten your scent of heat back yet. I think that I gave you more pleasure than your virgin body could handle." With that said, he just simply disappeared, leaving Kagome fuming at his arrogance.

After he left, Kagome rang the bell that Keiko had left by her bathing supplies. She toweled herself off and put on her robe as she waited for the young hamster youkai to enter the bathing chambers. When the young girl scuttled in, she gave her a smile.

"Lady Kagome, I am sorry for forgetting to give you my name before. This humble servant thanks you for your mercy," Keiko apologized.

"First of all, you just forgot. There is nothing to be sorry for. Second, please don't call me `Lady Kagome.' Kagome is just fine," Kagome said. After her bath, she had calmed down a bit. Sesshoumaru's brief visit may have riled her up a bit, but she was fine now.

"Alright La… Kagome," Keiko stopped herself before she said lady. And with that, the two female youkais headed back to Kagome's chambers.

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After they arrived at Kagome's chambers, Keiko left. Kagome could only stare in awe at the kimono Sesshoumaru had left her. It was gorgeous. The kimono itself was a pristine white, with pink sakura blossoms disrupting the flow of white here and there. Her obi was a light pink, as well as the delicate slippers that she found on the floor.

Once she put the kimono on, she looked at herself in the mirror. (A/N: I'm not sure if they have mirrors in that era, but they will in my story. ^__^.) It flattered her in all the right places. The kimono was tight around the bosom and waist, and accentuated her curves. The silk felt heavenly against her skin, and Kagome almost forgot Sesshoumaru's rude arrogance. After all, if he could give such wonderful gifts, he couldn't be that bad.

After Kagome finished appraising herself, she went over to the dresser to do her make up. Kagome put a light shade of blush on, as well as pink eye shadow and lipstick. When she opened a stunning jewelry box, she saw a white card with some writing on it. It said…

Please forgive my arrogance. The kimono as well as the jewelry is yours. It is the most I can do for taking advantage of you. I am asking you to be on your best behavior tonight in front of my guests. The Eastern Lord is coming for a visit.

Deepest love,


Kagome couldn't believe what the note said. She decided that she would behave tonight and not embarrass Sesshoumaru. After all, the guys would track her down soon, and the groping and lustful glances would continue. She would enjoy this caged freedom while it lasted.

When Kagome looked back down into the jewelry box, she gasped. Inside, there was a necklace, a ring, a pair of earrings, and a bracelet. They were all made of gold and had pink diamonds encrusted into them. All of the diamonds were the size of American dimes.

Kagome knew that this present must have been very expensive and she treasured it. She was beginning to think that Sesshoumaru couldn't be that bad. The only thing was, would he still feel the same once the curse was lifted and he knew who she really was. Also, what would happen when she fell back into heat? Kagome shuddered and pushed those thoughts out of her head. After that was done, she put her gorgeous jewelry on. Kagome would surely be on her best behavior tonight.

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After she got dressed and put her make up on, Keiko led her to the dining hall. Once there, Keiko left her to Sesshoumaru and the Eastern Lord. She glided over to her seat beside Sesshoumaru and across from the Eastern Lord. Once the two taiyoukais sat, she did also. Kagome knew that she could not speak unless spoken to, and she was determined to do everything right tonight. Hopefully, this lord would not also fall under the lust spell.

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That's all for now. Hope it was long enough. ^__^. Sorry for the cliffhanger. The next section will be, `Night Two With Sesshoumaru.' Please review. Also, go read my Nightwalker fanfiction `Riho.' Thank you for reading. I love you all. Xoxo.