InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome the Kitsune ❯ Day Three With Sesshoumaru and Yami ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kagome the Kitsune

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or YuYu Hakusho.

Warning: Slight lime in this chapter.

Chapter 13: Day Three With Sesshoumaru and Yami.

When Kagome awoke the next morning, she was shackled to her bed in Sesshoumaru's palace and her heat was still burning her from the inside. Even with her newly acquired kitsune strength, she couldn't break the ropes binding her. Kagome's emerald eyes flashed with rage as she realized her bonds were magically enhanced.

When Kagome sent out some of her miko energy to break the spell on her restraints, a powerful magic snapped her power back at her like a broken rubber band. She growled fiercely and her auburn ears twitched with annoyance and anger. Kagome's youkai blood was demanding for her to be released so she could fulfill her unquenched desire.

Right now, Kagome didn't care which youkai lord she mated with. Either one of the handsome silver-haired taiyoukais would do right now; maybe both would be better. Kagome drifted into a daydream of the two taiyoukais coming into her room and satisfying her growing need. She liked it rough and bondage was right up her alley.

Kagome could sense that Yami was still in Sesshoumaru's castle. The lord had not concealed his scent, aura, or energy with spells. She also knew that Sesshoumaru himself was being restrained in his room by the location of his aura and the rage that was rolling off of him in waves. That led Kagome into another interesting daydream with chains and Sesshoumaru.

Kagome snapped out of her daydreams when she felt a weak youkai approaching her room at a mediocre pace. She growled deep in her chest when the door opened to reveal Jaken. Kagome wasn't in the mood for his incompetence. Nor was she pleased to find that another male had fallen under her curse.

When Jaken saw the beautiful kitsune youkai chained to the bed, his beady little eyes quickly bled green. This utterly disgusted the female who was on the receiving end of his slimy and violating gaze. The toad-like creature clumsily stumbled over to the beautiful goddess who held every man's lust and affection.

"Get out!" Kagome fiercely growled to the approaching toad youkai. The thing known as Jaken just smiled at her in a disgustingly worshipping way. It made Kagome want to retch. Why were the gods so cruel that they had to burden her with Jaken's affections?

When Jaken stepped too close, Kagome's eyes bled red in annoyance, rage, and sexual frustration. No matter how desperate she got because of her heat, she wouldn't lower herself to mate with this nauseating specimen if it killed her! Besides, since she mated with Sesshoumaru and was no longer a virgin, Kagome's control on her libido had strengthened.

As the vile creature lifted a hand to touch her smooth face, Kagome blasted him with pure pink miko energy. The weak toad youkai was hurled into the wall and fell unconscious.

When Yami heard all the noise and commotion, he came to check on his brother's future mate. It had taken a lot of power and concentration to restrain and calm Sesshoumaru from going into frenzy. Yami had never seen the normally emotionless demon lord so crazed. He couldn't blame him though. If not for his strong bond with his brother he would have mated and marked the desirable auburn-haired yasha himself. Kagome was really quite the minx. Yami sighed as he realized how wonderful she would fit the role of Eastern Lady. Kagome was kind, compassionate, powerful, and protective. She was also one of the last elemental kitsunes left. Elementals had power over nature, but they didn't come into full power until the first full moon after their becoming.

When Yami entered the room, Kagome's eyes glazed over and a pout formed on her luscious red lips. A flash of her pearly white fangs was visible. The taiyoukai visibly shuddered at the heated gaze his brother's yasha was sending his way. Oh how furious Youko would get at Kagome's predicament! The Eastern Lord smirked at the thought. A little jealousy never hurt anyone.

"I didn't know you were the bondage type. Kinky," Kagome seductively purred. The silver kitsune just shook his head to clear the inappropriate sexual thoughts of this little vixen out of his mind. His treasured self-control was waning in the face of his rapidly growing desire. Yami's senses were overpowered by her delicious scent and enticing aura.

"Come `ere big boy," Kagome purred sexily. Yami's eyes bled red and he pounced on her. His control shattered and his was acting like a kit! Kagome arched her back as much as she could from her position of the bed.

Yami's nose led him down Kagome's enticing body. With one quick motion, her white nightgown was in shreds. His tongue flicked out to taste her, and she moaned. The taiyoukai smirked and quickly resumed his exploration of her nether regions. After a few minutes, Kagome tightened around his tongue and exploded.

Yami's amber eyes widened as he fell out of the haze the lust spell had shrouded him in. He had just performed oral sex on his brother's mate! Kagome was still panting from the after-effects of her orgasm. The little vixen smirked at him and purred.

"Why so shy all of a sudden?" she questioned with a teasing glint in her emerald eyes. Yami just blushed uncharacteristically and turned his head away. "Well, now that you've finished, please release me." Kagome more demanded than requested.

Yami was flustered and quickly untied her bonds. He couldn't hold her there forever, and after what he just did, he had no right. She was under the effects of her heat and normally she wouldn't have condoned what he just did.

After Yami released her, Kagome smirked and pounced on him, knocking him onto the bed. Yami growled low in his throat as he realized the cunning vixen had tricked him! That had never happened to him before, and it was turning him on and infuriating him at the same time. Yami had always been the trickster, and now he was getting a taste of his own medicine.

"Well, thanks for letting me go," Kagome said conversationally before she showed her appreciation by molesting him. Her talented hands grabbed him through his hakama and he moaned. The little vixen just smirked and continued her ministrations through his clothes.

All of a sudden, Kagome backed away as if just realizing something. She got a nervous look on her pretty face and started to worry her bottom lip. The kitsune lord on the bed could only stare at her lips in a daze.

"What's the lunar phase tonight?" Kagome nervously questioned. After the heat consumed her, she had forgotten all about her dream with Midoriko, her mother.

"Tonight is the full moon," Yami hazily replied. He was still not all there. Kagome swore lightly under her breath and pushed the curtains over her window away to reveal that the sun would be setting in about two hours. Kagome sighed in apprehension as she realized she had two hours before she reached her full power as an elemental kitsune. Yami had explained last night about how Elementals got their full power on the first full moon after their becoming. Her lost virginity with Sesshoumaru was her becoming, and tonight was the full moon.

In her nervousness, Kagome forgot all about her heat. Besides, Yami had satiated her lust for the time being. Kagome smirked at the kitsune that was trying to look anywhere but at her. The twinkle of her laugh echoed throughout the room as Kagome realized the seemingly unfazable taiyoukai lord was mortified because he went down on her. Really, he was acting like a kit! At least Kagome was still free to be with Youko. Kagome knew that her destined mate couldn't resist her and she would use that to her full advantage.

Before Yami could ask her why she was laughing, a female butterfly youkai fluttered into Kagome's room. The servant blushed darkly as she caught the scent of sex lingering in the room.

"Lord Yami and Lady Kagome, many youkai are attacking the castle. Lord Sesshoumaru requests your assistance. He and his guards are already at the gates fighting the intruders," the butterfly said nervously. She bowed and then left the room in a hurry.

Yami and Kagome shared a glance before they sprinted to the gates. Sesshoumaru was using his demon sword Tojoukin (spelling please) to destroy the many youkai of Naraku's army. Their pristine white clothing and the fact that most of them were either kitsune or inu distinguished Sesshoumaru's army. Naraku and his offspring were floating above the battle using Kagura's wind.

Kagome growled fiercely at the cowardly spider hanyou. She would have to stay back for this battle because all of the fighters were male and the two youkai lords did not want any others to fall under the pull of the lust spell. It would be hell for her if Naraku fell under the spell.

As soon as they reached the gates, Yami flung himself into battle. His muscles rippled sexily with his every movement and he quickly drew his sword, Ketsuna. Reluctantly, Kagome tore her eyes away from Yami. Her emerald eyes raised up to lock gazes with Naraku's now moss green eyes.

"Oh shit," Kagome swore as she realized Naraku had succumbed to the seductive pull of her curse. She quickly scanned the youkai around her and realized that all of them had fallen under the spell. Each youkai still fought for his respective side, but now they were fighting to see who could get closest to her. Kagome growled and then took a glance at the setting sun. She only had a half an hour left before her powers blossomed. Kagome sighed and knew she would just have to sit it out.

The two lords had made Kagome promise last night that she wouldn't fight. Any male youkai would fall under the spell while they were in combat and then they would try to dominate her, not kill her. Kagome shuddered violently at the thought of just any strange youkai trying to force her.

Suddenly, Naraku materialized behind her. It seemed that he was tired of waiting. Kagome quickly whipped around to face him and her emerald eyes locked on the jewel shards in a satchel tied to his hip. The only youkai with jewel shards were Kagome, Kouga, Youko, and Naraku. Yami had told her of the concealing spells Youko had over the shards in his possession last night. Kagome was going to have to ask him to do a concealing spell over her shards as well.

Naraku quickly advanced on her. Kagome growled a warning to him as she reached around into a bag she had grabbed before she left her room and fingered the rosary beads inside. When Naraku didn't heed her warning, Kagome sprang forward and forced the rosary around his neck.

"Jerk," Kagome screamed. The rosary took that as a trigger word. Time stood still and all the youkais in the clearing just stared as Naraku was violently pulled down by the force of the submissive spell. It seemed that the stronger Kagome's spirit energy got, the more effective the rosaries became; Naraku was in a five-foot deep crater.

At that moment, the sun chose its time to set. When the full moon appeared in the sunset, a blinding white light filled the battlefield.

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Sorry for the cliffhanger. I hope this was long enough for you. Also, I will probably start a new fic soon called Brothers. It will be about a love triangle between Yami, Youko, and Kagome. Please watch out for it. Hopefully, that one will be better than this.