InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome ❯ Kagome ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 2:
The list
The weapon

I had it in my back pack. I kept it hidden away from the light but it wasn't far from my mind. The cold steel, how it felt in my fingers. It made me somewhat sad to think that this may just be my only release from pain, my only release. That's all I wanted was a release, I couldn't take the pain anymore.

It was a hot day, and somewhat cloudy, seems like the perfect day to those who are blissfully ignorant of theings around them. Things that you would think just would never happen, that is until it's too late to change what you've done. Let's see, there's Michiko Harada, Ranma Satoshi, Yumi Tandawae, Sauske Uchia, and Hiro Tsuzuki. That's it, that's all of them. I have all five of them in my third period class. Ms. Shizuku's Economy class. That's when they'll least expect anything to happen. The last chance I'll ever get to get them together. Third period. That's when I'll do it, my last chance to prove what pain feels like, my last chance for release from this purgatory.

I heard in the midst of my thoughts someone calling me, a girl that lived down the street from me, not really a friend, she'd stop to say hi now and again.

"Kagome! Hey Kagome your going to be late for first period. Better hurry."

She ran by me, trying to make it to school on time. I din't care, I wouldn't be able to serve the hour of detention after school anyways. What would it matter if I was late?

The hours seemed to go by like it was an age of the earth, and the passing peiods like the months on a calandar, counting until your birthday. The time was coming soon, just one passing peiod, and than I could finally get on with what was bound to happen sooner or later. Class had started with the usual greeting. We stood and bowed to the teacher, and sat down and got out our work books for our daily warm up. I couldn't sit down now, I couldn't get too preoccupied with work or I would forget what was at hand. I had to do it now. Now was the only time to do it, my last chance.

I stood with my back pack and walked to the front desk with the teacher right in front of me. "Higurashi? Do you need something dear?" I didn't respond at all I simply randomly stared at the white board behind her, I couldn't face her, I couldn't look anyone in the eyes. It would break me. I couldn't default now if I did I would have to explain to my family and Inuyasha, and I didn't want to have to do that I couldn't, this was the only way. "Kagome dear? Kagome?"

'My only chance, can't back out now. Can't. This is my only way to finally be free. Be free from all my pain, all the horrible feelings that I felt everyday fretting over Inuyasha and what would become of "us." Only way Kagome.' That's what I kept telling myself. 'The only way.'