InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome ❯ Kagome ( Chapter 1 )

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What happened to her? Kagome used to always be around, a smile on her lips. Now, whenever I see her, the smile is there, but you can tell she's not thinking about what's in front of her. When did the three of us become second place?

I don't know who she's trying to kid. Really, amnesia? Gout? Those are not diseases a young person gets. What is she covering up? Why hasn't she told us, Eri, Ayumi, and myself? I thought the four of us were best friends until the end. When did she break that tie and why didn't we notice?

Who is that guy she's always going on about, the violent one who she says tried to kill a man and that it was all right? It's almost like she's living in her world, of a time when murder was a way of life. Where did she meet him? Her backyard? Online? Do I really want to know who he is and why she is so obsessed with him? She never even told us his name.

Is Kagome afraid of something and where did that weird necklace with the broken jewel like thing on it appear from? Was it her mysterious boyfriend that gave it to her? Or was it the guy she claims is always calling her his woman?

Is my best friend going crazy, or is she just lost her in her mind? She doesn't seem crazy but who am I to judge. Seriously, what is going on with my best friend, my gal pal, and my confidant? What has happened to our little group of four this last half year? I know as you get older, things change and friends drift apart, but still, does it have to be like this? Does it really have to hurt so badly? Why does it have to happen so soon? Why does anything change? Why do they say change is necessary when it hurts so badly? Don't people want to stay safe, far from the danger and pain?

What's happened to Kagome? Why has she matured so quickly? Why is she lost in her mind? When is the old Kagome coming back?

A/N: Wow, this was just a short spur of the moment fic and I wrote it in ten minutes. Is it good, or bad? I own nothing.