InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagomes' Dark Heart ❯ Kagome's Dark Heart ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Kagomes Dark Heart
This will b a very deathly fanfic. no pairings. kagome=evil. my first angst fanfic. hope it is good. By Lilly Pateal. Very OOC i must warn people. Please don't get mad.A bit of sesshy/kag, i mean a little
"Inuyasha sit!!!" *Bang* as inuyashas' head came plummiting down to the ground making him eat dirt, kagome tearfully yelled."I hate you so much" . she ran into the forest. back kagome" Inuyasha yelled. But she was already gone.FLASHBACK)
"Oh kikyo" moaned Inuyasha. do you still love that reincarnated body of mine?" Kikyo asked sternly.never loved her she is just a shard detector. Let her think what she wants, I am not going to stop her from getting hurt of a thing that she whimsically assume." Inuyasha smirked causeing Kikyo to smile and kiss him. Kagome had heard everything, she was looking for inuyasha since it was time for lunch. She had felt hot tears pour from her eyes. She took off into the forest. and when inuyasha came back he looked at Kagome and said. "What are you doing wench?" he sneered.
She ran until her legs felt like lead. It hurts to hear him say that she thought. I used to think he loved me. As she thought more and more about what inuyasha said, She became more and more angry.
"You hurt over him, yet u still love him"
Kagome was shocked at the voice but paid close heed on what it had to sayyou wish for him to get hurt?" a small voice asked.
"I don't know... mabe" she cried
"open up your heart. Let the hatred and vengeance and coldness take in your heart" the small voice said
"I am don't need your help" snarled kagome " I don't need your pity, leave me the hell alone." she roared.
"please i want to help you. now listen to me and open up your heart. trust me you will like it" the voice whipered to her.
"fine" said a broken hearted kagome. After she said that something happened. Red and silver fog started to envelope her. covering her whole body. It tingled kagomes body, but it didn't hurt. After what seem like 7 minutes the fog diapperate it left her a whole new look. what was once a 18 year old girl with school uniforms black ebony hair, and ocean blue eyes. Now a 18 year old with silver n red hair that reaches to the ground, she wore a pitch black kimono with silver petals embroided to the garment and she held a bouquet of flowers in her hand. with now pink eyes glowed with loathing and disgust. After kagome looked at her transformation she smirked and smiled evilly. "Inuyasha, time for you and kikyo to die" with that said her bouquet of flowers turn into little flower knives. she stalked off towards her gang. at the camp ground. "Inuyasha where is Kagome?" shippo asked.came the reply of a pissed off inuyasha. "Who needs her, we have Kikyo" at the mention of her name the dead priestess came walking into their camp.Inuyasha smiled and walked to her. She smiled and they both embraced. They didn't happen to notice that sango, miroku and shippo rolled their eyes at sight of them, They all walked back to kaedes hut that wasen't to far from their campground leaving the two sick people to make their love.will you help me get back my souls?" kikyo asked timidly to him.looked hesitated, but them smirked and nodded."Yes I will get it back from her."next thing they new a flower bouquet was tossed at them and when it impacted, it exploded leaving them coughing from the dust. "What the?" Inuyasha said through puffs of can't get anymore selfish, you retarded good for nothing half-breed" came a voice. is there?" inuyashas' voice snarled."show yourself" again he snarled.pathetic inuyasha. can't even remember his own friend." with that said The dark kagome walked into the area.She sneered "surprised? I came here to end you now Inuyasha, but first I have to get rid of that dirt and clay." With this, she summoned another bouqet flower, she tossed the flower to kikyo, Kikyo caught it and looked at it in confusion. Kagome smirked and watched as the flowers self destuct on contact with Kikyo getting the full blast of it. When the smoke died away there was nothing left but a crater in the ground where kikyo last stood. kagome started to laugh while Inuyasha stood dumbfounded and rooted to the spot where he is standing.bitch" Inuyasha roared as he charged directly at kagome with his claw attempting to kill the matter Inuyasha, lost something" kagome sneered as inuyasha roared again and took out his tetsaiga.inuyasha asked through hatred and anger.kagome grew angry at what he just said.son of a bitch, you mean to tell me that you don't know. Well you are even more stupid, I happened to overheard you with that bitch talking about getting her souls from me, and saying you don't even love me" kagome screamed at him with tears in her pink eyes. Inuyasha stood flabbergasted at her. She overheard us he thought. "Well not anymore" with that kagome summoned up her dark miko powers turning her power into miilion of deadly pointed flowers. she raised her han, and every single flower rosed up. She pointed her fingers at Inuyasha and said "much on how i hate killing, but i will make an asseption with you and kikyo. DIE!!!!" with that said every single flowers darted and pummled Inuyasha here and there ripping and viciously hurting him. bitch" inuyasha screamed and collasped. Dead.smiled and walked off into the day. "we'll see inuyasha, if i m a bitch then mabe i can be someone elses". Her mind went to sesshoumaru and smiled. "Yes" she stalked off towards the western territory.
woah. please don't hurt me. That was my darkest fanfic ever. I hope it wasen't to ooc. but that is not my best work.