InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagomes Time Rip ❯ And the Two Shall Meet ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Yo people what's up? Well I got the second chapter from Mizuro Cho' and well here it is

Disclaimer: I no own Inuyasha and company

Chapter 2

And the two shall meet

Kagome saw someone peaking out from behind the tree in front of the well.

"Hello." Said a little red head boy said.

"Hi. Uh where am I?"

"Tokyo." The little boy said

"What century

"1500 ad. I'm Shippo by the way. And you are…


"Oh well nice to meet you Kagome."

"Same to you."

"Maybe you could help."

"Help? With what?"

"Help me. Come here" he said grabbing her hand and took her to the other side of the tree. "Help me free him from the tree please." He begged.

"Sure but I'm not sure exactly how."

"See the arrow in his heart?"


"Take it out and he will be free."

"But if I take the arrow out wont he bleed to death?"

"He will bleed a bit but will heal quickly."

"Ok here it goes." Kagome grabbed the arrow as she looked at his face for the first time. He looked kind and gentle. "Wait before I pull this arrow out what is his name?"

"Its Inuyasha" said Shippo. "Now hurry up with the arrow"

"Yes sir." Kagome once again grabbed the arrow. She put her hand on his chest and began to pull.

"What's taking so long?"

"I don't want to pull it out to fast or he will bleed profusely."

"Oh. What's profusely mean?"

"It means he will bleed a lot more than he has to."

"Oh try to hurry though it's not safe here."

"I'm doing the best I can calm down please Shippo you are making me nervous."

"Oh sorry."

"Allllmost there…. Got it." Just as she said those words Inuyasha fell on her. "Oww." She rolled him over and his head fell in her lap.

"He was supposed to wake up when the arrow is out, so why isn't he waking?"

"Uhh Shippo? He's waking up."



Inuyasha's eyes started to flitter and he started opening them. He sat up straight and picked Kagome up and twirled her around in the air.

"Kikyou you alive and you came to save me!"


"Why are you dressed like that? No matter." He said. He gently set her down then proceeded to give her a kiss straight on. He started to melt Kagome's heart. When he noticed her pointing to something.

"Uh oh Shippo can you leave us for a moment? Now?"


"Now Shippo."

"Oh all right."

As soon as Shippo left Inuyasha started French kissing Kagome again still thinking she was Kikyou. "I love you and missed you sweet…" Kagome melted at this. "I missed you so much sweet…sweet…sweet Kikyou." Kagome froze it was as if someone has stuck a dagger through her heart. Inuyasha couldn't sense anything near.

"What's wrong love?"

"I…uh…. I."

"Its ok I'm here to protect you." He started kissing Kagome again. "I love you, all I could think about was you Kikyou." Kagome pushed him away. "What's wrong love?" he said.

"Nothing" she spat out

Out of no where a violent wind arose with hard beating rain and Kagome found herself at the bottom of the well trying to climb up the slippery ladder.

"Looks like we'll have to wait to clean that well out for another day." Her Ji-san said.

"Looks like it. Lets get out of this cold and wet grandpa."


Kagome stopped at the door and looked back at the well. 'It must have been a dream.'