InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagura's Reincarnation ❯ Kaori Vs. Sesshoumaru ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Turtlequeen2: Sorry for the wait. I would love to hear from you, so please review!

Kaori: It’s about time! I was in the middle of fighting Sesshoumaru!

Inuyasha: No! I was fighting Sesshoumaru!

Sesshoumaru: Why does everyone want to fight me today? *sigh*

Inuyasha: Maybe it’s because you’re an ass?!

Sesshoumaru: At least I’m not a weak half-breed!

Turtlequeen2: Calm down everyone! I do not own Inuyasha, Rumiko Takahashi does. I do, however, own Kaori and Inuyasha the movie 3!


Last time on Kagura’s Reincarnation:

Behind me I hear Inuyasha growl out,” If you don’t leave now, I’ll make sure you leave here with no arms!”

Sesshoumaru smirks and says,” If you keep interrupting little brother, I shall be forced to kill you.”

“I have just met him recently. He may be a hanyou, but he is indeed strong,” I say, trying to defend Inuyasha.

“Pathetic. A youkai such as yourself, defending a hanyou,” he snorts.

“You know you are starting to piss me off. Why don’t you just shut up and fight me!”

“You are far too weak to fight I, Sesshoumaru.”

“We’ll just see about that,” I growl, running towards him to attack.

This time on Kagura’s Reincarnation:

Chapter 3

Kaori vs. Sesshoumaru

******Kaori’s POV******

I land a punch Sesshoumaru’s way, but he calmly and swiftly sidesteps the attack.

“Why don’t you use the wind,” Sesshoumaru asks.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about! I can’t use the wind,” I shout back.

“If you are truly the reincarnation of Kagura, then you should be able to use the wind.”

“Why should I care?” I jump up to land kick on him, but he effortlessly grabbed my foot and threw me into a tree.

I growl at him and get up. I sense the wind kick behind me and I run faster than usual, landing a kick in the lord’s side. I see him stumble a bit. I do a back flip to land a few feet from him.

“Too weak am I,” I teased.

I sense his anger growing.

He runs towards me with glowing green claws ready. He then shouts,” Enough of this nuisance. DIE! DOKKASOU!” Poison sprayed out of his claws, but before it hit me, the poison hit Inuyasha’s Tetsusaiga. Wait a minute? Tetsusaiga?! Inuyasha was standing in front of me, with his sword in front of him.

“Keh! You may be youkai, but you cant go around hitting Sesshoumaru like that and expect to win you baka,” Inuyasha shouts at me. I glare back at him. He then says to Sesshoumaru “You fight me now, bastard!”

Sesshoumaru smirks and says,” I did not realize you cared, Inuyasha.”

Inuyasha growls,” Shut the fuck up!” He charges at him, shouting,” KAZE NO KIZU,” bringing the blade down and yellow streaks of wind flew towards the lord. Sesshoumaru barely gets away, but does and pulls out his sword in the process.

Blue light flickers from the sword and flies toward the smirking hanyou. “Just what I need. BAKURYUUHA!” The same Kaze no Kizu waves swirled around the blue light and flew towards Sesshoumaru. After the smoke cleared, Sesshoumaru was besides Inuyasha and sliced through his side.

“INUYASHA,” Kagome shouted at him. Inuyasha staggered, but still stood up.

“Keh! It’s gonna take a lot more of that to kill me, brother,” Inuyasha sneers.

“Don’t worry, I intend to make you suffer more,” Sesshoumaru jeers. The rest of the group just stares in horror as Sesshoumaru continues to make cuts into Inuyasha. The blood leaked out of him and made puddles in the dirt. Inuyasha starts to fall onto his knees, nearing unconsciousness from loss of blood.

I know my anger is rising as I see Sesshoumaru smile at the pain he sees his brother having. He lifts Inuyasha off the ground by the neck and prepares to use his poison claws to finish him off.

“DAMN YOU SESSHOUMARU,” I growl. His claw stops suddenly and turns to me, still holding Inuyasha in his grasp. The hanyou still had the gull to glare at me.

I continue,” This stops now!” The wind picks up around me and Sesshoumaru starts to look surprised. I raise my claws and shout the first thing that comes to mind, while running towards him,” FUUJIN NO MAI!” Wind blades appear from my claws and start to slice through his armor. He drops Inuyasha and he staggers away before he can get hit. Even when Sesshoumaru gets gashes, he still looks serene.

As fast as a blink of an eye, the taiyoukai was beside me. “I knew you were hiding your power,” he said growled at me. He made a slice at me, but I jump above him. I use the attack again, but this time he dodges. Instead of striking at me, he grabs me and jumps into the air, flying. The little green toad follows behind us on the ground.

“Let go of me you bastard,” I scream at him He seems to ignore me and only tightens his grip. I cannot break free. I try to kick and claw, but to no avail. Kagome and the others shout my name.

“KAORI,” Inuyasha shouts up at me. I see Sango get on Kirara and fly after us. Sango threw her Hiraikotsu, but Sesshoumaru knocked it away with his energy whip, also hurting Kirara in the process. To my horror, the neko-youkai hurdled to the Earth. I look down to see that Kirara was unconscious in Sango’s arms. At least she’s ok…

“Where are you taking me,” I demand.

“Stop your struggling woman,” Sesshoumaru growls.

“And if I don’t?”

“Then you will die,” he says simply. He smirks when I finally stop fighting him. After awhile, he landed on the ground at a campsite where a girl ran up to him.

“Sesshoumaru-sama you’re back,” she shouted happily. Then she saw me,” I know you. You’re that woman that fell into the river!”

I roll my eyes at her, but find I growl because of her cuteness. Sesshoumaru then says,” Rin, this is not Kagura. This is a different woman than the one you saw.”

Then that annoying imp shows up, breathing heavily from running so much. “Sesshoumaru-sama! Why are you taking her with us?” Sesshoumaru doesn’t answer, but instead stares into the distance.

“Yes, I would like to know why you kidnapped me instead of killing me,” I shout.

“I have my own reasons woman. I wish to know why you are here.”

“Could you at least call me by my name, Sesshoumaru,” I say rudely. His eyes narrow at me from the lack of respect I give him.

“Don’t speak to Sesshoumaru-sama with such disrespect, woman,” the imp shouts in anger.

“What are you planning to do about it imp,” I demand.

He waves around this weird staff, shouting,” I will you burn with the fires of the Nintoujou staff!”

Sesshoumaru stopped him,” Silence Jaken.”

The green youkai looked up at his master and immediately ceased his ramblings. At least he stopped talking.

“You haven’t answered my question yet, woman,” said Sesshoumaru coldly.

“Honestly, I don’t know why I am here. Kagome insisted that I came so I could see the old miko, since she could tell if I was a reincarnation on Kagura or not. Beyond that, I’m not sure.”

He looked interested and then said,” You will travel with us.”

“Wait! What makes you think that you can boss me around like this?! I‘m no one‘s servant!”

He just stares with more coldness (if that’s possible) and answers,” I never said you were. You may serve useful to me in the future. You should know better than to defy one of more power than yourself. But assuming that you‘re Kagura‘s reincarnation, I‘m guessing that you don‘t know any better.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?!” I was getting pissed now. He didn’t answer, but instead turned and started to walk away. Hmmm…maybe I should follow him, just so he could tell me more about this Kagura person. He seems to now her well. I start walking behind him. The girl follows behind me on a two-headed dragon. This might be interesting…


To be continued…

Sorry for the long update… Also I said after Kagura’s death, never said nothing about Tensaiga and the new powers. That’ll come in later to the manga followers out there reading this. I’m throwing Kaori into the whole mix, so I’m gonna put a little spin on it. That sword he was still using was Tokijin.


Fuujin no Mai - Dance of Wind Blades

Nintoujou - Staff of Two Heads

Next time on Kagura‘s Reincarnation: Inuyasha and his pals will search for Kaori and Kouga meets Kaori as well…how will he react? Also what holds up for Sesshoumaru and Kaori? (NOTE: I’m gonna try my best to add the manga things in as well)


Ja ne!