InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagura's Reincarnation ❯ The Re-forging of Tenseiga ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Turtlequeen2: I’m finally back with more! Thanks for al the positive reviews on Kaori being kickass! That was what I was aiming for!

Kaori: I’m kickass? Hell yea I am!

Turtlequeen2: *sigh* Just look at what you did now…

Sesshoumaru: This is coming from the same woman that needed aid from weak spider youkai only moments ago?

Kaori: *narrows eyes* You don’t need to remind me…

Turtlequeen2: Hey! Calm down!

I do not own Inuyasha, only Rumiko Takahashi does!

WARNING: SPOILIERS! The chapter contains a lot of elements from the manga. I suggest you read the manga, before reading this or you‘ll be a little confused (or translations to which you can find at: http/ www. Wot-club . Org . uk/ Inuyasha/). This is around scroll 409 in Volume 42.


Last time on Kagura’s Reincarnation:

Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes at Toutousai and growled,” Without a mere word, I could rip you apart with these claws.” He demonstrated by holding up his only hand and cracked his knuckles.

The old man looked annoyed and scared at the same time. “You don’t have to be like that. I only came because Tenseiga called me.” Suddenly Sesshoumaru froze and his eyes widened a little bit more than usual.

“Tenseiga?” he asked, in obvious shock.

This time on Kagura’s Reincarnation:

Chapter 7

The Re-forging of Tenseiga

******Kaori’s POV******

“Don’t play the fool Sesshoumaru,” Toutousai stated. “I know that you sensed Tenseiga’s agitation.”

Sesshoumaru only raised an eyebrow as if contemplating the old man’s words.

“It seems that something that was lacking in your heart until now, was born,” the sword smith continued.

“What do you mean lacking?! Sesshoumaru-sama’s heart is perfect!” came Jaken’s shout from behind me. I turned my attention to the toad.

“Sesshoumaru-sama is strong and kind,” Rin added in. I couldn’t help but smile at that.

Jaken began to have tears in his eyes. I found it all but sad. “Well, I don’t know about kind…” he trailed off.

“Don’t cry Jaken-sama,” Rin said. I couldn’t resist rolling my eyes at such a sight. Though Rin was cute, Jaken was just plain creepy and annoying.

“But there must be something that caused this…you must have some idea,” Toutousai said, making me turn my gaze back to the pair.

Sesshoumaru stole a look into my eyes. For a few seconds I could’ve sworn I saw sadness. I only looked back in confusion. He then averted his gaze, appearing in deep thought, though his ice mask seemed to tighten.

A sudden realization hit me. It was about Kagura! Her death must have caused his sudden change of heart! I was overcome with a shocked emotion, but then my heart took a quick sink. But that must of meant that Sesshoumaru had feelings for her too…

“Hey you!” came a voice that broke me out of my thoughts. I shot my red eyes up to look back into the eyes of the senile old man.

“What do you want with me?” I asked coldly.

“Don’t I know you from somewhere?” Toutousai pondered.

“Um…no I can’t imagine what gave you that idea,” I lied, a tone of sadness lacing my tone.

“Oh well then,” he sighed. “I could of sworn that I seen you from somewhere. So do you travel with Sesshoumaru now?”

“Well, I--” I got cut off.

“Toutousai!” boomed Sesshoumaru’s cold, but now annoyed voice. “Have you come here to talk about Tenseiga or talk to this bitch?”

“What the hell do you mean by that?!” I demanded, pissed off more than ever. I narrowed my eyes at him.

He only narrowed them slightly back, but it enough to let me know that he was not going to put up with me at the moment. “Either hold your tongue, or I will take it out,” he nearly growled out in a whisper.

The old man stared at us in confusion. But then he stared back at Sesshoumaru, whom was now glaring back at Toutousai. This made the man jump, but he managed to hold his own ground. “It doesn’t matter what happened to bring about that change.” He appeared to think about the matter for a few seconds and then held out his hand. “Now then, hand over Tenseiga.” He said this like he saw nothing between me and the bastard lord.

Sesshoumaru looked cold and now he starting to look agitated. “What are you scheming, Toutousai?” the Taiyoukai demanded.

“The time has come to re-forge Tenseiga into a weapon,” came the shocking reply.

Sesshoumaru stood there, a light surprised look came over his features.

“How do we know that you will not run off with it?!” Jaken demanded, breaking the silence that fell over us all.

“Jaken, silence,” Sesshoumaru commanded, glaring down at his servant.

“H…hai Sesshoumaru-sama,” Jaken murmured, immediately ceasing his ramblings. It was a good thing too. He was making himself look like an idiot. Although he already proved himself worthy of one when I first met him so it didn’t matter much I guess.

“What use will it come to me to run off with a sword I created myself?” Toutousai asked incredulously. He then turned to Sesshoumaru again. “So what is your decision?”

The Taiyoukai narrowed his eyes. “Very well then. I will entrust Tenseiga into your care. But know this: if it doesn’t prove useful to me, then consider your life terminated,” he threatened.

The old man literally gulped and his eyes widened for a second. “It’s not like you have much other choice. You have no useful weapon at the moment,” he replied, trying to calm himself at the same time.

Sesshoumaru’s glare grew only colder as he knew the youkai was right. “When shall this be completed?” he demanded.

“In week or so. Come to the Kuro Forest by nightfall of the end of the week. We will then test if you will be able to handle its new powers.”

The Taiyoukai gave a simple nod and pulled Tenseiga out of his sash. Toutousai took it from the cold lord’s hands. With Tenseiga in his grasp, Toutousai got back on his ox in a flash and was off.

An odd silence settled over the group. It was beginning to bother me so I spoke up. “So are we going to go to this forest?”

He cast a icy glance at me and replied,” Is it not obvious?”

I narrowed my eyes at him in return. “I don’t know what your problem is, but don’t take it out on me!” I said, evident anger underlining my tone.

He only turned his back to me and started to walk off, ignoring my comment. “Jaken, Rin, we are leaving,” came his statement. What the hell is wrong with that bastard?! I’m going to find out sooner or later.

******Sesshoumaru’s POV******

Now we have to go to this forest at the end of the week to get Tenseiga. What the hell is that senile old man thinking? It surprises me that this same man was capable of creating the Tessaiga when he likes to spend his time wasting my life. I should be hunting down Naraku, not getting my useless sword fixed.

Still, Tenseiga called upon him. Should I care? Did I not stop to think that perhaps this sword was given to me because I alone, am the only one able to wield its powers? Even so, I guess I’ll just have to find out.

“Don’t think that you can ignore me all day!” came the annoying voice of the angered woman, Kaori. Though it was not of a youkai of my status to do so, I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

“I have no time to waste, talking with you,” I replied simply, trying to keep my aggravation under control.

“You’re such an ass you know that?!” Kaori replied.

I stopped and turned my attention towards her. “You will not speak to me in that manner again,” I stated, narrowing my eyes as a threat.

She gave a roll of her eyes. “Oh, what is it with you?! Ever since your talk with Toutousai, you’ve been being so cold to me--well you’ve always been cold--but that’s not the point…” she trailed off.

“And your point is?” I asked, cutting her off from her pointless ramblings. I personally knew that I was coming off a bit harsh, but I didn’t give much of a damn.

“Does this have anything to do with me being Kagura’s reincarnation? Don’t even try to deny it because I seen that look in your eyes earlier!” she exclaimed, surprising even me, though I wouldn’t admit it.

My eyes narrowed at her. “Do not be foolish. I didn’t care for that bitch,” I stated in a deadly tone.

“Really? If I wasn’t mistaken, the look in your eyes was something along the lines of sadness. Or perhaps it was grief for her?” she questioned, beginning to smirk as if she stumbled upon something valuable.

“Do not stray into where you have no business in,” I warned, almost making a growl.

“Of all the nerve! You’re really starting to piss me off! How can you stand there and deny your feelings for her?!” she demanded.

Jaken, besides me, started squawking some annoying nonsense to her. I wasn’t really paying much attention to him. Most of what I caught was something along the lines of,” How dare you talk to Sesshoumaru-sama with such disrespect?! I should fry you alive for such harsh words!”

After such irritating and useless comments by my lowly servant, I glared down at him. “Jaken.” I stated simply.

“H…hai Sesshoumaru-sama?” he grumbled nervously, looking up at me in fright. I did not answer, but only brought my fist down upon his head.

Not wanting to answer Kaori‘s question, I turned my back on her and started to walk off.

“Sesshoumaru! Don’t think you can avoid it forever!” she called after me. I actually almost faltered. What the hell did she mean by that? Perhaps I didn’t want to answer it because…because I don’t even know the answer myself?

******A Week later at the Kuro Forest - No One’s POV******

After a week of traveling, the Sesshoumaru-Tachi finally arrived at the Kuro Forest. As they went closer to the area, the air of youki began to thicken as did the number of youkai trying to attack them, and Sesshoumaru’s irritation.

Kaori and Sesshoumaru didn’t say much to each other. Kaori, because she was still sore over what he did to her earlier that week; Sesshoumaru, because of his constant thoughts of Tenseiga, Kagura, and Kaori’s question.

How can you stand there and deny your feelings for her?!

For some reason, Sesshoumaru felt a twinge of guilt when she said that. But that wasn’t possible right? The Great Inu-youkai feeling guilty for his supposed enemy? How ridiculous.

And yet, Sesshoumaru could not keep that question out of his head. No matter how many excuses he made up for himself, none could never satisfy him. Also Kaori’s constant reminder of Kagura’s presence with her looks, wasn’t helping the situation much either. Damn his father’s sword!

“FUUJIN NO MAI!” came Kaori’s shout as she expertly flicked her fan towards the youkai coming towards Au-Un and Rin, whom was riding on the dragon-demon. Rin gave a little screech as more youkai formed behind them.

“Geez, in such a place as this?” Jaken demanded more to himself. “It’s already been days!” He turned and blasted the demons with the fire from the Nintoujou staff. They fried easily and Jaken only sighed heavily in annoyance.

“Quit your complaining toad! You’re not the only one doing the labor around here!” Kaori retorted, breathing heavily, beginning to tire from slaying the many youkai. Sesshoumaru was also doing some work, using his poison energy whip to take out the agitating creatures, though he was not in the least bit tired.

Jaken threw a glare at Kaori. “While Toutousai said that he was going to re-forge Tenseiga, he has definitely run off with it instead!” he exclaimed.

As if the gods were answering Kaori’s pleas to silence the irritating imp, from the sky came Toutousai and his ox, landing on Jaken! The wind witch had to keep from laughing as Jaken struggled under the ox youkai’s weight.

“Toutousai-sama!” Rin greeted in happiness.

Sesshoumaru only gave the sword smith a cold look, noticing his presence.

“Have Tenseiga back,” Toutousai said, holding out the fang. Without a word, Sesshoumaru grabbed hold of his sword and looked it over with little interest. “Try drawing it Sesshoumaru. Will you be able to master its powers?”

“Humph. Worry about your own self, Toutousai. If Tenseiga has been completed badly, then consider your life over,” Sesshoumaru stated coolly, but nevertheless, drew out the sword anyways.

The rest of the group turned to glance at the old man’s reaction. “His personality hasn’t changed,” he commented dryly.

Jaken, who was now up and walking again, added,” A bit late to be saying that.”

A silence fell over the group as the ground started to vibrate under them. Sesshoumaru turned his attention to the location where it was coming from. Kaori’s eyes narrowed as she stared at the vacant field ahead of them. The ground was starting to rise up in that area. “What the hell?” she demanded.

The rest of the group followed her actions, all having expressions of nervousness and worry on their faces. Well, all except Toutousai, who only had a thoughtful look on his face.

They watched in shock as an Oni burst through the ground!

“Ack! It’s an Oni!” Rin shouted in fright.

“It was probably attracted to the youki energy given off by the sword,” Jaken said in concentration.

Toutousai stared on in interest, waiting for Sesshoumaru’s reaction. ‘Take a long look Sesshoumaru. The attack shall be guided by Tenseiga,’ he thought in his head.

As if Sesshoumaru could read the old man’s mind, he cast a sharp glance towards the Oni. His hold over Tenseiga tightened as the blade started to glow bright.

“Tenseiga’s glowing?” Kaori gasped.

The Oni charged forward suddenly. Going towards Sesshoumaru! And then to everyone else’ shock, the Taiyoukai charged forward as well. He jumped up towards the monster’s chest and made a wide swing across the abdomen. The energy pulsing out from the blade radiated into the cut.

“Did he get him?” Rin asked in surprise. Sesshoumaru landed swiftly to the ground, looking as calm as ever, while the Oni appeared to be unharmed.

“What?! It wasn’t cut?” Jaken demanded.

Kaori, however, noticed the object that began to appear behind the monster. “What the hell?” she gasped.

“Jaken-sama, what’s that?! Behind the Oni!” Rin shouted, also taking notice of the attack taking place. Behind the Oni, formed a giant arc of blackness.

“The Meidou has opened,” Toutousai only stated behind the three.

“Meidou?” Jaken asked. At that moment, the group watched as the arc moved through the demon, slicing it in two. The death body fell to the ground in the two separate pieces. Then, the arc became thinner and flickered away.

“It disappeared?” Kaori gasped.

“What just happened?” Jaken demanded.

At this, everyone turned to Toutousai, expecting an answer.

Taking a deep breath, the old man replied,” You can tell by just looking. Part of the Oni’s body was taken to the Realm of the Dead. However, that slice was only that of a crescent moon. As you improve, it will become more that of a full circle and will eventually be able to send the whole body of an enemy to the Next World. ” That last remark directed at Sesshoumaru.

The Taiyoukai, who was now with them, looked down at Tenseiga with a thoughtful expression on his face. “The ability to cut the path to the Next World, huh?” he murmured.

“Tenseiga is originally a sword that connects the Next World with this one. That is why the wielder of the sword can see the ‘pall-bearers’ from the Next World. By cutting them, the person can bring the dead back from the Realm of the Dead.”

“Wow,” Rin and Kaori both exclaimed in awe.

Jaken, hearing Rin’s reaction, stared at her surprise. ‘How ironic for that child to be surprised since she was the first one brought back to life by the very same sword,’ Jaken thought in his mind.

“By cutting to the Next World, the Meidou literally sends the enemies into Hell,” the sword smith explained. He then looked directly at Sesshoumaru. “That is how you use Tenseiga in battle. That attack you used was called the Meidou-Zangetsuha.”

Sesshoumaru’s eyes slightly widened in shock, but he managed to suppress it before anyone noticed.

‘Still that damn Sesshoumaru managed to use the attack without struggling. As usual, he does not falter. But since Tenseiga has chosen him, it can’t be helped,’ Toutousai thought with a sigh in his mind.


Such a stupid woman.

It was a wasted death since nobody shall carry out her will.


Mouryouma ru’s words pierced into Sesshoumaru’s conscious as he thought about Tenseiga’s new power. He made a mental decision. ‘Whether it was a wasted death or not, will be decided by me.’

He planned to avenge Kagura’s death. “Toutousai,” he called.

“Yes?” the old youkai answered.

“I accept Tenseiga’s new abilities.”

Suddenly not of her own accord, Kaori’s fan opened by itself, creating wind around them. Kaori’s eyes widened at the sudden gust of wind. At that same moment she felt a tug at her soul.

‘What was that just now? Was that Kagura?’ Kaori asked herself, as she lightly clutched her chest..

“Let us leave,” Sesshoumaru spoke up, turning his back and walking off. He also noticed the wind stirring, but said nothing of it. The rest of the group excluding Toutousai followed behind.


To be continued…

I’m so sorry for that wait! I’m happy the way this turned out though!

Note: I cannot take ALL of the credit for the idea of this awesome scene. This was based on the manga: Rumiko Takahashi’s work. I only wrote it out in words, reworded some of the phrases (so I don’t get sued for plagiarism), added in Kaori and Sesshoumaru’s thoughts, and Kaori’s actions. So the basis idea of this scene, the credit goes to Takahashi, but the Kaori involvement, you can thank me for. Just thought I would straighten that out before I get flamed. SO NO FLAMING for these reasons stated!


Kuro - Dark

Youki - Demonic energy

Meidou - The Path of Darkness

Meidou-Zangetsuha - Dark Path of Dawn’s Moon

Next time on Kagura’s Reincarnation: Kaori and Sesshoumaru tend to have a growing tension between them. And who the hell is that watching them?!

Please review!

Ja ne!