InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Live and Let Die (Part 3): Learning To Deal ❯ Heart-to-heart ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimers: I do not own InuYasha or any of the manga/anime characters. They belong to the wonderful genius Rumiko Takahashi. Any original characters do belong to me.
AN: Thanks much for the reviews left so far. I read each and every one of them, and greatly appreciate the time you took to leave one.
Live and Let Die: Learning to Deal
Chapter 12: Heart-to-heart
Kouga gathered his pack mates and took off at a jog. He really had no plan, but was restless and didn't want to just sit and wait. He would check around and see if he could find out any new information regarding either Keikaiyari or Naraku. It still bugged him that the tiger assassin was in this area at all and that he had gone after Kagome.
The first thing he did was head back out to the area where InuYasha and Kagome had faced off against the tiger youkai. Kouga was curious as to whether anything had been done with the body, especially since he knew Sesshomaru had been out here. The thought that Naraku might be able to do something with the dead youkai as he had done with the members of the Band of Seven was rather sobering, so Kouga wanted to see for himself what was left of him.
The wolf prince remembered where the body had been thrown, but was surprised to smell no remains. A small flash of fear went through him, thinking that Naraku had already made use of the body, but then he assured himself that some other youkai had probably just dragged it away for a meal. Still, he went to where the remains had lain to see if there was any indication of what had happened to them.
He was surprised at what he found instead. Kouga had wondered what the acidic smell was that hit his nose when he arrived, but now he could see for himself. There was little, if anything left of the great tiger assassin's body. Everything had been melted away, and even the grass under the area of the body was dead and gone. All that was left was an indentation in the earth where the body had been dissolved, including some of the earth underneath it as it absorbed the poisonous remains. Even the bones had been liquefied, with the exception of one small piece that appeared to be part of the hip from where it lay in relation to the rest of the tiger. Concluding that they had no more to fear from Keikaiyari, Kouga warned his wolves to stay away from that particular spot lest they be poisoned as well, and went on his way.
~ ^~^ ~
The police had come back around the shrine to see if Kagome could remember anything else to tell them about her attacker. She apologized to them, but told them everything had happened so fast that she did not remember anything more than she had when she first talked to them at the hospital. Of course she couldn't tell them that the `person' that had attacked her was a tiger youkai that died five hundred years ago. She assured them that she had seen no further signs of the individual that had injured her in the area.
One of the policemen had to satisfy himself that InuYasha was indeed not a suspect, even though he had been told he was not considered one by the original investigators of the attack. He had come to the shrine in plain clothes a couple of times and witnessed InuYasha helping the old priest that ran the place with all kinds of tasks, most involving moving large or heavy objects. The first time he visited, InuYasha was wearing sweats and a t-shirt as he helped the old man. The next time the cop returned, he saw InuYasha in his red costume with his sword at his side, still following the priest's instructions without complaint. Both times he ran to the injured girl when she came out as soon as his hands were free. Their interaction made it clear she had absolutely no fear of him, and he appeared to be concerned about her. Deciding that perhaps the original assessment had been correct, the investigator had to admit the boyfriend was not a suspect this time, and turn his attentions elsewhere.
~ ^~^ ~
Eri had run straight home, still stunned by what she had learned. She couldn't believe it, not only was Kagome fucking InuYasha, he didn't appear to be human. What explanation could there be for those ears? And fangs? She met up with Ayume and Yuka the next morning as they headed to school.
Ayume asked, “Where were you yesterday? I didn't see you at the hospital. They said something about you were going to check on Kagome. I wish you would have let me know, I would have gone with you.”
Eri blushed and looked away, but did not say anything as they continued walking.
“Wait, you didn't go to see Kagome, did you, Eri? I bet you went to see if you could catch InuYasha. Why can't you leave him alone? Can't you tell that he loves Kagome?” Ayume continued.
“Eri! You wouldn't!” Yuka added. “You know they are supposed to be married after she finishes school.”
Ayume responded, “Eri said that doesn't matter. Even though Kagome is supposed to be her friend, she said she considers InuYasha fair game until they are officially married.”
“Huh. So, what happened?” Yuka asked. “Did you see him? Or her?”
Eri shook her head and muttered something they couldn't understand.
“What?” they said together.
“I don't believe it. You wouldn't believe the things they were doing together. And, I'm not sure InuYasha is human…” Eri mumbled a little louder.
“What?” they asked again.
“I said I'm not sure that InuYasha is human. He had cat ears, and fangs,” Eri stated.
“Don't you mean dog ears?” Ayume teased. “His name is InuYasha.”
“And you haven't noticed his fingernails?” Ayume added.
Eri just looked at her. “Huh?”
“His fingernails look like claws, and he could have fangs. We always thought he was a punk or gang member of some kind. Kagome said he didn't really have any family, so he probably had to play it tough. You can have all of that stuff done, you know,” Yuka informed her.
“But what about the ears?” Eri asked.
“Well, he does have all of that silver hair. You were probably just seeing things,” Ayume stated.
“No, I'm telling you, it was all real. That's why he always has something on his head,” Eri told them.
“I think you're just jealous that he loves Kagome, and you couldn't get anywhere with him. You should have been able to tell by the look on his face at the hospital when you called Kagome a klutz that he loves her, and isn't interested in you. The fact that he kept trying to get away from you should have been a big hint. Just drop it Eri. You need to find you own boyfriend, and leave everyone else's alone. It was bad enough when you kept trying to get Kagome to drop him, but it's worse now that you are trying to get him for yourself. You need to move on,” Ayume concluded.
“Yeah, and stay away from Hojo. I don't want you coming after my boyfriend, either. You need to go find somebody that isn't taken, or do without,” Yuka added.
Eri just sighed. Hojo was too boring, anyway. And InuYasha had made it perfectly clear he wasn't interested, even if she decided she still was. Maybe it was time to accept a date from the guy in her science class that had asked her out. He was a geek, but at least he knew how to build rockets and blow things up. That was kind of exciting, and he did have a big nose… and feet…
~ ^~^ ~
Sesshomaru was frustrated, not that anyone would ever know or see it. What he wanted to do was throw something, but instead his kept his calm, cool exterior in place.
No one had been able to find out anything about Naraku. The Demon Lord also wondered what the dark hanyou was afraid of. He could think of no other reason as to why he was hidden so well. The Taiyoukai's spies had been able to find out nothing of use regarding his whereabouts, or what he might be up to.
Sesshomaru's lip did twitch just a bit as he thought about what Naraku had tried to instigate, and had obviously failed. The vile being apparently had no idea that the half-breed and miko were fully mated, and were much stronger as a result. Naraku's plan to send Kouga after InuYasha was not the only one that had not come to fruition. Sesshomaru had no idea of what had transpired between InuYasha and the wolf, but he smelled the twinge of fear that entered the wolf's scent when he had followed the couple after the miko had been injured. He may have been concerned about Kagome, but he apparently had some idea of what InuYasha could do in his youkai form if he had the good sense to be afraid of him. He would not be attempting to kill the half-breed to claim the little miko for himself.
And then there was the undead miko. He had never really understood what her relationship had been with his brother, other than pinning him to the tree. The demon slayer had probably told him more than she intended to, but it still did not make a lot of sense. Sesshomaru did not understand why the others in his pack had not noticed that InuYasha always returned to Kagome. The half-breed apparently had felt some sense of obligation to the undead miko, but he belonged with her reincarnation.
Another unexpected factor was the bonds of the couple. They ran deeper than even Sesshomaru suspected, or could even really comprehend. There was no doubt that the pain InuYasha felt when he came through the well without his mate was real. The bonding of souls was rare enough, but the Taiyoukai had never even heard of a pair where it ran as deeply as it did between the two. Then again, who would ever thought a hanyou would actually survive long enough to find a mate, and a mate that was a powerful miko at that? All they each had to do was learn to harness the power that raged within them.
Sesshomaru wandered out into the gardens, where he knew he would likely find Rin examining all of the flowers and trees. He had briefly considered leaving her behind when he returned to the village by InuYasha's forest. It would be safer at home than at the village if Naraku decided to attack. However, he had dismissed that thought rather easily. Naraku could just as easily attack his home, thinking that Keikaiyari had killed Sesshomaru. And truthfully, the great Inu Youkai preferred having the child with him. He did not know what it was about her, but she soothed his soul, almost in a manner similar to how Kagome was able to calm InuYasha, even when his youkai had gained control. Sesshomaru hated to admit it, but he was happier when the young girl was around. While Jaken was faithful, sometimes he was irritating and his groveling was just a bit too much. The imp also seemed to buck against the fact that Sesshomaru had slowly but surely been changing, evolving, ever since Rin came into his life.
However, Rin never asked for anything other than to stay with him. She had never feared him, even when he tried to scare her away when she had first found him. She was happy just to be near him and never questioned his actions.
The little girl looked up and saw Sesshomaru in the garden. She immediately smiled and headed in his direction, making his heart swell. He almost imperceptibly shook his head to clear it of the thought that he cared for her more than he was willing to admit.
~ ^~^ ~
Kagome's wounds, though deep, were almost completely healed by the fifth day after the incident, and the stitches were starting to itch and drive her nuts. On the sixth day, Mama took her back to the doctor to have them removed. When Mama had called, she was told that she could bring Kagome to the doctor's office, rather than to the hospital, since the doctor who released her was not on duty there that day. They rode in silence as they looked for the building where his office was located.
“Hello, Miss Higurashi. So you think your stitches are ready to come out?” the doctor greeted them as he entered the room they had been placed in.
“Yes, Doctor. The cuts seemed to have healed, and the stitches are starting to itch. And look, they are even starting to cause little red welts on my arm,” Kagome said as she showed him her arm.
“My, you do seem to have healed fast. Seven days was the minimum I thought they would need to stay in. I fully expected it to take closer to ten days for your arm to mend. And you are right; the stitches are starting to irritate you because they are ready to be removed,” the doctor said as he examined her arm. He pulled out a pair of tweezers and scissors and added, “I can give you a local, but it may aggravate the irritation. There really shouldn't be much more than a pinch as I take them out. However, you do have a lot of stitches, so if you prefer to have the local anesthetic, I can administer it.”
Kagome looked at her mother before she addressed the doctor, “Why don't you try a couple of them and let me see what it feels like. I'd rather do without if it isn't too painful.”
The doctor nodded and sat on the stool to roll up beside her on the examining table. “This might be more comfortable if you lie back and rest your arm here,” he indicated with a wave of his arm. “And like getting a shot, it also helps if you look away or squeeze on something.”
Kagome nodded and lay back on the bed, rolling her arm so that most of the stitches were facing the doctor. She looked the other way and her mother came to that side of the bed and took her other hand, giving Kagome something to squeeze if she needed it.
Mama decided to distract Kagome by asking her about her plans to go and get an engagement ring. Since the stitches were coming out, she really didn't have a good reason to wait any longer. And now that she was healed, perhaps it would not be so difficult to convince InuYasha it was safe for her to go to the jewelry store and look at rings.
Before they knew it, the doctor pronounced, “All right, Miss Higurashi, we're done. You have healed exceedingly well. I wish I knew what your secret was.”
“Well, you know we live at a shrine. My Jii-chan is always coming up with some kind of mystical potion or another. Most of the time they don't work, but every once in a while, he finds something that does. I guess whatever he asked me to use this time actually did some good. The only problem is we don't really know what it is. For once, I guess it might have been nice to have the ingredients of what was in it since it seems to have worked. I just hope I don't need any more of it any time soon,” Kagome commented.
“By the way, did you need the extra prescription for the pain killer I sent out to the shrine with the volunteer girl? I never heard anything about it,” the doctor asked them.
Kagome and Mama looked at each other. “No, no one brought a prescription out to us. But as it was, Kagome didn't use up the one you gave us when she was discharged. She only needed one for the first couple of nights, and then she preferred to do without,” Mama told him. She also didn't miss the shade of red her daughter had turned at the question.
The doctor furrowed his brow. “All right then. Do you have any questions for me?”
“So I'm free to go back to my regular activities?” Kagome asked.
“As far as I can tell, you are completely healed. So yes, you may resume your normal activities. Just take it easy for a couple of days and give your arm a chance to get used to being utilized again so you do not develop soreness from overuse,” the doctor responded.
“All right, Doctor. Anything else?” Mama wanted to be certain everything was good to go.
“Please complete the round of antibiotics you were given just to be on the safe side. The cuts were quite deep, and we want to make certain that there is no chance for infection. So, even though it may appear you no longer need them, please continue taking them until they are gone,” he answered.
“Okay, I will,” Kagome replied.
“Well, in that case, I am releasing you. You may call if you have any questions or anything happens, but I do not foresee any problems. You have healed exceptionally well and fast. Too bad you do not know what was in the stuff your grandfather gave you.”
“Honestly, sir, sometimes it's best not to know,” Kagome commented as she thought of some of the things Jii-chan had come up with.
Her mother nodded in agreement.
The doctor just shook his head as he left the room so Kagome could redress.
They were on their way home when Mama finally asked, “Did someone bring a prescription out to you?”
Kagome shook her head, but blushed red again as she said, “Not that I know of.”
“Kagome, what is it? Something must have happened. Did someone come out or not?” Mama prodded.
Kagome sighed. “Well, you know when I went out to study the other day?”
“Yes, dear. You were gone most of the afternoon.”
“Well, Eri did come out that day.”
“What do you mean? Did she give you the prescription or not? We should report her if she kept a painkiller prescription for herself.”
“Well, when she showed up, I was kind of busy with InuYasha. He saw her, but she didn't come close enough to give me the prescription.” Kagome was the color of InuYasha's firerat now. “Actually, I think she really followed him, but then saw us together. InuYasha kind of made it clear he wasn't interested in anyone but me.”
“Oh dear, you mean…”
“Do you think she'll leave him alone now?” Mama asked hesitantly.
“Well, that wasn't all she got a look at,” Kagome responded.
“She didn't see-”
“His ears and fangs. InuYasha lost his hat, and I think he actually snarled at her. She was running the last he saw of her,” Kagome said.
“You don't think she'll cause any trouble, do you?” Mama was kind of worried about that girl, anyway.
“She might tell the others, but they'll probably brush her off and tell her she was imagining things and to find her own boyfriend. Or at least, that's what I hope, if she says anything at all,” Kagome responded. “I guess it's a good thing I'll be ready to go back in a day or two. I hope she doesn't do anything that makes us go back early. I really did want to go to the jeweler now that the stitches are out. InuYasha doesn't have any more excuses for me to stay home where it is safe.”
“Well, Jii-chan says he knows who you should go and see. He has known him for many years, and says he has an excellent reputation. He should be able to help you with the engagement ring and those diamonds you two brought back,” Mama said. “Maybe you can go tomorrow. Would you like to call him when we get home?”
“Yeah, I think I would. That would be one less thing to worry about. I really do want an engagement ring, not just for Eri, but for a couple of guys at school who've seen InuYasha and think he's a Hafu. I can't exactly tell them he's even more Japanese than they are. I think a big honkin' ring might help. I won't be able to wear it when we go back, but at least I can wear it here,” Kagome answered thoughtfully as they pulled into the drive.
InuYasha had stopped what he was doing and went to meet Mama and Kagome when he heard the car approach. He waited, somewhat impatiently, for the verdict. Kagome was grinning when she got out of the car.
Pulling up her sleeve, she announced, “Look, all gone. The doctor said I am completely healed and released me. Mama suggested we go and look at rings tomorrow. Is that all right with you, Mr. Worrywart?”
InuYasha blushed and looked away. “Feh. I was just worried. You were hurt because of me.”
“Mama, we'll be in for lunch in a little while,” Kagome said as she took InuYasha's hand and started to lead him away. Not wanting to be interrupted, she dragged him through the gate and down to the clearing in the shrine wood. Without saying a word, she wrapped her arms around him and just held him.
InuYasha finally relaxed and rested his chin on her head, not certain what to expect from his mate. He still felt like everything was his fault. Kagome had been hurt because of him, in more ways than one.
“InuYasha,” the miko said. “What's wrong? You know I don't blame you for that. It was as much my fault as anyone's.”
The hanyou didn't answer her, so Kagome pulled away far enough to look up at him, and cup his face in her hands to look into his eyes. “I don't blame you one bit for what happened. I told you it was my fault for underestimating him. I should have realized he was close in strength to that of your brother, but I was so pissed that he said I was useless that I didn't pay enough attention to him. I lumped him in with all of the lower youkai, and was hurt because of my carelessness. It wasn't your fault,” she said softly.
InuYasha surprised her by wrapping his arms tightly around her and pulling her close. She wrapped her arms back around his body, holding him until he finally decided to explain what was going on. If he was ever going to, that is.
Kagome felt their positions change as the hanyou sank to the ground, and pulled her into his lap. Finally, she heard him say, “It felt like you had died.”
“What?” Kagome asked, confused.
“When I went through the well without you, it felt like my heart had been ripped out,” he explained.
“I woke up screaming for you. I thought something terrible had occurred,” Kagome whispered. “But what happened? One minute it felt like you were gone, but then I reached out and could feel you again. It was like the well allowed us to connect.”
“It did. I actually prayed that it would allow me to feel you long enough to tell the others how you were. I knew they would be worried. But then I realized I couldn't leave. As long as I touched the well, it let me stay in contact with you enough to talk to them,” InuYasha responded.
“But we lost contact. I felt like I had been chopped in half it hurt so badly,” the miko told him. “Why did we lose the connection?”
“I…I was trying to answer the others' questions when Kouga showed up. He thought you had died and threw me across the clearing. I fell and couldn't move.”
“What…what…what did you do? How did you get back? I was about to throw myself in the well when you came through the time slip,” Kagome told him.
“It was the monk. He grabbed me and threw me over the side. When I came back through, I could feel you and the pain was gone.”
“Miroku did that?” she asked.
“Yeah, and I don't think he even thought twice about it. He just knew what to do,” InuYasha answered.
“I'm glad he did,” Kagome said softly.
“Me, too.”
“Is…is…is that what it will feel like if one of us dies?” Kagome asked hesitantly.
“I…well…maybe…yes,” InuYasha stammered.
“Then we really need to learn to control our powers. I plan on living for a very long time with you,” the miko said. “We were making pretty good headway, and I want to learn more when we get back. I really need to learn how to project a barrier at will. And you do, too.”
“InuYasha, I love you. The pain I felt was incredible when you went through the well, and then when you lost contact with it. It terrified me. But I don't want to dwell on that. We're both stronger now. I have no intentions of either one of us getting killed any time soon. We've both been given gifts we did not expect from our mating, and we need to gain control of them. Our bonds run deep in every way. I want to use them, not fear them.”
Kagome ended her statement by wrapping her hands in his mane and hungrily thrusting her tongue into his mouth. InuYasha relaxed and parted his lips, granting her entrance. Their tongues were twisting around each other, almost like they were trying to tie a knot when InuYasha abruptly ended it.
“What's wrong now?” Kagome asked worriedly.
“I'm sorry. I was worried that I had hurt you when I went through the well. I know how much pain I felt, and I'm half Inu. I couldn't imagine what the pain you must have felt was like. I'm sorry I hurt you.”
“InuYasha, you had no way of knowing that would happen. Still, I'm glad you cared enough about our friends to go back and tell them, and even stayed long enough to do so when you were in pain. From now on we'll make sure to go through together, like we have been. Truthfully, I've been terrified we might end up on opposite sides and the well would seal while we were apart. I don't want to live even a day without you.” Kagome finished by kissing him again.
When they broke apart this time he said as he stood and pulled her to her feet, “Oi, your mother is waiting on us.”
“She won't mind if we are a little late for lunch,” Kagome replied with a giggle.
InuYasha kissed her briefly on the lips and turned her around. “I mean she's waiting for us.”
Kagome looked up to see her mother standing not far from where Eri had been. She blushed, took InuYasha's hand, and together they walked towards her.
~ ^~^ ~
Sango had been contemplating everything that had recently happened, not just with InuYasha and Kagome, but with herself and the houshi as well. Ever since the incident at the well, Miroku had become quiet, almost withdrawn. He would speak with Kaede, or engage in idle chitchat if pushed, but had not seemed like himself. He had also made no more advances towards her, not that she could blame him.
The demon slayer examined her own actions over the past week or so and realized that she had done everything in her power to push the monk away from her. She blushed as she thought of the moonless night, when she finally gave herself over to him completely. He had asked her several times if she was ready, and she had insisted that she was. She was jealous of Kagome's relationship with InuYasha, and wanted to feel that for herself. It had been more wonderful than she had ever expected. And yet, when Miroku wanted to be with her again, she suddenly felt used and pushed him away.
As Sango ran through his actions in her head, she realized he had done nothing she had not wanted him to, and had been very caring and considerate of her. He had not completely given up until she slapped him with such force that she had nearly knocked him off of his feet. And he had not even groped her. All he had tried to do was take her hand. He had made no more attempts to even do that after they had been out to see Kouga. Instead, he had taken to carrying his staff in the hand that was nearest her, so as to not be tempted.
Sango choked back a sob as she wondered if he would ever be able to forgive her. She really did not understand why she had acted the way she had. Miroku had not flirted with a single girl in quite some time, much less asked one to bear his child. She really had no reason to feel insecure like she had. The monk had not cheated on her in any way. He was currently giving her plenty of space, though.
As much as it went against everything she had learned growing up, the slayer decided that she was going to have to approach Miroku and try to talk with him. She had now pushed him away so many times when he had come to her that she didn't think he would even try again. Determined to try and make things right, she headed out towards the well, where Miroku had gone to meditate. He seemed to be doing a lot of that recently.
Miroku had been at a loss on what to do. He knew Sango was frustrated about both her brother and everything that had happened with Kagome; however, he did not understand why she seemed to be taking it out on him, when all he did was try to show her love and support.
The monk was also thinking about just how deep the love and bonds apparently ran between InuYasha and Kagome. The hanyou had been in such agony when Kouga tossed him away from the well that Miroku hurt for him. The monk was glad that Kaede had asked InuYasha why he was clinging to the well like he was, for that was the only reason that Miroku knew what to do when the hanyou lost his contact with the well. The houshi wondered what it was like to love someone so much that it could cause that much pain to be separated from them.
Then again, Miroku thought he was beginning to understand. While he knew he loved Sango, that he wanted to spend his life with her, he had not realized just how much until she had pushed him away from her. It wasn't just the physical aspect of it. He could have waited to be with her. He loved the banter with her, the way her hair blew in the wind, how powerful and sexy she looked when fighting demons, and even the way she slapped him when he groped her in public. He loved that she was strong and independent and could keep him in his place. He loved how she protected her friends and was deadly to their enemies.
He had gone to Kaede for advice, not knowing what else to do, and understanding really very little about women. Kaede had listened to everything he told her very carefully, and had told him, for now, to sit back and do nothing. Without revealing she knew just how far the two had gone, the old miko did tell Miroku that perhaps Sango was afraid; maybe she thought that things were moving too quickly after so much time, and needed some time to think things through. When she was ready, he would probably get some sign from her she was willing to try again. Kaede also wisely suggested that he not try to pick up right where they had left off, but perhaps backtrack a bit. The houshi nodded in understanding, for he had already had to do that once since the inn, anyway. He practically had to start all over with the demon slayer after his indiscretions with the girls in the village. Miroku decided that if he really wanted to be with Sango, if he loved her, he would be willing to do it again if he needed to. He did want to spend the rest of his life with her after Naraku, so it would be worth the time and effort.
Miroku was surprised when he looked up and saw that Sango was approaching him from across the clearing. Not certain what her reasons were for being there, he tightly gripped his staff in order to make certain that his hands did not wander. What he really wanted to do was wrap his arms around her and kiss her.
The demon slayer hesitated as she entered the clearing, but then saw that Miroku had looked up and knew that she was there. Taking a deep breath, she headed over to him and then sat down, facing him.
At first, they just sat and stared at the ground, neither knowing what to say. Finally, Miroku said, “I am sorry.”
“You are sorry, for what?” Sango asked hesitantly. Her heart had jumped because she just knew he was going to tell her he didn't want to be with her any more.
“For hurting you. I do not know exactly what I did, but I am sorry,” Miroku practically whispered.
Sango shook her head. “It is not your fault. You really have done nothing wrong. I was just confused. I thought I was ready, but I do not think that I really was. It was wonderful, but I am afraid. And I am sorry that I hit you. I should not have done that because you did not do anything wrong. You did not even try to grope me. I should not have treated you like that. I do not understand why I am so confused about what I want.”
The houshi actually chuckled, which drew an angry glare from the demon slayer. He explained, “I was just thinking how we used to always make fun of InuYasha, but look at the two of us. He had legitimate reasons for thinking no one could love him, and that he could show love for no one. What excuse do we have?”
A small smile started to creep across Sango face. “You know, you are right. We made fun of both InuYasha and Kagome, made light of their feelings, and yet look at the two of us. We were busy trying to push them together, or at least force them to make a decision, but now we cannot do the same.”
Miroku sighed in agreement, but at least they were talking again.
“What have you been thinking about while you were out here?” Sango asked quietly.
“I have been wondering what I did to upset you, what I could do to make it right. I also was thinking about that day Kouga threw InuYasha away from the well. At first I thought that I could not imagine what it must feel like to love someone so much that it hurts to be separated from them, and then I realized that maybe I did. I did not understand the depths of my own feelings for you until you pushed me away. My heart hurt worse when I realized when I could not be near you. But if you did not want me anymore, I could not force myself into your life.”
“I am sorry, Houshi. Can we try again, but maybe not go so far this time? It was nice, but I just was not really ready for that. I wanted to because I was jealous of Kagome, but now I know that is not a very good reason. I do want to be with you, if you still want me.”
“Of course, my dear Sango. It is all that I have wanted for a very long time,” Miroku responded.
Sango moved to sit next to him, and leaned against him. Miroku wrapped his arm around her and then just held her. That was how Shippou found them when Kaede sent him out to tell them that dinner was almost ready.
To be continued…
* * ^~^ * *
If you are interested in how I believe Kikyou thinks regarding herself in the Live and Let Die series, I have posted a oneshot as a companion piece. You will find A Kikyou Introspective at .