InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love at first sight ❯ I Hate Mornings ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hello! Kiako here, telling you: MY SECOND CHAPYS UP! Yay! This is a pretty big accomplishment. I' v never updated so fast! So, I'll stop talk'n and let you read.
Chapter 2
I Hate Mornings
Rin groaned as her alarm clock went off. It was the middle of summer! Why the hell was her alarm clock on?!
` Oh right, mom decided that I should get up at the same exact time EVERY FUCK'N DAY!' Rin thought. She was not a morning person.
She threw her fluffy pillow off her head and onto the ground with frustration. `Oh well,' she thought, `Noth'n I can do about it now.'
She was dragging herself out of bed to take a shower when her cell ringed.
`Who the hell calls at 7 in the morning?' she asked herself as she followed the sound of her ringtone to the vibrating silver phone that lay on her desk, taunting her with the noise that sounded all to similar to her alarm clock's.
She picked it up to find it was Sango. Rin shook her head, wondering what she wanted now. Once Sango had three-wayed her and Kagome at 2 o'clock in the morning just because she couldn't get to sleep! They had nearly killed her the next day.
“Its me, what do you want?”
“Hey Rin. You sound tired.”
“No duh, dipshit, its 7 in the morning and we stayed up `til 2 last night!”
“Oh sorry.”
“Sango, why did you call me?”
“Oh yaaa, Kagome and I are going to the pool. Wana come?”
“Sango, you moron, the pool isn't open yet!”
“Well ya, that's why we're going. No one will be there! And you know how low the fence is.”
“Ok, I guess I'm in.”
“Good, we'll pick you up in about… thirty minutes. See ya soon!”
“Ya. See ya.” Rin said, and hung up.
She quickly found her favorite one-piece and slipped into it. Then she brushed her hair, teeth, and all that other great stuff you have to do in the morning.
Since she lived with just her mother, and her mother worked in the morning she was free to do as she pleased. Just as long as she left a note saying were she was.
So Rin made a quick breakfast (cereal) and gobbled it down quickly, only having ten minutes left. She then grabbed her towel, slipped on her cover-up and shoved some snacks for her and the girls into her pocket.
`Just in time!' Rin thought, and opened the door to the rising sun and her two best friends.
As they drove down the street, they chatted aimlessly, until the conversation turned towards the boys they had met last night at the club.
“Those guys were so hot!” Kagome said, grinning. Sango laughed at her friend's enthusiasm and turned the radio on.
“Hey, you did bring the radio, right Sango?” Rin asked, peering over the seat of her friend's red mustang.
“Of course I did! Its right beside you, idiot! Sango said, taking the question as an insult. “Blind as a bat.” She muttered.
Rin stuck her tongue out at her music-crazed friend, happy that Sango didn't have a hangover. She was cranky when she had a hangover.
They soon parked at the entrance of the community pool and got out of the car. They grabbed their stuff and jumped the fence, then turned the radio on and leaped into the pool.
“SANGO! You just got me soaked! DANM YOU!” Rin yelled, then tore off her cover-up and dove into the pool.
Her mission: to get revenge on Sango
Her Plan: to tackle her and drag her under
She shot out of the water, tackled Sango, and then remembered she was in shallow water and bumped her head on the bottom of the pool. `Well, at least I got my revenge.' Thought Rin, rubbing the sore spot on her head.
Suddenly `4ever' by the veronicas blasted through the speakers and Kagome, the only dry one, turned the music up real loud. Then she plunged into the chlorine filled liquid.
They started to sing to the music just as three figures flew over the gate to the pool.
“Stalkers!” Rin cried when she saw who it was.
It was the same guys from the club! And man, were they looking good in bathing suits!
Sango and Kagome had been in the middle of a race, but stopped immediately to see what was up. They were as shocked as Rin!
“What the hell are you doing here?” Sango said (blunt, isn't she?).
“What are you doing here?” Inuyasha answered with his own question.
“We were trying to swim in peace!” Kagome yelled, annoyed by the sudden attitude. They had disturbed her swimming. She wasn't happy.
“That's what we were planning on doing.” Sesshomaru said.
“I guess great minds think alike.” Miroku said, smiling directly at Sango.
“Who said you had a great mind? Personally, I think your mind is just dirty.” Inuyasha said to his friend.
“Like your one to talk, Inu.” Miroku replied. Then jumped out of hitting range.
“I guess we could share the pool.” Kagome said reluctantly.
“Well its not like you don't do that when the pool's open.” Inuyasha said, sneering.
“I have a feeling this is not going to be pretty.” Rin muttered to herself. Sesshomaru nodded in agreement.
^_^ Great! I got the second chapy done in record time! All you people out there please review! I have no reviews on any of my stories! I'll give you an Inu plushie. See ya!