InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mika- the Inu Ookami Hanyou ❯ Epilogue ( Chapter 27 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

As the flight took off from the Honolulu International Airport from the island of Oahu, Mika looked out the window, marveling at the site laid out below low her from the tropical blue of the ocean to the volcanic mountains. As they gained altitude, Mika noticed the volcanic plains of the Mauna Loa and the Kilauea volcanoes from the Big Island. As she saw the blackened rock from previous lava flows, her thought drifted toward the volcanic plain of her last physical encounter with her father.
Her eyes watered as she recalled the brief look of shock cross his face after she delivered a horrific blow of her `Arctic Dragon' attack, blasting not only him, but Inuyasha and Koga away from each other. “It was as if my display of demonic energy scared him, if that's possible. And yet, when I approached him in his dream, it was… it was as if he…” she couldn't think of the right word to describe the feelings that she felt radiating off the demon lord during her encounter. Mika looked back at the island state as the airplane changed course toward Japan, leaving her thinking of her father and the inevitable meeting with the icy demonic lord.
“Will he accept me?” was the last thoughts of the inu-ookami hanyou as she slipped into an easy sleep for the final leg of her journey home.
As Mika's plane flew across the vast Pacific Ocean, five hundred years in the future, the stoic demonic lord looked out over the same ocean, wondering the same thing. “Will she accept me, or will she side with my ungrateful brother and that wolf and hate me as they do?” he thought as he stood upon a hill. The wind from the ocean blowing his hair out behind him as a silver curtain, the fur at his shoulder gently moved in the breeze, wrapping itself in intricate designs.
As he recalled their last physical encounter, he remembered the `Arctic Dragon' move as well as the immense, raw demonic energy that rippled from the attack. “She needs to be taught how to control her inner demon,” he thought, staring out across the ocean. “If she doesn't learn control, she will be devoured by its lure of blood and be killed by the very blood that runs through her veins. I feel that the wolf doesn't understand the gravity of the situation, nor does the ingrate of my brother. It would seem that this Sesshomaru will have to teach her control, refine her abilities and show her the ways of the Inu clan that she heralds from,” he though as a small, barely visible smile graced his stone features as he thought of his daughter being taught how to suppress her inner demon, and learning how to fight at his side as it should have been so many years ago.
Over looking the Easter Wolf demon's territory from their cave on high, Koga's blue eyes gazed over his domain, thinking of the dream that he'd had a few nights back. “Was all that I saw real? Did she really have that kind of life before she met us?” he thought, recalling the images she had shown them and the tragic, painful death of her adoptive parents. “I will make sure that she does not regret having shown us her inner most secrets and pain,” he thought as he clenched his fist. “If I have anything to say about it, he will never see her again and I will do my best to teach her the ways of the wolf, to protect her from the rejection that she will get from her own father.” As the thoughts of Mika's selfish and arrogant father crossed his mind, Koga clenched his fists even harder, digging his claws into the rough palms of his hands, drawing blood.
He glanced at his hands as he thought of all that Mika had been through in the past few weeks, the fights, demonic transformation, the near death experiences and the bizarre treks through dreams. “She's had it rough, and I hope that she'll accept my offer to stay with the clan. It would make me proud to have her as my own daughter, to raise her and love her as she should have been all those years ago,” he thought sadly as he recalled the final request of his dearly departed sister and the heart ache it initially caused. Now with the opportunity to make amends to his niece, Koga wasn't about to let this chance go. He prayed that she would return quickly and safely to him and his clan.
Inuyasha stood at the very top of the Tree of Ages, his gaze locked on the well that allowed Kagome and now Mika to travel between this time and the future. His thoughts danced around the dream he had shared with his niece and friends, albeit one, as she showed him her world, which was vastly different from theirs, and Kagome's. He thought deeply of the wound in her shoulder, knowing that Kikyo was behind it chilled his blood to the core, not understanding what would have possessed her to do such an atrocious thing. “Why, Kikyo, would you have wanted to harm my niece, now that I just found her? Do you not love me as I had thought or is there something more that I don't know that she didn't say?” he thought, wishing to question Mika as soon as she returned, dragging the answers he needed out of her if necessary.
But as he thought of Mika, the portion of the shared dream that he clearly recalled was the pain that she had felt when her parents died. “I know how she feels, at least in regards to family deaths. I still miss my mother, having seen her die was the most gut wrenching thing I've ever had to deal with, and yet to this day, I've locked those feelings away, not wanting to experience them again. Although, I feel, the lock is weakening, seeing as ever time Kagome gets hurt, those feelings begin to surface and try and take over as they once had when I was a child. Mika should not have to deal with that pain on her own. I should be there more to protect her from ever feeling lost, unloved, and neglected. If it hadn't been for that damned wolf screwing up in the first place, she wouldn't have to worry about being without a family. She would have had me, if I had known, as well as the wolf clan. I'm sure that Sesshomaru, the ungrateful bastard, would do something, but seeing his expression during the playing of her memories, I don't think he would kill her. If he'd just leave her alone, Mika would be okay. I hope that he stays away from her, or else I'll have to take him out permanently.” A depraved smile crossed his rugged features as the thought of dispatching his brother to the land of the dead played through his mind.
Back in the modern era, Kagome hurriedly rushed through her math test, thankful for the review session that she had with her friends the previous night. Once she had finished the test, she exited the school, walking home in the brisk late spring air. It was nearing her schools finals and she was eager to be done with them so that she could devote more time to searching for jewel shards. As she thought about the hunt for the remaining shards, the thought of the one she had given Mika crossed her mind. “I hope that she remembered to pack it when she comes back,” Kagome thought. She recalled the trials and tribulations that Mika had gone through during her shared dream and how the various acts she had to perform had affected her. Kagome clearly remembered the numerous wounds she had received that night, as well as the purifying arrow through the shoulder. “I wonder how she's feeling?” she thought, as she quickly recalled the most hysterical moment of her dream when Inuyasha and Koga had attempted to detain her from fetching Sesshomaru.
Mika closed her eyes once she stopped moving toward the tunnel, making a fist with her good hand as she tried to calm her already enraged temper. Through clenched teeth, Mika ground out, “Go back to the others and SIT DOWN and be quiet! I've just about had it with both of you!!!” Without another word, or a look over her shoulder, Mika returned to the tunnel, unaware of the two, eighteen inch deep body shaped impressions in the rock strewn shore, nor the groans emitted by the prone figures.
As she disappeared into the tunnel, Miroku moved closer to the impressions, examining the effects of the `sit' command. “Kami, those are pretty deep, even by Kagome's standards. She must have been pretty mad about something,” Miroku commented as he looked at the two men.
Slowly, Inuyasha extracted himself from his body shaped crater, carefully checking for broken bones before moving any further. He casually glanced at Koga's indentation and let out a low whistle. “I guess she has more power than we gave her credit for. But how did she know the damn subjugation word?”
Koga carefully pulled his slightly bruised body from his hole in the shore with a quizzical look on his face. “What do you mean `subjugation' word? Does this happen often?”
Inuyasha glared daggers at the wolf demon as he replied, “Only Kagome is able to do this. But apparently in the dream world, the rules have changed.” Once both subjugated men crawled from their furrows in the lake shore, they returned to the campfire with Miroku and the girls, each person thinking about the angered and injured hanyou as they waited for her return.
End Flashback
A smile crossed Kagome's face as she made her way home, praying as well for the safe return of her cousin, hoping that the inu-ookami hanyou would return safely, and yet she was uncertain as to what Mika would do once she returned. “I feel that she doesn't know herself actually,” Kagome thought as she entered the shrine, preparing for another trip to the feudal era.
Sango and Miroku spoke with Kaede at great length about the dream that they had shared with Kagome, Inuyasha, Koga and surprisingly Sesshomaru. Miroku glossed over the details of his dream, not wanting to offend the women as to the nature of the dream that he had with Mika, nor the impure thoughts that he expressed before he realized who it was. He valued his life too much and Sango had a wicked right hook.
“I see,” Kaede commented once all the details had been revealed, especially when Mika had shown them her home and life before being drug back into the feudal era. “So it would seem that she was able to show ye her life before her arrival here. From what ye have said, she was trying to put her past to rest to allow for her future to be uncluttered with memories. To be able to show Inuyasha, Koga and Sesshomaru that she had a good life before the tragic deaths of her adoptive parents, as well as show ye all that she's willing to give up to be here with her new found family.”
“That is what we have come to understand, Lady Kaede. Mika took a great many risks that night, facing demons of every shape and size as well, as we understand, your own sister, Kikyo, whom had fired a purifying arrow at her, purifying her demonic aura for a time, but also wounding her in the process,” Miroku recalled as he sipped a cup of chi.
At the mention of her undead sister, Kaede shook her head as she replied, “Unless provoked, Kikyo would have left her alone. The question remains, what caused my sister to do such a thing? This should be answered, for fear that Kikyo may seek another chance at killing Mika, and this time she won't fail.”
Sango and Miroku agreed as the three set around the fire of Kaede's hut, each deep in thought about what had been revealed as well as their own private dreams two had shared with the young hanyou. All prayed to Kami that she would return soon and safe, for they feared that she was in more danger now that when she had left them.
Deep in thought as to the various dreams that he had entered that night a few days ago, Naraku quickly realized that Mika was more of a threat than he at first thought. “I should have taken her out the first chance that I had,” he thought as he cursed himself. “When I had her in my grasp, she had not yet to transform into her demonic state, acquire armor and a sword, nor did she have the strength of her father to back her up. Hakudoushi was right; we should have killed her when we had her. Why did I have to let her go like that? That will be my last mistake in dealing with her, but now to the plan at hand,” he said as he stared at a figure hidden in shadows near his thrown, “I have a job for you.”
A young, handsome male dressed in a white haori with purple markings and white hakama advances toward Naraku from the shadows. A smile graces his lips as he replies, “What do you have in mind, Naraku?”
“A young woman of mixed heritage will be arriving soon. She carries a claymore across her back and rides a demonic horse with a brown and white coat. Find her and engage her in battle once you receive the signal. If all goes well, you will have your `companion' returned before that time. Take care in not allowing her family to catch wind of you or there will be consequences,” Naraku stated as his eyes bled red, knowing that his plan was hitched to this creature of ill repute.
Flashing a large smile, and saluting the hanyou lord, the handsome man replied, “Will do, Naraku. You have my word on that.” He turned and left the dark hanyou to his thoughts as he himself thought of ways to betray Naraku and gain his own freedom. If it hadn't been for the jewel in his neck and his heart in Naraku's grasp, he knew that he'd be dead, yet again.