InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Obession Can Kill You ❯ New Beginnings ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Obsession Can Kill You

By: 1yaoilover818

Chapter 3: New Beginnings

Inuyasha ended up getting home extremely late that night. He was sure to get bawled out in the morning by his half brother, Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru was his guardian because both of their parents had died in a terrible plane crash, leaving everything to the two brothers, who turned out to be a lot, millions to be exact. So the brothers didn't need to work, but Sesshoumaru, being the independent person that he is went to law school and got his degree to be a lawyer.

His encounter with the famous singer left a mark on him, so to speak. He loved her even more than before, despite the fact that she ditched him in the cinema parking lot. That didn't matter to him though, he'd do again if he could, no matter how much trouble he got into with Sesshoumaru. He knew, however, that it was just a one time deal, what were the odds that they'd meet again?

'But why do I get the feeling that we'll see each other again?'

Inuyasha just shrugged it off after a couple of minutes of thought, slipped his shoes and shirt off, leaving his pants on, slid under the covers of his bed and went to sleep.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Inuyasha hit the button on the alarm clock lazily pulled himself into an upright sitting position.

'Shit, is it that time already?'

He yawned and got off the bed, stretching on his way over to his bathroom. Brushing his teeth,
his mind drifted to the events that occurred the previous night.

'Maybe that was a dream. I mean there is no way I just met the internationally acclaimed "Sex of Pop", Kagome Higurashi, is there?'

"Yeah, I probably just went insane. Next I'll be saying, 'I was the second gunman on the grassy nole!' Yeah that'd be nice to go to the loony bin. She probably isn't even in town."


"What?! What do you mean I have to go to school here?!" Kagome couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Look. You're mother, you know the woman that gave birth to you, is bitching at me that you are not getting an education. And I don't know if you've noticed, but your mother is a scary and powerful woman. I personally am scared shitless of her and I refuse to be the one to face her wrath just because you refuse to go to freagin' school!"

Kagome just looked up unemotionally at him.

"So what's your point? You're my manager, are you not? Do you think I care if you're afraid of my mother? So, unless you want another job, I suggest you go and MANAGE!"

The manager paled at her response.

"That is enough."

Now it was Kagome's turn to pale. She turned to see the head of MC (Music Corporation)
standing in the doorway. Kagome has never been afraid of anyone that she has ever crossed paths in her entire life, except for one. The man standing in her doorway to be exact,
Naraku Onigumo. He'd never done anything to provoke any fear in her, but she just didn't trust him. The way he'd look at her sent shivers up her spine and made the hair on the back of her neck stand on end.

"Now Kagome, are you giving your manager trouble? Do you forget that I pay your paycheck?
Of course if you don't want to do it I certainly can't make you, but I wonder if you can't find a better label than this?"

Naraku looked her straight in the eye and smiled when he saw her fear.

"Do you think your mother would take you back into her home? She does have a company to run,
does she not? Maybe she won't be so hard on you since she's got so much stress from that court case she's involved in. Fighting to keep your own company can really take it out of you."

She knew he was right. She couldn't go back to her mother now, since... No, she refused to go crawling back.

"All right, I'll go. But no one must know it's me, understand?"

"Good you'll be enrolled immediately."

He left swiftly.


Inuyasha arrived to school and sought his current girlfriend, Kikyo. He had to do something and he knew it wasn't going to be pretty. He couldn't keep up this charade any longer. He knew why he'd chosen Kikyo for his girlfriend, but she didn't and that wasn't fair. So now he was going to cut free from her, for her sake and his. When he finally found her he took a deep breath and walked up to her.

"Kikyo, uh.. can I talk to you alone for a minute?"

"Sure lover. Be right Yura."

Inuyasha led her outside of the building so they could talk in private.

"So what did you need Inu-baby?" Kikyo looked up at him pure adoration.

It was obvious to everyone that knew of the couple that Kikyo was just in the relationship for his vast millions he was sure to inherit in the very near future. Even Inuyasha knew that, still it didn't make what he was about to do easier. If anything it just made it more complicated. Gold diggers like Kikyo were always harder to get rid of because once they set their sights on someone they just wouldn't give up.

"For a long time now, I haven't felt... I just haven't felt right about this relationship.
And I can't keep doing this to us. I'm using you for my own reasons. And I know you're using me as well, so there's really nothing keeping us together. I want to end our status as boyfriend and girl and just become..."


Inuyasha looked up at Kikyo, who wasn't phased at all by the whole thing.

"Look if you know I'm using you and you're using me, we might as well stay together. Would you rather break up and have some other girl fall in love with you, following you around like a lovesick puppy? I'd think you'd want to keep your relationships simple, and ours is simple. I don't ask for you to fuck anything, or me but any other girl would. I don't care what you do, you can go and fuck anyone you like, it doesn't matter to me at all. See? A nice and simple relationship, no problems for you at all."

"What?! No no! Is that what you think? That I'm interested in screwing someone else and that's why I want to break up with you? That's not it at all! I'm breaking up with you because I don't want to keep using you like this! I don't want this kind of relationship anymore. I'm sure you can find some other millionaire that actually loves you and vice versa. Kikyo there's nothing wrong with you. You're pretty and smart, you should have no problem finding someone else to fall in love with you. That's just not me. Okay? I'm sorry it didn't work out the way you wanted. Now goodbye, Kikyo."

Inuyasha walked away from Kikyo and headed into the building, leaving Kikyo alone to her thoughts.

Kagome walked into the building of her new high school, Midoriko High School.

she looked around at the at school, with it's unkept bathrooms, vandalized lockers, and stained walls it was the basic nightmare of any famous teen having to attend high school.
"Aww shit."

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