InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Obsession! ❯ Chapter 3~COMPLETED! ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


By Mija

Chapter 3

~~~Kagome was really really freaking out. As irrational as it sounded, she was sure that they knew, that both Kouga and Inuyasha knew she had come last night in her sleep. And what made it totally horrofying was that it had been her first totally full blown erotic dream of Inuyasha. The dream the previous night about Hiei must of triggered some very very intense memories or something because she found herself coming in her sleep again, but this time thinking of Inuyasha. At first when she woke up she was totally embarrassed, but was thankfull that no one had noticed or if they had, not said a word. And Inuyasha not being there had been a major streak of luck. She was sure that he didnt know about her erotic dream when he had come into the hut and started yelling at her. Although she still couldnt explain why he was acting like a total jerk to her all day. But now this?? This was just too much.

"Inuyasha what the hell are you doing?? why are you sniffing me?? Stop it!" she yelled at him, her face beet red. Then she died when he looked up at her and asked her something. Something that made her stomache drop and her heart to totally constrict in her chest, that combined with the fierce look on his face.

"Whose Hiei?" Inuyasha asked sternly. His amber eyes peircing her like daggers, trying to read her reaction to his question. He smelt no male on her, other than shit for brains Koga, and she was still a virgin, so if she was seeing another man then why wasnt his scent on her? Who was this guy? He just had to know cause the pain in his chest was killing him.

"Wha....Whattt?!!" Kagome sputtered, as her face turned the reddest shade it had ever been and her heart raced uncontrolably. She didnt know what to say, she couldnt speak.

"I asked you who is Hiei??..what is he to you??..are you in love with him??" Inuyasha asked with a low angry growl and Kagome thought she was going to faint from mortification. Then it hit her. The other night. The night her regular pretty tame dream of Hiei had changed, the smell she thought reminded her of Inuyasha. The pants and grunts she had thought so life like in her sleep. He had been there. Inuyasha had been in her room while she slept. While she touched herself, while she came.

"Oooh Gods!" Kagome cried with mortification as she spun on her heels and ran like the dogs of hell were nipping at her feet. She was pretty damn close though, since Inuyasha was not about to let her get away from him. He didnt even worry about Kouga, since just before he had sped off after kagome he had watched Miroku knock Kouga unconscience over the head with his staff, when Kouga made a move to go after Kagome as well. He was gratefull that they knew he would never do anything to hurt Kagome and they trusted him to make things right again. he just prayed he could. would he ever be able to forgive her for calling anothers name out? Could HE live knowing she loved another and that he had no chance in hell of winning her heart?

~~~Kagome wanted to die. She wanted to crawl into a huge hole and never come out. Oh Kami, he knew, he was there and she must of called out Hiei's name if he knew it. How could she explain? How could she tell him that Hiei wasnt real? That he was an Anime charactor and shed been fantasizing about him? Oh it was way to embarrassing, she couldnt tell him. She just couldnt. She didnt know where she was running to and she really didnt care, if she was lucky shed run off a cliff or run into some demon who would kill her. She could never face Inuyasha again. NOT EVER! She vowed. But fate wouldnt allow that. Before she knew what was happening she felt herself being lifted into the air and she was racing through the tree tops. She eeped and clung to the solid thing holding her, only to remember that the only one who could do this was Inuyasha, and when she looked up sure enough it was him and he was looking at her intensly and she wanted to die.

~~~Kagome struggled in his arms and had almost succedded in having him drop her, at this height she would die for sure. This pissed Inu off. Did he disgust her so much she would rather die than be in his arms? He looked down at her and growled as he held her tighter.

"Quit fucking struggling before I drop you!" he growled.

"Drop me!...Please I beg you to just drop me!" Kagome replied as she burst into another fit of sobs and covered her face in his chest, hiding her shame and red face, in his red Haori. This totally threw Inu for a loop and confussed the hell outta him. He found a nice clearing a few yards later and stopped there and put her down. He wouldnt risk her trying to jump out of his arms again and hurt herself. No matter how much she had hurt him, he still loved her and would never let harm come to her.

"Kagome?" he called to her and she put her back to him, to ashamed to face him, but knowing if she ran he would just catch her and do this all over again till hell froze over if he had to.

"Go away...please.."came her mortified sob.

"No..Im not havent answered my question and Im not going anywhere till I know who this Hiei guy is and what he means to you." Inuyasha growled back, determined.

"Its none of your damn business you pervert!!!!" she screamed at him as she whirled around and slapped him. His head snapped to the side at the force of her slap, and a red hand print was seen imprinted on his right cheek. Kagome gasped and backed up. She had never hit Inuyasha before. And she couldnt help but feel a bit affraid when he turned to look at her slowly, heat and something else in his eyes.

"Inu...Inu..yasha??..I..Im sorry..I..I didnt mean to..." she stammered but her cut her off.

"Go ahead...slap me..slap me all you want..punch me..kick me...bit me if you doesnt matter anymore...nothing can ever hurt as much as hearing you call another guys name as you came in your sleep." he replied softly, the pain now evident in his voice. Kagome could not identify the look in his eyes. Hurt. Pain. Defeat.

"Oh Inu.." she replied as she sunk to her butt on the ground and cried. She didnt know, she hadnt thought that hearing her come with the name of another man on her lips would hurt him like this. She knew if she had heard him calling out someone elses name as he orgasmed in his sleep, she would be crushed. She looked up at him and saw it, the same look that she would of felt. She had hurt him. Badly.

"Why Kagome?...Why couldnt it be me? Aint I good enough for you? one could ever love you as much as I one would ever take as good care of you as I it cause im a dirty half breed?..tainted?..filthy?.."he asked, more to himself then to her, because when she looked up at him he was staring off into the woods, as if lost in his own thoughts.

"I would of given my life for you Kagome." came his whispered voice and Kagome saw one lone tear fall from the corner of his eye and slid soflty down his still red cheek and onto the enchanted necklace around his neck. kagome's heart broke. No amount of shame, mortification or embarrasment meant more than his pain. Kagome would die before she cause him any sort of heartache.

"Your not tainted or filthy Inuyasha..and if you ever say that again I swear I'll sit you into next week." she began. he looked down at her and smiled sadly at her.

"If it would make this pain in my chest go away then do it...I would welcome it." he told her truthfully. He knew this was totally out of charactor for him, but the pain was to much, the not knowing, the ache of wondering if she could of ever loved him. He had to know. Had to know why she had chosen another.

"Do you remember what Anime is Inuyasha?" Kagome asked, and her face tinted with a bright shade of crimson. But she was determined to make this right, no matter how embarrassing it was to her. Inuyasha looked down at her and frowned.

"What the hell does some hand drawn, moving pic-chures have to do with all this?" he growled at her, thinking she was making fun of his pain. He remembered what Anime was. How could he not, everytime he went to her time her little brother Sota dragged him in front of the TV and had him watch some of his favorite Anime shows with him. Inuyasha admitted that he sort of liked them, especially the ones with fighting and butt kicking. But it was all fake, non of it was real, just a bunch of pretty moving and talking art work.

"Please sit down Inu..this is going to take some explaining and I dont want to explain it twice." she half demanded half begged. He saw the serious look in her eyes and he couldnt help it. He would do anything for her. So he sat, and he listened, and wanted to strangle the woman he loved more than anything. What did she take him for? A fool?

"What the hell do you take me for?..some kind of fool?!!" he barked at her angerly pushing her down on the grass by her shoulders and putting his face right in front of hers as he glared daggers at her. He couldnt believe she had told him such a stupid story. How could she lie to him like this, when it was eating away at his soul?

"Far from it Inu...I think your the most amazing..most wonderfull...most sexy man ive ever met in my life and I would never lie to know that...." she replied sadly as she looked at him straight in the eye.

"Your have to be..." he growled as he sat up and glared at her. She remained laying on her back.

"Im not..dont you think its embarrassing enough to tell you I had erotic dreams of a man who doesnt even exist??..and an Animated one to boot?" she asked him and he glared back down at her and looked her in the eyes again. His heart pounded and raced. She looked serious, her eyes were telling him that what she said was the truth, her scent didnt tell him that she was decieving him, only that she was as she said, embarrassed. Gods he wanted to believe her, he wanted to believe that there was no man out there that had claimed her heart.

"Then why? Why dream of someone who isnt real?" he asked warily.

"I already told you." she replied turning red and looking away slightly with shame, she hadnt exactly told him that it was because he reminded her of Inuyasha and it kept her from dreaming of him all the time. Inu smelt the scent of her covering something up. He growled and layed over her again to look into her eyes.

"You havent told me everything have you?" he asked with a suspicious tone. she blushed more.

"Spit it out Kagome cause you aint leaving here till everythings out in the open." he warned. She sighed.

"Because he reminded me of you....Ive wanted you for so long..Ive loved you for so long...but I knew you would never want me back...I had to stop thinking about you like that..had to stop hoping and wishing for what could never I started to fantasize about something else...something that wasnt couldnt be real, because the thought of someone other than you touching me made me sick." Kagome finally confessed, her eyes shut tightly, affraid and ashamed to look in his eyes. Affraid of what he would say to her or what the look in those beautifull eyes of his would look like after her confession of love and lust.

~~~To say Inuyasha was shocked was a big understatement. But the feeling in his heart was soo strong, so warm and so blissfully wonderfull that he thought he would pass out from the way it pounded fiercly in his chest. She loved him? She wanted him? She even lusted after him? It was to good to be true.

"kagome??..who were you dreaming about last night?" he asked, he needed to know. He eyes snapped open.

" did you know?" she stammered.

"I smelt your arousal..I was out in the tree next to Kaedes."

"Oh Gods." she replied in more humiliation.

"Who were you thinking of??...was it him?? that anime guy?" he asked.

"No." she protested with a firm declaration.

"Then who?" he asked, settling himself over her more comfortably, bringing thier bodies painfully together. Gods she felt good under him, he thought, he wanted her, needed her so badly.

"you." she whispered as she squirmed under him, already feeling the heat of his body penetrate her own, making her aroused and needy and frustrated.

"you dreamed of me Kagome?" he asked, pressing his erection into her pelvis and she moaned and squirmed more.

"Yes." she moaned.

"Not of Hiei?" he asked as he cupped her breast and flicked a claw over a beaded tip.

"No..only you..Ive never dreamed of anyone like I dream of you..even that was you I smelled in my dream..wanted..needed.." she replied, moaning more when he began to lick her neck.

"You dream of me fucking you Kagome?" he asked hotly and huskily in her ear before he nipped it.

"Have you dreamed of me sliding my hard cock into your wet pussy and pounding into you?" he asked huskeir as he took a claw and ripped her blouse off along with her bra. Kagome gasped and bit her lip when he flicked his hot raspy tongue over the tip of her painfully erect nipple.

"Have you dreamed of me sucking your tits like this?? playing with them? fondling them? licking them?" he asked as he followed his words with actions and did all those things to each breast, torturing the peaks and making them rosey red with his attention, as well as shiny wet with his mouth. Kagome gasped and moaned out loud and bucked underneath him as her hands dived into his hair and held him to her breast as if she were affraid he would stop. He did after tormenting her for a bit more. Then he moved down, plastering kisses over her tummy then lower till his face was nestling in her glistening raven curls. She was so wet for him, so ready. She was so into his minstrations she didnt even think to wonder where the hell her skirt or panites had gone and how he had gotten them off without her knowing.

"Have you dreamed of me kissing you here?? sucking your hot little pussy? sliding my tongue between your wet pink folds? sticking my tongue deep inside of your juicy core and making you cum in my mouth?" he asked as he did exactly what he was telling her. kagome was flying. She was bucking her hips to meet his every thrust of his tongue, cried out in need when he teased her puffy aroused folds and clamped around his tongue when he pushed it into her pulsing cunt. He tortured that as well till she was screaming and getting ready to cum, but stopped before she could.

~~~Kagome couldnt believe he had stopped, she looked up and glared at him with heated, lust filled eyes, that were begging him to continue. But Inuyasha saw the one thing he needed to see more than anything. The love that shone in her beautifull grey blue eyes. He quickly tore off his clothes and settled between her legs, taking his throbbing cock inot his hand and guided the tip of it to her entrance where he rubbed her opening slightly, teasing her, lubricating himself.

"Inuyasha!...Please? Please dont tease me?...I need you soo bad!" she pleaded and demanded all at once as she tried to buck up her hips and make him enter her, but he pulled back enough to stay out of her and looked down at her with a frown and heated eyes.

"Dont worry my bitch..Im going to fuck you alright..and its going to be good..soo good you will never dream of anyone ever again..not even some fake Anime guy..and woman if I ever hear you call anyone's name out in orgasm but mine I swear I will make you pay." he warned, and Kagome smiled brightly.

"Why would I ever do that Inuyasha? After all..I have my real life bad boy right where I want him...and hes all mine..and hes all real." she replied just before she cried out as he thrust into her breaking her barrier. He kissed her and lapped the tears of pain from her eyes as he stood stock still embedded deep inside of her, letting her adjust to him.

"Damn right woman...I AM one will EVER or COULD ever make you feel like I will make you feel my mate." he stated possesivly in one long hiss as he felt her move under him, signaling that it was ok to move now. After that there was no words, just grunts and moans and groans as well as alot of panting. Inuyasha thrusted into her with slow and steady strokes at first then his speed picked up, loving the feel of her deliciously tight walls wrapped snuggly around his cock, the friction to sweet to describe, the feel of Kagome's naked body bucking and squirming under him, her loud moans of pleasure, the feel of her hands as she ran her nails delicatly down his back to only grab his ass checks and pull him closer as she wrapped her legs tightly around him bringing them closer together. Soon he was pounded fiercly into her as she panted and shouted yessss, harder, faster into his delighted ears. He gave her his all and more as he pumped into her, the sound of his skin slapping against hers very erotic to him. He felt his climax coming but what pushed him over the edge? What made him want to scream in joy was Kagome.

"AHHHHHHH OOOOOHHH INUYASHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" she cried out as her orgasm hit her and that was all it took for him to thrust one more time and empty his seed into her as he bit her neck and marked her as his mate.

"Mine.." he growled possesivly as he collapsed at her side spooning her to him.

"You'll always be my one and only obsession Inuyasha....always." she whispered as she drifted into an exhausted but blissfull and contented sleep.

"Damn right I will be...I'll make sure of that my mate." Inu whispered in her ear as he too drifted off to sleep.

A/N~Okies that is the end...sooooo was the lemon ok??? wanted to make it better..longer..but this is how it flowed out of me..sorry if it dissappointed..sigh..anyhow hope you all liked it..let me know what ya think k?..till laters be well be safe and happy..huggles and smiles Mija..:-)